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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. Awww, how cute!!! And yes, we want PICS!!! (We are picture whores, as you will see)
  2. Oh that REALLY sucks!!! I'm not sure I have any advice...other than just keep trying to find someone to cover your shift! Good luck to you, hope you're attending a party on Saturday!
  3. Welcome to BDW! I'm also getting married at DLR - check out the Dreams La Romana thread for more information and add anything you can as well!
  4. Great thread! - I'm not sure what I want... but I've heard other brides on here getting special wedding perfume from their grooms. But I think just a nice card with some special words between the 2 of us would be nice. - I was thinking of getting him a watch... but I LOVE the embroidered socks idea!!! (Thanks da.shmoopies!) I also want to do the pictures with our 'furbabies' holding signs that say: 'Will you marry our mommy today?'
  5. I have the same dilemma! I think we should just grin and bear it with a cute dress regardless of the weather!
  6. Love those dresses! Are they Isis? My sister had bought one and it looks great on her, but when I tried it on, I felt preggers! The material is perfect for a DW though, so light and airy!
  7. ha, great thread! I love the funny ones! I was thinking of putting something that was an inside joke to us... the date is also a good idea so he won't FORGET! lol FI's ring is tungsten... so I have to find someone to laser engrave it.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by akkelly Hi everyone! I am planning to be married at either DPC or DLR in 2011 and am just beginning to look into everything. If anyone would be willing to send me any info you have receieved from either resort in terms of options, pricing, photography, flowers... esentially anything I would really appreciate it. I have looked at the info on the websites but it only gives minimal info. I am planning a site trip to DR this October/November just to check things out and will post any comments I have. Thanks so much! Hi akkelly, Send me your email address and I'll send you the extras list the WC at DLR sent me As I mentioned in an earlier post, I also have a price comparison we put together that shows the price difference between the basic packages at DPC and DLR - where DLR seems to be more expensive and you actually get less for your money... Tiara's response was that they are a 'more luxurious' hotel than DPC... I've never been to either, so I have no idea if that's true.
  9. Ohhh, so cool! What about 1 band on either side of your e-ring in the same shape? Keep us posted on what you decide!
  10. Yikes, some of those came out really big, sorry!!
  11. Ok, there are a lot... and I think some have already been posted, so apologies for any duplicates!
  12. Yikes... tough situation. I'd probably feel the same way. The only positive spin I can put on it, is to think about of it as you're getting to share this life experience with her? Good luck, hope all goes well.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by VioletVol haha I blame this forum for many sleepless nights. First it was the addiction to reading every possible thing. Then it was the stress of thinking about it all. Now its actually doing all the projects. And yet its my favorite thing ever. I love it!!! It's a dangerous addiction! So many ideas/projects! All the things I said I wasn't going to do (invitations, menu cards, favours) I'm now doing! LOL
  14. Ohhh good idea... I'm not really digging the sashes I've seen in the pictures Tiara's sent me so far. Our colours are orange and hot pink/fuscia. Also, I was only planning on getting married earlier in April.. how long does it take for your certificate to be issued?? I hadn't thought of that.
  15. I'm in the same situation... We actually closed on our house (it's a new build, so won't be ready until right after the wedding next year) the same week as we booked our wedding trip... talk about STRESS! I was trying to fax papers here and there while trying to get people to RSVP and put down their deposits at the same time. I even had a little breakdown one day as I was driving to the sales office to give them our down payment cheques... Since we have 8 months to save, the closing costs and wedding costs - it's going to be a TIGHT year financially... but you gotta do what you gotta do! All the best to you!
  16. Yikes... not a good situation to be in... But I think most girls would have the same natural reaction to their husband spending so much intimate time with an attractive female. Definitely tell him how you feel and how disrespectful it was for him to keep you waiting 45 minutes outside for him... Sometimes I think guys just get caught up in a pretty girl talking to them (who isn't their wife) and lose their sense of reasoning. A new physiotherapist is definitely in order! Good luck to you.
  17. We're doing it before we leave. Keeping it small and on the DL, but by no means a secret. If people ask, I'll tell them. It's too much hassle to do the real thing there! I'm sure none of my guests would rather attend the city hall ceremony vs. the 'real' symbolic ceremony!
  18. Eeek... I agree, that is MAJOR stress on your wedding day... but I guess the best option would be super early and FAST, so you can start getting ready for the real thing. Definitely don't do it in between ceremony and reception. You will be even more stressed and probably won't look as good at the reception - ie. sand on your body/hair, make up not fresh and same for your FI (well not the makeup I'm sure ).
  19. Don't you love the selective responses?! lol I had the same problem, but if you email her again, with the same questions, she should eventually reply. I believe you can pay for them to decorate or you can bring your own decorations. I'm doing the free package and then just upgrading for the things we want/need. So I'm not sure what's included in your package, but Tiara does have the 'extras' price list. *Send me your email if you would like me to forward it to you.* From my experience so far, EVERYTHING is an extra charge. I don't think you need to pay the $300 for the minister/jp. Either the WC or someone you designate from your party can be your officiant, so there shouldn't be any charge for that. I think I will bring a copy of our marriage certificate just in case they need to see if for any reason.
  20. I'm not quite sure either... I don't want my parents to have to take more time off work (and I don't think they'll be able to anyway). But we've asked my grandfather, who's 96 and probably shouldn't travel, to be our legal day 'best man'. Hopefully we can keep it just the 3 of us and go for a nice lunch after.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck Hi Amy, Did she give you the 2010 rates or 2009? What are the differences if you dont mind? Thanks! Hi Heather, I forwarded you the email with the price discrepancies. The comparisons were based on 2009 prices from both resorts. Sorry for the delay, I just saw this post!
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