Thanks for all the advice! As of today, I STILL have no price. I decided to request quotes from 2 other TA's and am still waiting ( it has been days) I called on of the TA's to see what was going on and she called the resort and they said by tomorrow they would have a price. UUGH!!! SO frustrating!! My FI's friend- the TA who was originally using- was in my opinion, trying to scam us somehow. He insisted that west was only airline that flew there and he kept saying we had to pay in full by Aug 31st and deposits had to be in by Aug 10th. When my FI told he we were shopping around for better packages, he freaked out and said he would match whatever anyone else told us. Oh and somehow, so conveniently, he even said he talked west jet into lowering the price by almost $100. Something is fishy here- I think he wanted to charge all my guests " a little extra" so he could have a nice little vacation of his own.....or maybe he had some special arrangement wirh west jet. I'm so angry with him- talk about taking advantage of someone. What do you guys think? My FI even wants to pay him " for his time" !!! Can u believe this? Time? He ruined MY TIME!!!! I'm wondering now if there actually were flights available for May when I originally booked my wedding, which he basically said to change because there were hardly any flights and the ones that were available were super expensive. There are TA's out there who are willing to bust their butts to give a no obligation quote and my FI wants to pay him for making me miserable. Go figure...Oh well... I will keep you updated. Hopefully I get some news tomorrow. Thanks for listening!!