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Everything posted by alkoch

  1. I still haven't heard back from ANY churches, but I am leaning to the Maria Reina de la Paz. Hopefully they email me back soon! I am soo impatient.
  2. You look so beautiful and happy in it!!!! I think you should keep it, I think that it will look beautiful and not at all too formal!
  3. We are doing cards too, and the wipe boards too. We are going to put these cards in the oot bags so they have a while to think of what they want to write. Lisa, I saw those cards at Michael's too! That was my inspiration. I ordered ours from visaprint, we are going to put our address on the postcard once we find a new place. Here they are (my 1st DIY project!! yay!) Front: Back: The caption on the back reads: Marriage is more than rings and tossed rice, So grab a pen and send us your memories of the week or words of advice... I kinda personalized something I found on a website
  4. You look great! I think once she does the final alterations it will be perfect! Congrats
  5. I am so sorry that you have to go through this! Hopefully you can find another seamstress that can fix it for you, maybe see if your friends have anyone really good to recommend. Good luck! I hope everything works out!
  6. Congrats and welcome! I am planning my wedding in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, there is tons of info in the Mexico threads.
  7. Yeah the churches in puerto vallarta downtown are only like 20 min away but the marina is farther away. Its kinda confusing though my TA and the lady at the hotel are telling me different times, I wish I could just drive it. My parents are going in Oct for vacay & staying in the marina area and they might drive to the resort we are going to stay at for the wedding hopefully I will know for sure soon! I just wish all these churches had emails and we didn't have to deal with calling - but then again its taking forever to get their responses. The ride could be kinda fun though cuz everyone is going to be on a bus together (minus my parents, me and the bridesmaids)
  8. We had been dating for about 3 years when he proposed and it will be almost 4 when we get married.
  9. I agree with everyone, and try not to let her bother you too much. If you want you can send her email updates (that is what I'm doing) that way she can't complain she is not included.
  10. I wanted to do this too for the DW, was it easy for the guests to get the photographer to take the pictures? I want to make sure we get a pic of every comment! - I like the idea of leaving a camera there, but I am worried I will forget it.
  11. Thanks Jess that does answer some questions, I might come back with more! I am trying to decide if driving 50 min to the church I love is crazy and if I should just pick a closer church...uggh i just want to get the date set! It has changed 3 times already, so I just want to book everything. We have the resort now we need the church!!!
  12. I love it! Congrats! The back is great! mine has the low v back too!
  13. I like the drink ideas! Even if you are still nervous just remember that the nerves will help you do great! I haven't done mine yet but I'm sure once you get started it will be fine! And don't worry about the way you look - just leave it up to the photographer to get great shots with you looking awesome & sexy!
  14. That sucks, good luck, I hope everything works out. We just started looking and we want to buy but I am worried about hidden costs!
  15. For me I am using the ceremony date because that is when we will be married in the church, which for me is what signifies the start of the marriage when you make the sacrament. But even if I was just doing a beach side wedding I would want the date to be when all my friends and family were there, it seems more like the real wedding than the legal day IMO. Or you could just celebrate both!!!
  16. Hmm what about going to micheals or another craft store and have them help you make a bouquet of peonies? That really sucks I'm sorry! Good luck!
  17. sounds like it would work good, maybe just talk to the bakery about it and see what they say, they might have some ideas to make it look professional
  18. I guess I am the odd one out, we are not doing a group booking because we could get the price cheaper by not doing it, we are loosing out on the buy 10 get one free special but I think it will work out better, Now all the guests can just put down a down payment of $200 a person and that includes insurance so we get the lowest price from the day of the deposit until the day we leave. The hotel is going to reserve some rooms together for us and they are also giving us some group rates. Also we are doing the deposit with a charter so the names can be changed and so can the dates so if someone has to change their date or the dates they can be there it is no problem. Also the guests can book whenever they want.
  19. We found this diet in a magazine (its a book) And I love it, we always do it before a vacation to loose a few extra pounds or during the spring to loose the winter weight. the first time I did it I lost 16 lb and kept all of it off except like 3/4 lbs and that was when I was in college drinking and eating horrible! I did it 2 more times and I lost 5 lbs each time but the first time I got sick so I didn't stick to it entirely and the second time I was surprised with a trip to Jamaica (where I got engaged) and it cut it short! The other good thing about this diet is it only is 11 days and its in stages so it doesn't seem that bad and now we still kinda eat like we are on the diet. Also there is one day of no eating but the juice you make somehow really satisfies any hunger you might have - and believe me I eat all the time! I was really worried but it worked great! But it really motivates you to keep losing or maintain your lower weight! Good luck and your dress is beautiful!! Here is the link to the book for the diet: The Fast Track Detox Diet - Ann Louise Gittleman
  20. Jess - I emailed them this week, If you don't mind I have some questions about the church: How have they been to work with? I just read that some churches don't allow sleeveless dresses- did you have that problem? Also were you able to pick your readings (or who read the readings) Are you doing a rehearsal? And if you don't mind me asking how much is it for a wedding there? Thanks!
  21. This reminds me of the name suggestions for a baby shower I was just at - it was twins a boy & a girl. During the pregnancy the couple nicknamed them dot and dash - not really human names but still cute! Some suggestions from the party were: Barack & Michelle; Andy & Ann; Jack & Jill; Brock & Leigh (my moms all time favorite) hmm I think thats all I remember. Good Luck!
  22. I am looking for a church too (We wanted Maria Reina but its like an hour from our resort) If anyone knows any churches south of town - we are staying at the Barcelo, I would really appreciate it! Also this site has some email addresses for churches: Visite PV: Iglesias
  23. I am doing a boarding pass invite and I was going to have them RSVP on the website, do you guys think I need to add the option of them mailing them back to us? I am not going to put postage on it so I am not sure what to do!
  24. Sierra - what kind of church is Puerto Del Cielo at Hacienda San Angel? It looks beautiful!
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