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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. My vote is for lace also. SOOOO romantic and sexy!! But you also have the biggest smile in the other one... decisions, decisions... Good luck to you! You will be stunning in either one!
  2. That's awesome! I'm doing our Bouts as well. What are you going to use to stick them on?
  3. Oh how sad I'm sorry you're going through this. Stay strong, you have each other and I'm sure you will prove them wrong together! Good luck to you
  4. What are you guys attaching them to? I was thinking those coil bracelet thingys, but where do you buy those?
  5. Oh this is so cute! Here are my kids (Coby, a pug-a-bull and Arnold, the cat). They get along...sometimes!
  6. Hi, I think there is another thread where the girls were discussing passing around their birdcage veils. I believe it was titled: LF: Birdcage Veil with Aqua or Orange stones. Good luck to you.
  7. Congrats, Lisa! Hopefully your aunt will understand and be excited about your weight loss! Just explain it to her and she'll understand Good luck to you!
  8. We're doing our stag/stagettes at the resort once we arrive. It's just easier and everyone is already together!
  9. Ok, here goes... 1. I was once on a game show where I chose the worst final category and ended up losing terribly. I was paid $1 for my appearance and I still randomly get calls from people saying they saw me on the show. 2. I am a complete shopaholic. I imagine that the high I get when shopping is similar to heroin. 3. I feel that I was meant to live in California. Even though I've never even been there. 4. I never dreamt of a getting married when I was a little girl. I thought I would be a business woman who wore suits to her high powered job and lived in a condo downtown – possibly with a boyfriend, but that was negotiable. 5. I have an annoying little tumor in my brain that's been there since birth and doesn't really cause me any side effects. I only found out about it because I was in a car accident and they did a CT scan for good measure. It will reside there until it gets bigger and then it'll be removed!
  10. I love the rich brunette colour. But which one do you feel better and more special in? I'm a natural dark blonde, but I've tried to go darker and I just don't feel like myself, so it's always back to light blonde! I'm thinking of going super light blonde for my wedding
  11. How RUDE! Actually for BOTH of them! Delete her off fb so you don't have to worry about her writing these little 'jokes' on your profile and tell your close friend to kindly keep the details of your life to herself and not share!
  12. We got 1 in 12 go free, you just pay the taxes. We've also been upgraded to the Honeymoon Suite (subject to availability, so we'll see if it actually happens) and 'Elite' status on the flight - I think that means extra baggage, priority boarding, etc. We're also trying to get our entire group upgraded to preferred service at the resort. I originally dealt with DW.com, but decided to go with a local TA instead because I heard they are not TICO insured (Ontario travel insurance)...
  13. Wow, it really is a real-life version of Bride Wars! How rude! Definitely don't share anymore with her!!!
  14. What an AMAZING story!!! I read the whole thing and want MORE! hehehe Have you proposed yet?!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I know you must be heartbroken to have to change your plans!!! I'm wondering if you play this differently, you can make it easier on yourselves... let everyone think that the reason you're changing your plans is because it suits you better. I got to scribbling down some notes - I didn't get it quite put together, but maybe you can use it and fill in some blanks: We thought a big wedding Was the fun thing to do But then we decided We like it, just us two So we're off on our own We're sneaking away Can't wait to tell you all about Our secret wedding day Good luck!!! Oh, how creative!!! LOVE it! Puts a cute spin on a not so cute message! Sorry you're having to write this, Natural!
  16. We've decided to stick with our original booking and just do the 2hr bus ride. A few of our guests agreed that with some Presidente, it'll be all the more fun! We looked into re-booking with a few other suppliers and even though the online rates seemed low, the group quotes came back $300pp more than Sunwing!! Plus Sunwing and DLR have agreed to upgrade us to stay Woohoo!
  17. Booohooo, I just got a call from our TA and he said that Sunwing has decided to stop flying directly to La Romana after March 2010... ughhh... so now we have to fly to Punta Cana and take the 2hr bus ride... Our other options are to: 1. book at a one of their other options in Punta Cana (Bavaro Princess, Punta Cana Princess or Grand Oasis), but none of them are as nice as DLR and I've already put our deposit down for the wedding... 2. cancel our booking with Sunwing altogether and find another supplier. But we've already put our 1st and 2nd deposits down to Sunwing. But, there is a booking through Air Canada Vacations that leaves 2 days later (Sunday) that's about $100 cheaper. Arriving on Sunday (our wedding is booked for the Wednesday) - is that too close to the wedding date? Is anyone else doing the bus ride from PC to LR? I was so happy our flights were direct to LR and we didn't have to do the bumpy trip... Oh, AND they want our decision by 5pm tomorrow... I'm not too happy with Sunwing right now!
  18. WOW, talk about luck! You should go buy a lottery ticket
  19. Thanks for the tip! I'm heading to Texas next week for work and have already plotted out all the Targets near my hotel! So unfair that we don't have one here! waaaahhhhhhh
  20. Ah crap... forgot, we haven't booked a photographer yet. We were hoping a family member who is an amateur photographer would be coming, but we're not sure yet... We might just go with the hotel photographer...
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