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Everything posted by alkoch

  1. I think it would be kinda fun to be separate the night before, it adds to the excitement! The lady at our hotel asked if we needed special arrangements for the day before because it is a Mexican custom not to see each other at all. I don't think we will take it that far but maybe do some separate guy/girl group stuff
  2. We aren't sure yet but he will be staying with either his cousin or friend. Then I am having some bridesmaids over to my room!
  3. My parents just got back from PV and they went to the church to meet with the priest, when he said he would be there (office hours) I had called ahead to confirm this, since my parents don't speak Spanish. No one ended up being there and then they had the hotel call the church and they called and no one answered the for the entire week. I am a little worried now- I want to make sure they will be there for the wedding!! Also my parents were supposed to pay them then and now I am not sure how they want us to pay. I was planning on calling Monday. Has anyone ran into this with them or have advice on how to make sure they show up for the wedding? Also CONGRATS JESSICA!!!!! I hope everything goes GREAT for the big day!
  4. Could you wrap the ribbon around the pail? I was thinking it would be cute with layered ribbon and a nice bow or something with the table number even. Also maybe if you dig in the sand and put the candle in there (not sure how safe that is or practical) Good luck! I like the idea!
  5. I don't think you should send them the link in an email or anything, but I do have a link to our website on this site and on Facebook so other people can see it but they are not invited! Also I can see sending to friends and stuff if you are only inviting family down, then it might not be so tacky. Good luck
  6. I love the flowers! And I think they will look really nice next to the dress!
  7. How Fun! We just had ours today and it was awesome, it got me soo excited for the wedding. Personally I like dark jeans better for dressier things. They also usually slim you so I think they would look better in photos! Good luck and have fun!
  8. Meghan Sorry it me so long to get back to you, I just wrote please RSVP on our website Www.website.com or call Annette @ (xxx) xxx-xxxx Hope that helps
  9. People are insane...this is just embarrassing. I can't believe people are like this
  10. I would definitely give Misti and email! Patience is a virtue proved true on this one!
  11. I love it, my FI and his friend (he is the BM in his wedding this Nov) Just went out one night and it was just understood - I thought it was funny!
  12. I think we need to bring this thread back to life, maybe we can even exchange tips or something. I am at a total loss, I just graduated and can't get a job for the life of me, and its really stressful because my FI is in law school so he doesn't have a job and won't for another year and a half. I am living at home so at least I don't need to pay rent but I just don't know how we are going to move out on our own with nothing. A nice old lady I know was telling me how her and her husband got married with $300, and that was it. My parents also got married with very little money when they were young - but I stress so much about how we are going to make it. It doesn't make matters better that I was offered a position and now the lady won't return my calls. I also work part time at Kohls but it is getting bad there the people are so rude and I am starting to really hate it. I guess I should be happy I have at least that but I have been so down lately it really sucks. I keep joking that I can't even be a housewife because we aren't married yet!! Oh well I just thought I would add my vent to this thread and maybe we can help each other out with job stuff & since we do so well with wedding ideas!! Oh and Susie Q, I just read an article how a lot of companies started and did great in a recession (trader joes was one of them) I was just looking into selling a book I wrote.
  13. I was told the same thing by my travel agent - as long as the passport name and the name on the ticket match you are fine!
  14. Thanks for the review - Do you still have the contact information for the transportation you used? thanks!
  15. LRO - did you get any more information? I need transportation for all the guests and then a separate car/van for me my parents and my bridesmaids. Thanks!
  16. TCI Bride I think thats a cute idea. I am going to do events of our lives together tables, like one table will be the summer we met, then the places we traveled, graduation, Halloween, college days, engagement...
  17. Great Job!! They look awesome! I was going to attempt this but I have 5 girls and 7 guys and I wasn't sure I could do it! Now I wish I had!!
  18. Hey guys Vistaprint now has photobooks also! They have cheaper ones and the nicer ones with hardcover - I'm going to use that for my BD book, Whiteboard book, engagement pics, and wedding pics. Hope it helps!
  19. Jennifer Garner : 13 Going on 30
  20. Congrats! You looked great! I loved your hair and dress!! -Its similar to mine!! I like how you guys were able to do it by the beach in jersey so you got some destination wedding in there!! Congrats!!
  21. I love it all! I want a Vegas wedding now too! I love your dress and your veil. Where did you get the dress? I am trying to find one for our legal day, and I want to make a birdcage veil for the legal day too - but I'm worried it will be too dressy. Congrats Again MRS!
  22. DIY- Like (but can get frustrating) tacos??
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