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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. So today my aunt, who is a former hand model was telling me how right before they would shoot, she would hold her hands up in the air to make the blood drain from them. This makes them look less veiny and more youthful! I immediately thought, hey good tip for when we're taking the 'wedding ring' pictures after our ceremony! Just thought I'd share that totally random thought with my BDW girls!
  2. IMO, you can't go wrong with chicken... and the cottage cheese and olives sounds DELISH - and healthy!
  3. Once again, thanks for sharing your great find! You are giving me so many ideas and I LOVE it!
  4. I agree with keeping them on your finger! Someone would have to take my finger before they take my ring!
  5. Thanks for the quick review! I was so anxious to see pictures of your dress and I wasn't disappointed - STUNNING! Congratulations Desiree!!!
  6. Wow, you look stunning in your avatar and siggy! Congrats Desiree!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Princess402 I'm thinking about something like this for my aisle chairs: Ohhh, I love that!
  8. Would love to see pics of the birdcage veil... and how much are you asking?
  9. We're going through the same thing! We thought we had about 45 people who were FOR SURE coming. But when we sent out the information for the group booking, (a pretty good rate too), and many people say they want to try to get a last minute booking or just can't afford it right now, etc... although I think these people will end up paying whatever price they find at the last minute just because they really want to come. Hang in there, hopefully more people will book soon! November is not that far away!
  10. I wondered the same thing... we have said no gifts, but I know some family will probably still want to give us something, or heck, even just cards of best wishes! I have a friend who is designated as the 'wedding coordinator', so I was thinking of just having her bring along a nice white drawstring bag or something in case this does happen.
  11. I have a friend going through the same issue!!! I will suggest the carrying!
  12. What a phenomenal slideshow!! I got teary eyed at the picture of your groom (also getting teary eyed) during your ceremony!! What a beautiful wedding, congrats!
  13. Sorry to hear that Lisa! I went through the same thing with my uncle... my aunt said, if he wants to come, he will find a way to afford it. Tell her how you feel, it probably won't change her plans, but at least you'll feel better getting it off your chest! Hope your day gets better!
  14. We just bought a house! It was so exciting! Enjoy and good luck!
  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress! Reminds me of a more glamorous version of mine! Do what feels right to you! I think that dress would be perfect for the sky deck and terrace reception.
  16. Hi Dreams LR brides! Just wanted to vent a little... I had based all of my pricing for my wedding package on the rates I received from Dreams PC because I was having trouble getting the info from the WC at DLR, but she said the packages/prices are the same at all Dreams resorts. I was a little disappointed when we finally got the pricing from the WC and added up all of the same things... It was approx $500 more and you actually receive less (I'm referring to the private reception dinner and cocktail hour). The WC's response was that the price difference was because DLR is a better, more luxurious hotel than DPC... but I've never been to either, so I will just have to take her word for it! :s Are there any new DLR brides out there? There seems to be so few of us!
  17. I'm booked at Dreams LR, and we are going with the free wedding package and then upgrading for a private reception. I know prices at each of the Dreams is different (which I found out the hard way, after basing all of my pricing on Dreams PC and then found out that Dreams LR is more $$) but our total cost for approx 40 people will only be about $2000-2500, which includes a full meal and cocktail reception beforehand. Good luck with your planning!
  18. I agree with big3n09, your FI should be honest and say that because of things that happened and the way his parents felt on the last trip, it's probably not a good idea and you don't want any drama at your wedding. On the other hand, are her parents maybe trying to make up for it and get more involved with your FI's family and family events? (Just playing devil's advocate.... I'd be too.)
  19. Ugh, so sad... that site endless.com doesn't ship to Canada!
  20. I saw that episode last night too! I've heard it works wonders, but yikes...expensive!!! Let us know if you try it!
  21. Awww, poor guy... we're going through a slightly similar situation... we had really thought most of FI's friends would come but most of them are saying they can't afford it or are going to wait and try to book last minute... So now he's only got his BM (his brother) and no groomsmen He too is the type that's always there for everyone else and now it seems no one is there for him... he gets burned time and time again because of that trait. But it's what makes us love them, right?! Hopefully some of your FI's family will pull through last minute. Good luck to you!
  22. I agree with the girls above. I think most couples pay for their own weddings nowadays and if FMIL wants to invite her friends, she can pay for them herself! Just explain that with trying to pay all the costs for the invited guests, extra people just aren't in the budget!!! Hopefully she'll get the hint! Good luck to you.
  23. Woohoo! Good luck to all the ladies!
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