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Everything posted by *Meagan*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kuteliya Lol!! thanks Tam..! Trying to breathe! It just seems the day is just getting closer and closer and so much other stuff keeps appearing that needs to be done! PS I haven't touched any AHR details yet! YIKES! Just booked the venue and thats it! hahaha Same thing for us! We booked it and we basically got a WC for our AHR that runs the place we rented so she is doing everything. All we have to do is pay haha!
  2. HI Keisha! Welcome to the BDWF! Happy planning and congrats!
  3. Welcome to the forum!!! yayay for 3 weeks!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennyco116 Katie Holmesawson's Creek LoL it has to be a movie! hehe!
  5. Thanks V! Im really trying to have the body I want for the wedding and so far so good! It really helps me to stay in control! Your FMIL will love it!
  6. HI Natasha! Welcome to the BDWF! Happy planning and congrats!
  7. HI Sarah! COngrats and welcome to the BDWF! Happy planning!
  8. Hi Nuni! Welcome to the forum and congrats! I was not a bride on the Caribbean Princess. BUt I was on their first voyage! Gorgeous ship! You will have a blast!!!!
  9. *Meagan*


    HI alice! Congrats and welcome to the BDWF!
  10. HI Lorina! Welcome to the forum!
  11. Hi Kristin! Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  12. *Meagan*


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  13. The injections are not actually approved to be used in the United States. Only the drops and oral sprays. you can check out NU Body HCG oral spray or ... I have used mediral hcg drops. I have bought them all over. As long as you are purchasing mediral you are good. Iam on it right now and feel AMAZING!!
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