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Everything posted by *Meagan*

  1. welcome amanda! congrats! and happy planning!
  2. *Meagan*


    welcome nichole! congrats! and happy planning!
  3. welcome erin! congrats! and happy planning!
  4. welcome maritza! congrats! and happy planning!
  5. *Meagan*

    Hi Everyone

    welcome tifany! congrats! and happy planning!
  6. *Meagan*


    welcome ashley! congrats! and happy planning!
  7. Great Story!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome! congrats! and happy planning!
  8. *Meagan*

    Hi Everyone

    welcome ciara! congrats! and happy planning!
  9. welcome! congrats! and happy planning!
  10. Kirstie Alley : Look who's talking
  11. like! (like going to the salon) coconuts?
  12. OMG SO CUTE!!!!!!! I love them!! I would def mix jelly bean flavors.. even though I know jelly beans are ridiculously priced! great find! whats the website?
  13. *Meagan*


    welcome tina!! congrats! and happy planning!!! that is quite a ways out... I would highly suggest start off slowly.. but make payments for anything and everything each month that you can. Dont wait until the end. Im at the 4 month mark and Im freaking out because we still have a lot of money to spend. So 2012 is great and def gvies you enough time to plan carefully !!! good luck!!!! and happy planning!
  14. Gladiator : Joaquin Phoenix
  15. Carla Gugino : American Gangster
  16. Oh man I loved this dress on you!! so super gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. like (when Im not alone!) pouring rain??
  18. I am a beaches brides and have contacted my WC about this and Yes you can have a photographer if they are staying BUT they can not be a professional with all of the equipment etc. So Beaches/Sandals saying yes you can but you really can not. Hand held camera, no extra equipment, no nothing.. that is not allowed. So its riduclous basically. I have hired someone on T&C to take us off property before the ceremony to take our pictures!
  19. Christine Taylor : The Brady Bunch Movie
  20. What a bummeR!!! I am so sorry this has happened to you! I freaking hate money and wish we were all rich.. lol! ANyways I think if that is the photographer you want .. go for it!! I wouldnt change anything until october 1st when you pay her the deposit for sure!! But I think it will all work out for the best no worries!!!
  21. I love lists. Make a list of all the must have's and dont needs and start asking around!!!
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