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Posts posted by amygirl1169

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blumenthale View Post
    I have done spray tanning at a company called Beach Bum, it is a chemical that increases the melatonin inside your skin so after the chemical process happens it should not rub off. When you first get it it does have a surface color that you shower off about six hours later, that could rub off onto clothing. I went to the tanning salon in the evening, wore dark loose fitting clothing, got sprayed down by the technician, then you get air dried by a blower, then went on my way. I just hung out and tried not to sweat and went to bed and washed off the tanner in the morning and had a great looking tan that lasted about a week. You can pick what color you want, it was about $40 bucks, and if it's your first time at this company you can two for the price of one.
    I would not put on self tanner then wear your wedding dress, you have to let the chemical work then wash off the tanner, then wear your dress. And, tell your fiance that tanning beds are dangerous, he should try the spray tanning if could save his life.
    Hmmm, that is interesting! I wonder if we have something like that in Canada..

    I am a big lover of the spray tan (haha, just check out my avatar for proof, it was NYE) but find it does wear off on light clothes sometimes and comes off even faster when you're in the water/pool, so for me, my wedding is 5 days after we arrive, there's no way any of it would even be left!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LaRomanaBride View Post

    Nadia - thanks for all of the information and pictures. It was very helpful to hear things from your point of view :)

    After seeing those gazebo pics im pretty sure im going to take some pictures there - it looks so pretty!!!

    We finally have everything finalized with the local catholic church so thats all good to go also, now onto packing!
    OMG, how exciting!!! smile29.gif

    Have THE most fabulous time and we're all waiting with baited breath for your review!!!

  3. I agree with the above posters. Most of the WC's are wayyyyy too busy to handle all the emails, let alone start accepting phone calls from all their brides!


    I don't know about you, but even in my own job, I prefer email so I have a trail and something to look back on if I need to.


    It may also have to do with their comfort of speaking English. Perhaps they prefer emails so they can understand it better. And you don't want someone not understanding what you're saying!!


    In your emails, definitely number each question and if it's truly an urgent matter write URGENT in your subject line. When I was stressing about booking flights and confirming the availability of a wedding date, I did this and it worked fabulously. **But for the sake of yourself and future brides, DON'T over use it, or it will obv become ineffective.


    I think because of the volume they're dealing with, they don't even want to talk to the bride until they are closer to the wedding date. I know to you, it seems like it's right around the corner, but to them there are SO many other weddings happening from now until then.


    Hang in there and good luck!

  4. Is anyone else worried about being completely bloated since you'll be 'indulging' in bevvies and food at the resort that you probably haven't been prior to the wedding?


    I've been trying to eat super healthy, working my buns off at the gym every morning and swearing off booze till the wedding to make sure I look good on the wedding trip/big day. But once I get there, I'm totally afraid I'll get bloated in the 5 days we're there before the wedding!!


    I have one friend and her boyfriend that I can count on to hit them gym with me during the trip and I'll *try* to limit the booze shots.gif(probably just stay away from the 'fruity' ones) but are there any natural or over the counter medications/pills/magic potions that can help?



  5. Awww Jenne! I hope you're having a girls night or something!


    I'm getting FI a shredder, since he was SUPER disappointed he didn't get one for Christmas, even though I got him the shirt/tie for our wedding day! (I thought that was pretty romantic)


    We'll hopefully be going to the cottage for the night, which is where we got engaged last V-day!

  6. **UPDATE**


    Thanks for all the feedback, ladies!


    Perhaps I overstated how motherly the sister is to my FI. Since he's the youngest and their mother decided to move out of province when he was a teen, many of his family (siblings/older nephews, nieces, etc) have really been there for him, given him a place to live, fed him, all those caring things family does!

    I also failed to mention that we do send $ to the now elderly mother and also spend a fortune every year on Christmas presents for ALL of the sibling's kids/stepkids (I have tried many times to suggest we draw names or something, but No, the kids need 500 presents under the tree)!


    So when one family member can't come, it's difficult for us to say Ok, we'll help you, but not others. Especially when it's been my family really busting their butts to help us with our house, the wedding and giving us a place to live while our house is being built.


    So onto the update on the drama!


    Once one of the other sisters heard about this, she offered to pay for the full ticket (which she has the means to do, easily). Now the sister who originally started the email got her nose out of joint because 'it was her idea' and didn't want this well to do sister to 'steal her thunder'.


    To add to this, the eldest sister was embarassed and said she felt like a 'charity case'!!



    So, in the end about 5 siblings are splitting the cost and we'll no doubt try to pitch in what we can. IMO, it goes against my principle of saying ~ how do we decide who we help and who we don't?


    We are a few more bookings away from 1 more 'free' trip, so if we receive that, I'm going to give it to my sister/MOH who is currently in school and could really use that money back.

    I think that's only fair.


    In the end, I have about 6 FSILs to deal with once we're married... PLEASE wish me luck! shots.gif hahaha

  7. I felt the same way, but more because I feel bad receiving gifts... I mean I've gone to countless wedding/baby showers, housewarmings, birthdays, weddings etc. but when it comes to all the attention and gifts being for me, I feel so guilty for some reason!!!


    But as it turns out, a lot of people actually want to come to the shower and it's also nice for those people who can't make it to the actual wedding.

  8. haha wow, that is pretty frustrating! But what if all those people she invited actually come? If your resort is anything like mine, you'll have to pay a per person fee! Not to mention any favours/OOT bags/mugs you're doing will increase as well.


    Hope she's pitching in for your expenses!!!

  9. Wow, that is incredibly sad. I can see how hard it must be for you to continue on with the wedding plans.

    Definitely try to incorporate them somehow into the wedding ceremony.



    I hope this story has a happy ending.


  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brbr.bo View Post
    Has anyone come across any other DJ service's besides what the hotel provides? or does anyone know if they do play more of hip/hop and top 40. I'm tossing the ipod idea around, just not sure yet. Kinda like the idea of a DJ

    I was hoping to avoid the whole DJ thing as well, but it seems like it's going to be a big production getting speakers there, so I think I'm just going to shell out the $250.

    However, I plan to have all my songs organized in the order I want them played on my own iPod and hopefully the 'DJ' can just babysit the iPod all night!

    From what I've heard/remember from going to other parts of DR, they tend to play pretty old/outdated/unpopular music there.
    Our group is pretty picky on music so I'd rather just avoid any potential pitfalls!
  11. Ooooh, good idea on the calendar!!


    Lisa, I've never really seen/read you in such a bad mood, so I can tell this is really bothering you!


    Will K say anything to mommy dearest? I mean she sounds like she has good intentions, but going about it in all the wrong way! Mom's do that sometimes... and just need a reminder to butt out!

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