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Everything posted by maryyy

  1. Great! Do you know if Maria Elena speaks French? --> Some parts of my ceremony are in French, and if she can read it that would be wonderful. Otherwise, I will ask someone from my bridal party to do it.
  2. Congrats! Your review is really helpful - thanks!
  3. Thanks Ash! I'm lucky, one of my BM his my regular hairdresser - so one less thing to worry about! You are not the first one suggesting the Romantico restaurant instead of the Italian. We are a group of 15, so we will probably fit. I will see when I'll get there! Is Maria Elena a new wedding coordinator?
  4. Ok, I will try to get all my questions in one post! 1. How about thefts? I read on TripAdvisor the scary reviews... I asked the same in the FB group, but how about your experiences? 2. Did you have problems doing your personalized ceremony? (Virg, I read yours - beautiful!) 3. Is their a possibility to have a private area in the Italian restaurant, or is it a open concept? 4. How about mosquitos at this time of the year? And did it rain a lot? 5. What was the best thing the resort did for your wedding, and what were they not good at doing? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks Virg! And congrats to you too!!! Do you have a picture with your guest in the gazebo, if you don't mind to share? We are 15 going + the cuban trio + WC + notary = 20 so it will fit, yeah! Are the chairs an option or is it impossible to have some in the gazebo? With the bridal party and me & my FI, we would only need 8 chairs...
  6. I think that is a great idea! There are a lot of MLD brides and it will be helpful. (I'm getting married there in 14 days! I can't believe it...) Ash - First, congrats! Hope everything went as you wished. Can you tell me if the new gazebo is ready? Gina (same as Melissa) told me it was inaugurated in June, but I would like to have confirmation that it's true from someone who just went to the resort. I hope you'll post your review before I leave! (Will you? )
  7. I prefer the avatar, because it looks more profesionnal and elegant. It is very nice! I also like the white background, it's easier to read.
  8. Congrats! It is a beautiful dress. And the veil, wow! It's just gorgeous! I love the look of both together.
  9. It is gorgeous on you! I love the neckline, beautiful!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE your house is goregous!!!!!!!! Aaaaw thanks! It's hard to see it that way, because we are working on it since 1+ year. We think we will need another year to finish the renovations and really appreciate being in our house. Quote: Originally Posted by jlmille3 hmmm... sounds fishy. I agree with LC_Rachel, maybe having a another party- on you imagined- a little later would be best. That way you are appreciative of what they did trryyyy to do, but then you are still happy as the Bride and have something special like you envisioned in the first place. All the Best! I won't have another party. Last week, when I was mad and stressed, it was a good idea, but not now, not after the one they planned. It would be, in my opinion, an insult to them and to their work. And I don't want to put more stress on my shoulders again! In the end, I learned a good lesson - I should never again stress for something I'm not totally sure about, and just enjoy the moment (and to keep low expectations!)!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by koolatta That sucks, but look at it this way..at least they took the time to organize something for you. My BM's haven't asked or planned anything for me and probably won't. I would totally love for them to acknowledge me but it seems this whole wedding is on me, I have had no help or input from them at all. so although I think they went about it the wrong way, I think its nice that they thought of you (even though they should not be doing it in your own house..don't they have houses they can throw it in??) Maybe they are not talking about the party with you b/c they want to surprise you? Is it something possible? From the beginning, I was glad they organized something for me. It's just that it put a LOT of stress on me, because of all the renovations in the house, and the last details to plan/do for the wedding. My bridesmaids are lovely women, I love them, but I didn't understand why the party needed to be at my house, and not in a restaurant, by example. Now that it's over and that everything went well, I'm feeling better and what I will remember is how fun was the night! They could not host it at their houses, because one of them lives three hours from where I live and people would probably have not come if it was at her house. My other bridesmaid live in a really tiny appartment, so it wasn't a option. My mom could have host it, but she's actually dealing with health problems, and they didn't want to put that pressure on her. I'm very happy that it turned out that way - but that for sure a lot of stress. And now stop with the bla bla bla, here are some pics! My new house by the beach! Yummy buffet (I'm the one in the background, doing a weird thing with my arms...) With my girl pug... she's a good listener when I'm stressed! There are no real good reason to a post this photo, but I love her and she was funny all the evening! Opening some gifts Clubbin'!
  12. Aaaaaaaaaw don't know where to start! My sister-in-law came at my home at 1:00 pm. She needed my opinions on clothes she wanted to buy and she wanted to redo a makeup trial at her home (she will be the one doing it on the wedding day). I knew it was a way to get my out of the house, so we left to the mall. Five hours later, back at my home: the house was decorated with palm trees, beach stuff (a lot of beach stuff), there were beachy backdrops on one wall for photos. There was a small swimming pool full of wine, champagne, beer, etc. and a buffet with very yummy food and desserts. It was a very nice set-up. I did notice some green painting tape I forgot to remove off the wall, but after 5 minutes with my family and friends, I forgot about that. I was so happy to see everyone. It was worth the stress. Two of my friends that had first declined the invitation finally made it, my mom was there, she was so cute. We were ten, and I got letters and cards from my friends that were not there. That was so thoughtful, I cried... The bachelorette party was more looking like a get together & shower & bachelorette. I received a lot of gifts! Later in the evening, my mom, my sister-in-law and my cousin left, and me and my friends went to the club I met my FI almost 5 years ago. That part was the real bachelorette party, with challenges and too much drinking. It was a nice party, I was very happy to see everyone, and I had a lot of fun. More than expected! My bridesmaids took a lot of pictures, but I don't have any yet. I'll post some later, I promise! Thanks for your support ladies, it was really easier to go through the week knowing that I could vent here and share my story with you.
  13. I've been cleaning like a real FREAK today and FI helped me a lot. If he tried to throw me off, at least he worked hard too! Tomorrow's the day, I'll keep you posted. I'm trying to see the positive, and I'm keeping my expectations low. Thanks!
  14. I looooooooove your dress! Wow! And I vote for shoes #1 - the details on them are fabulous.
  15. Same as everybody: 1 bag per couple (with some of the stuff double) and single get their own.
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