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Posts posted by amygirl1169

  1. Hi ladies!

    I have the cutest pair of perfect wedding shoes for sale! I purchased these thinking I could dye them, but they are a very light silver and not able to be dyed. So I'm back to the drawing board...


    They are a true size 9 and actually pretty easy to walk in. I have not worn them, only tried them on a few times.


    Click the image to open in full size.

    The bottoms are the best! (especially for photos!)

    Click the image to open in full size.

    On me (as you can see they are a very light silver, not white as they appear online):

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Here is the link:

    Amazon.com: Luichiny Women's Duchess Sandal: Shoes


    I paid approx $70Cdn after shipping/duties. I am selling them for $50Cdn or $45US plus shipping.


    Please PM me if you are interested and I will calculate shipping.



  2. I got my ID badges on ebay for $10US for 50 incl shipping. I thought that was pretty good.

    Sorry, I tried to find the link, but it doesn't seem to be active anymore. sad.gif


    I bought my wrist coils from another BDW bride because shipping to Canada from most US online sites was ridiculous, but I was going to order those from Oriental Trading Co. There were many sites I had seen with really good prices on those in the US, but the shipping was like $30 to Can, so it wasn't worth it to me.

  3. I personally used Evite because the deposits were due fairly quickly and I didn't have time to send out the paper invites beforehand.


    Once I had an idea of who was confirmed, I put down the deposit and had the guests pay me back (not ideal as I had to do all the running around but I didn't really have a choice). Then for the remaining deposits/payments, my TA contacting the guests directly to collect their credit card info.

    Then once I had an idea of who was coming or still considering it, I sent out our actual invitations. And that way, you don't have to send out invites to people that weren't coming!


    I was actually just venting today to my BMs about how I can't believe how some of our friends are acting towards me since I got engaged.


    From some of them I feel like a social piranha, they've been totally avoiding me just to avoid having to tell me they don't want to/can't come to the wedding - which I'm TOTALLY fine with. I understand if people don't want to use their vacation time to attend my wedding or would rather do something else with their money/time. I haven't been pushy with it at all!


    But you'd think they would make efforts in other areas just to make up for it - like attending my bridal shower...


    I heard one of my friends purposely didn't open the evite to my shower so that we wouldn't know she had viewed it... WTF? Others just haven't bothered to reply or let anyone know whether they're coming or not...

    I've been there to support them in all of their parties/showers/events and they can't return the favour?


    It is really upsetting, but I guess you learn who your true friends are through the whole wedding process. I mean, I could also care less about the gifts, its just a matter of friendship and principle.


    Sad but true!

  5. Those ^^ are great ideas!

    I did the cookie thing as well. I bought medium sized Chinese takeout boxes, put a sticker with our monogram on the front and tied ribbon of our colours with a little thank you charm. I'll be doing heart shaped lemon sugar cookies.


    I was originally going to do tea infusers but that would've been about $6pp and a little over budget! Good thing my BMs talked me out of it! :)

  6. Just had a cover-up of my old one done last night. 3hrs of pure torture!! It's a little bigger than I wanted but it's growing on me (not much else it can do hahahaa). I can still hardly walk on it.



    Click the image to open in full size.



    Click the image to open in full size.

    Weird... looks all stretched out..

  7. I <3 COOKIES!!! They are also my #1 weakness. If I could live off just cookies, I totally would (and have in the past, but I was younger then, they didn't catch up to me!)


    But about 5 months before my wedding I just said, I DON'T WANT TO BE THE FAT GIRL ON THE BEACH at my own wedding and knowing ALL EYES WILL BE ON YOU all week, should be motivation to do whatever it takes to get yourself in gear!!


    I personally am fortunate enough to have a great gym onsite at my office, so I go every morning before work and then walk the dog every night for about 1/2 hr.


    Do whatever works best for you, but just keep the end goal in mind! That and your upcoming fittings should scare the crap out of you enough to get you in gear! cheesy.gif

  8. Girls, we're all getting so close!!

    Let's get a list of who's getting married when - if you haven't updated your wedding date, please copy and paste into the below list so we can make sure not to miss anyone!

    (p.s. Sorry if I missed someone, I only went back 3 pages into the thread!)


    LaRomanaBride - Feb 2010 - CONGRATULATIONS!

    Bridget - March ?, 2010 (sorry Bridget, I forget your date!)

    Jenne - April 21, 2010

    LaRomanaStacey - April 22, 2010

    Amy - April 28, 2010

    Maybride2010 - May 3, 2010

    brbr.bo - May 7, 2010

    Heather (dolphinluck) - May 15, 2010

    VallieR - May 29, 2010

    LizzyJane- June 7, 2010

    GEM - July 9, 2010

    Andrea (sunandsand) - July 14, 2010

    Nadia - Sept 3, 2010

    LastMinuteCouple - Jan 12, 2011

    KPEG - ?

    hjack - ?

    jlcoon - ?



    Jenne & Stacey, I hope to meet you when I arrive (Apr 23rd)! :)

  9. Pastor Rick is booked on my date... anyone know of anyone else that could perform it?


    BTW, talked to Tiara via email and she mentioned there would be no guest pass fee to bring Pastor Rick in for the ceremony.


    And that if you want to send your songs to the DJ ahead of time, you should send to her and she will give to the DJ (maybe he doesn't use email?)

  10. Hmmm... I originally wanted to have one of our friends or family conduct our ceremony, but the one person I really thought would be good at it, is no longer coming sad.gif


    I also didn't want anything religious mentioned in our ceremony, but FI is catholic, so I'm sure he would appreciate having a pastor conduct it. I've emailed Pastor York to see if he's even available on my date, so we'll see!

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shakara View Post
    firstly God bless your granfather... he looks amazing for his age!! Secondly, what made you decide on doing it ahead... because I seriously am thinking about it... I mean the more I read about how long it takes to get everything the more I'm like noooo i don't wanna wait!!
    Hi Shakara,
    I just didn't want the hassle of having to deal with all the paperwork, translations, etc. Also when we originally were deciding on a DW, we were looking at Mexico and they require blood tests, which I didn't really want to do in a foreign country.

    Plus we wanted a way to include my grandfather since he wouldn't be able to travel down there for the wedding. He was absolutely tickled that we included him in our day and I know it meant the world to him.

    I also had my bands made from gold/diamonds from my grandmother's rings that she left me and that was just the cherry on top for him!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GEM View Post
    Thanks, Amy! I found this forum like a month ago and finally registered:) Hey, how do you get your picture on your responses? I uploaded one but it doesn't show. Also, how do you get your countdown to appear? Thanks:)

    Thanks, Amy for posting those great pics months ago:) And once I figure out this forum I will post my link to my wedding website which is the same layout as yours:)

    My fiance and I are actually really thinking about getting married here, first to avoid all the legal stuff and just so we know that it is legal here in the US. At first I thought it would take away from the actual day but the day we get married here is just a piece of paper. We are just going to have our parents and not make a big deal about it. The day we are at the resort, and I am in my dress, and everyone is there- that will be our real wedding date.
    After reading everyone's posts, I am really thinking of using an outside photographer and dj. I guess I am just a little nervouse because I don't want to be scammed. Can anyone shed light on this? Pics and dancing are really important to us and our guests and thank God for this forum because this is stuff I wouldn't have thought of without it!
    My pic is my 'avatar' which I believe you upload under 'User CP'. My ticker is from a 'ticker' website that you copy the code from and then insert into your 'signature' also found in the user cp section. You'll get the hang of it!

    You can list your wedding website link in your siggy as well.

    We got married last week at City Hall and just had my best friend and my 97 y.o. Grandad who can't travel to DR with us. I wanted him to feel special and included in our big day and he was just tickled to attend. I didn't really want anyone to know, but my FI was so excited and has the BIGGEST mouth that I think everyone ended up finding out... but whatever... the big day is when I'm in my dress and everyone is there to witness it!!

    I'm going with HDC photo, which I think we've talked about throughout this thread and there is also another thread on BDW about it. They look really good and very reasonably priced.
    But for DJ, I'm just going to go with the resort one. I do want to have all our songs specifically laid out by playlists for him to play.
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