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Everything posted by taugania

  1. You will love all the info you get on this site. It's very addictive! Enjoy and good luck with your planning!
  2. AWESOME!!!! You must be so excited. 20lbs is a huge accomplishment. Great job and keep it up!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by melnickovich Thanks everyone for the encouragement! -Taguania, I've had people say that to me too, "why do you have to go to Mexico, why can't you just have it around here?" In fact when I told a few people it was going to be Mexico, they said "oh, well we will have to get you to change your mind about that." Seriously, they have all had their weddings (some of them 2 weddings, lol) and done what they wanted, now it's our turn. Maybe I just need to drastically cut my guest list, haha I often wonder if it would be more fun with a smaller group anyway! You all will have a great time no matter who does and does not make it to Mexico! It's your dream, it's your life. Don't let anyone bring you down! In my opinion, it's their loss!
  4. taugania


    I'm a Bermuda bride to be as well. June 2010. If you have any questions for me let me know.
  5. I'm right there w/ ya! If you are not happy about it, don't come!!! STAY HOME!!! It's as easy as that. I've only heard things through the grapevine. Here's the worst one I've heard so far. "Why do they have to get married in Bermuda anyway? Can't they just get married here (Charlotte, NC)?" The person relaying the info to me responded to them with, "well, she's from upstate NY, so if not Bermuda it would be in NY." Now get this response....."I don't understand why he didn't just find a girl from around here." Don't sweat it, there are negative people around no matter what. You could pay for their whole trip and they still won't be happy. It's your wedding. You are going to be the one who looks back at it over and over again. Do what you want!!! Have fun.
  6. I can see why you are having such a hard decision here. They both have their positives. I love the front of the second dress and the back of the first. I think you will be happy with either dress.
  7. Those are great! Thanks for sharing. Your guests will be super happy.
  8. The first dress is BEAUTIFUL and w/ your figure it's perfect.
  9. We are getting married in Bermuda June 16, 2010. We will be cruising out of NYC on the NCL Dawn. So far, we have decided on the following: Planner: Bermuda Bride Photographer: Amanda Temple Cake: Not doing a traditional cake b/c we are having it at the beach after the ceremony and don't want Fondant frosting. Instead we will have Bermuda Rum Cakes. Location: We will decide this when we visit in a couple weeks. Thinking about Stonehole Bay, Jobson's Cove, Warwick Long Bay or Chaplin Bay. They are all right next to each other. We will have a backup plan due to weather. Reception: to be determined but it will most likely be back on the cruise ship. Let me know if you have any questions as I will be there mid October for a planning trip.
  10. Yay! Love that it was so perfect and specific to the two of you. Congrats.
  11. I voted for #3 but it was hard to pick between 1 and 3!!!! I don't think you can go wrong with any of them though.
  12. Both of the dresses are beautiful on you. I think the silk dress is stunning on you.
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