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Everything posted by *Meagan*

  1. welcome KATIE!! congrats!! and happy planning!!! my wedding date is 1.23.2010!!!! ya for January brides!!
  2. Welcome to the forum tina!
  3. welcome beth!! congrats!! and happy planning!!! I love Magens Bay! GORGEOUS!
  4. *Meagan*


    welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  5. welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  6. *Meagan*


    welcome tamika!! congrats!! and happy planning!!! your wedding date was our original date, itis the same as my parents! I thought it would be a neat idea. But we decided to change it after we decided on a DW!
  7. Wow these are from way back! pretty neat!!
  8. welcome to the forum! you will find all the answers you are looking for here!
  9. welcome hillary!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  10. welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  11. welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  12. *Meagan*


    welcome alejandra!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  13. welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  14. welcome jasmin!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  15. welcome carla!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  16. welcome!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  17. welcome tara!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  18. welcome lori!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  19. *Meagan*


    welcome winnie!! congrats!! and happy planning!!!
  20. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! michael jackson?
  21. Matthew Lillard : Summer Catch
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 I really do appreciate your advice but I'm still honestly not worried about it. I have confirmed with my TA, and more importantly the resort, that this won't be an issue. I'm following their rules, that my photographer must be a paying guest and I'm paying for a 3 night stay. The resort is still making their money and that's all they care about - whether it's by using their photographer or whether it's me paying for additional nights at the resort. I mean if the actual Beaches resort is telling me it's ok, what else can you ask for?? And here's how I'm looking at it --- unless it's a local photographer that they are familiar with, how would they know who's a professional photographer or not? They certainly aren't doing background checks on each guest. I mean some of our guests have some pretty nice camera and video equipment, that includes things such as tri-pods, extra flashes, additional lenses etc. but none of them are professional photographers. But you can bet that they are going to take pictures as well as video and there is no way the resort can tell them what kind of camera equipment they can or can't use. Just my 0.02 That is totally fine that you feel that way.. Maybe its different for beaches turks and caicos. I actually emailed the General manager from T&C about this and he flat out said it is prohibited. And they can stop the use of large flashes, tripods, etc yada yada. Im just trying to help. Obviously they are not going to be able to point out a professional photographer staying as a guest but I was told they do not allow large equipment etc. To each is own. We have hired an outside photographer to take us off property for the pics Im looking for. and we will use theirs for the ceremony.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 I really do appreciate your advice but I'm still honestly not worried about it. I have confirmed with my TA, and more importantly the resort, that this won't be an issue. I'm following their rules, that my photographer must be a paying guest and I'm paying for a 3 night stay. The resort is still making their money and that's all they care about - whether it's by using their photographer or whether it's me paying for additional nights at the resort. I mean if the actual Beaches resort is telling me it's ok, what else can you ask for?? And here's how I'm looking at it --- unless it's a local photographer that they are familiar with, how would they know who's a professional photographer or not? They certainly aren't doing background checks on each guest. I mean some of our guests have some pretty nice camera and video equipment, that includes things such as tri-pods, extra flashes, additional lenses etc. but none of them are professional photographers. But you can bet that they are going to take pictures as well as video and there is no way the resort can tell them what kind of camera equipment they can or can't use. Just my 0.02 That is totally fine.. Maybe its different for beaches turks and caicos. I actually emailed the General manager from T&C about this and he flat out said it is prohibited. And they can stop the use of large flashes, tripods, etc yada yada. Im just trying to help. Obviously they are not going to be able to point out a professional photographer staying as a guest but I was told they do not allow large equipment etc. To each is own. We have hired an outside photographer to take us off property for the pics Im looking for. and we will use theirs for the ceremony.
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