Ok so I don't want to go into the dirty details (I will write FOREVER!) but basically right after we got engaged my FMIL started hating me for no reason and being really negative with anything about the wedding. Then recently we started having troubles with my FBIL, he is upset he isn't getting married first (he is 7 years older than my FI) he has been a real jerk lately about everything - he got in a fight with my FI about having to pay to go to Mexico and then didn't call me for my birthday because he was mad at my FI (what??), and my FI's other brother complained about being in the wedding - so we have been going through a lot (and that's not even starting about my Grandma crying every time I try to talk about the wedding because she is so upset).
So tonight my FI's oldest brother texted me asking if his friend could use our discount because he just happens to be going to Puerto Vallarta "around" the same time. I start trying to help him get the best deal giving tips and everything and then I find out that he is actually planning on having his friend (who is a jerk and a sleaze bag -he grosses me & my FI out) stay at the hotel the week of the wedding and just not come to the ceremony or the reception.
So he basically just invited his weird friend to our wedding without even asking and trying to trick us into giving him a discount on airfare!!! I don't even know what to do - I know I could be nice and let they guy come but I really don't like him ( I was even uncomfortable having him stay at our lake house for a WEEKEND - much less being in a foreign country for a week with him)
Ahh I just don't understand - why is this sooo hard, everything we have tried to do has had some problem because other people are NUTS!!
Thanks for letting me vent - I have a feeling I will be adding to this thread A LOT during the next year