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Everything posted by amygirl1169

  1. I'm pretty sure that will be lifted by April. That's what they were saying on the news anyway.
  2. The last newsletter was GREAT! Thanks for putting it together for us, ladies!
  3. I also changed from my original resort because as you said, you're willing to shell out more money, but your guests probably aren't! As I was researching, I started to have really bad anxiety about telling guests the price of the trip. My TA kept assuring me that they were good prices, etc., but even when I ran the numbers by my MOH and BM's they were pretty shocked and said they might not be able to afford to come. That's when I decided that price was really important to me and luckily found a 5 star resort for a decent price. Even still, some people thought it was too much money - you have to remember, that most people are used to booking last minute trips, which with a wedding, you just can't afford to do. But I consider our rate to be really good for the quality of the resort and those who really want to come will be there. Oh, and most likely 1 week will be almost the same price as 4 days from Canada.
  4. They look great! Who is Shavon, can you share her website? Thx!
  5. I have a similar situation, where the BM and his wife are flying from another province, and it was cheaper for them to fly in a day or two before us, and I have to admit, at first I thought the same thing as your FI and mother, that they're going to know everything about the resort before we even get there! But really, what can you do? It's not a big deal, unless they start trying to control your plans and that's just not cool regardless of how much they know about the resort.
  6. Have you tried etsy? ie: Set of two Ivory Flower Hair Pins with by VirginiaGeigerJewels[]=tags&includes[]=title
  7. I think given the choice, most people will likely opt to go to the more cost efficient resort and just visit your resort on the day of your wedding. Perhaps if they don't plan on staying at your resort, they don't feel like they 'have' to rsvp? Maybe you should clarify that and ask for responses regardless which resort they plan to stay at. Good luck!
  8. Hope you ladies all had a wonderful Christmas!! My soon-to-be family reminded me that this is my last year as a 'Walter'! Eeek! lol I'm super excited for our wedding dates to be approaching! 4 more months for me!
  9. Wow that's stunning! Where are you buying your non-breakable vases from? And how is everyone planning on bringing all their stuff down?
  10. I love the buttons and I think it looks stunning on you as-is (you have an amazing back!). I'd say leave it
  11. Love it! Thanks, Nadia! Another thing added to my DIY list! lol
  12. What a pathetic, pitiful person that would bother to spread their negativity like that. Don't waste your time worrying about the sad loser that wrote it. That would just satisfy them. You know it's not true, that's all that matters.
  13. Hi girls, Just fyi, I posted my veil and hairpiece I made over the weekend: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...irpiece-53019/
  14. Now, for the finished product together! Basically just set it as you want and put the comb in your hair and pin it down as appropriate. I will also be adding scattered rhinestones to it (very carefully with the hot glue). Sorry the pics are a little yecky, it was 2am! lol Oh and a little hairpiece I made with the leftovers! Will maybe use for the bachelorette or something!
  15. Hi ladies, Since I had such a hard time finding information on how to create your own birdcage veil online, I thought I would share this here. It was actually pretty simple, and if I had of been able to find the netting in the width that I wanted, it would be practically no work at all! I live in Toronto, and I got all of my supplies at Sussman's bridal on Queen St. W. I bought a little extra of everything in case I made a mistake and the total cost was about $60. The 1st step was to cut the 1yrd of netting into half and then very carefully sew it together by putting a running stitch through each square (I actually knotted every few squares). Because I wanted at least 15" width and this was only 9" I had to do this. There will be a slight seam, but you won't even notice it. Sewing completed: Next, add on the metal hair comb at the width you like and attach by very carefully hot gluing it. For the flower/fascinator, these are the materials I started with: Feathers of different variations, silk flowers, felt to create the 'base': Start by gluing the longest feathers to the felt base. Then I put a few stitches in this to make is sit circular: And again with the next layer: Add the metal clip (hotglue again): Finished product!
  16. What?! omg, I totally do not want to use the DJ!! I had planned to organize all my songs on our iPod too. My co-worker's dj at her wedding played the wrong song for their 1st dance...that would suck!
  17. Thanks for the support ladies. I ended up emailing the service rep to express my disgust, but now FI is upset with me, saying they (the construction guys) are going to try to get revenge on us. I'm hoping the supervisor will be on them now knowing that we have been checking up on the progress. If they lock us out, so be it. This was the service rep's response: First let me begin by extending my sincere apologies on behalf of the **** Home Corporation. Unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this has happened, and I am sure it won't be the last either. We try to govern this as best we can, and do not look upon this lightly I assure you. Our contractors are aware that if they are caught defacing any of our properties, termination is imminent. Unfortunately people continue to use the homes as a washroom, even though we provide proper facilities for our trades to use. Again accept my apologies. Rest assured that we will have your home cleaned up and disinfected immediately. I have already informed construction who will in turn issue the clean up. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
  18. omg, ADORABLE!!! Make sure to keep anything valuable out of his reach! I had to have a few heels replaced on my shoes... and a brand new kenneth cole camera case SHREDDED the very day I got it... and so many other casualties to the puppy teeth! lol Good luck, they are the best companion, you will love every minute!
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