So my TA gives us a rate for our resort, (Dreams La Romana) and says that the supplier will only guarantee the rate for the next 4 days - so guests interested in booking with our group at this rate, must put down their deposit ($150) by Monday.
Ok, not a huge deal... except that a) our TA who is supposed to do the collecting is in Vegas for a wedding and the balance of the payment for the full cost of the trip is due by the end of August.
So I've set up an evite to let everyone know the situation and quite a few people are saying that it's too quick to have to put down a desposit and August is too early to pay the full trip cost.
Is this the normal procedure for booking groups? I feel like it's a pressure tactic, but really, if the supplier gave us a little bit more time, more people would be likely to book with us!
Am I just naive to the world of booking travel??
I am starting to super stress out and can't wait for this to all be settled!