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Everything posted by alkoch

  1. Your FI did a great job! The video is so sweet, that is awesome that you got it on camera! Congrats Congrats Congrats!
  2. I will try to see if my contact down there has any pictures of the flowers - And I won't see the church until we go but my parents are going in oct and taking pics. I don't know if you guys have seen these pics but these are the ones I have of the church:
  3. Thanks guys I just can't believe that we are having these issues Thanks for the support!
  4. I love them! I will have to refer my photog to this thread so we get great shots too!
  5. There are a lot of threads about these flowers, and many brides posted pics too, do a search for real touch flowers, I know this thread has a lot of info - http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39914 good luck!
  6. Congrats! Everything looks great! I love looking at pics everyone is always so happy it makes me excited for my big day! Oh and I loved the music on the slideshow!
  7. I love it and thank you so much I needed an example I was still trying to figure out how it would all work! I just bought the white boards! (1.99 at menards) and what a coincidence we are doing postcards too, I was thinking of having a box at the reception for people to drop them off or maybe at breakfast on the last day.
  8. That's a good idea Jessica, I need to write all this down so that I dont forget to talk to the priest about all this. Are you getting excited to walk down the aisle? I just realized that your wedding is so close!!
  9. I might be a little late on this but my friend just bought a bunch of beer and wine and some hard liquor and had a friend do the bartending it saved her a ton of money. I was thinking you don't even really need a bar tender if you just have all the stuff out and you could get kegs that would be cheaper than bottles of beer.
  10. I am sorry that you are going through this - we kinda have a similar situation and when we first got engaged my parents told me what they had learned from experience with a family that doesn't have us as a priority. I never realized how we are so much closer to family friends than relatives. I think the one thing you just have to keep reminding yourself of is that the people who are going to come are the people you know are truly there for you. and your true friends.
  11. Ok so I don't want to go into the dirty details (I will write FOREVER!) but basically right after we got engaged my FMIL started hating me for no reason and being really negative with anything about the wedding. Then recently we started having troubles with my FBIL, he is upset he isn't getting married first (he is 7 years older than my FI) he has been a real jerk lately about everything - he got in a fight with my FI about having to pay to go to Mexico and then didn't call me for my birthday because he was mad at my FI (what??), and my FI's other brother complained about being in the wedding - so we have been going through a lot (and that's not even starting about my Grandma crying every time I try to talk about the wedding because she is so upset). So tonight my FI's oldest brother texted me asking if his friend could use our discount because he just happens to be going to Puerto Vallarta "around" the same time. I start trying to help him get the best deal giving tips and everything and then I find out that he is actually planning on having his friend (who is a jerk and a sleaze bag -he grosses me & my FI out) stay at the hotel the week of the wedding and just not come to the ceremony or the reception. WHATTT So he basically just invited his weird friend to our wedding without even asking and trying to trick us into giving him a discount on airfare!!! I don't even know what to do - I know I could be nice and let they guy come but I really don't like him ( I was even uncomfortable having him stay at our lake house for a WEEKEND - much less being in a foreign country for a week with him) Ahh I just don't understand - why is this sooo hard, everything we have tried to do has had some problem because other people are NUTS!! Thanks for letting me vent - I have a feeling I will be adding to this thread A LOT during the next year
  12. Congrats! The pics look great can't wait to see more!
  13. OMG - that is crazy?? I wonder what the back story is, like the husband said why didn't she just get a divorce?
  14. Gorgeous! It is perfect for a destination wedding, and I love the straps so different!
  15. Thanks for the pics Edna! I just updated my website! I just love this church! - Do you happen to know how far this church is from the Barcelo La Jolla de Mismaloya?
  16. Hello All, I just booked at the Barcelo for june 2010! The only bad thing I have heard was about the food, but it seems as if there was some bad food served one time - hopefully it wont happen again - my friend stayed here and loved it.
  17. I love your dress! And I Love Love Love #4, I am going to obsess over finding some knock-offs. I love them (did I say that already?) If I had to pick a second I think #2 I love red high heels, so classic! Good luck they are all great, can't make a wrong choice! Let us know what you decide so we can all be jealous!
  18. Hmm I wonder what he has for english masses, I can read spanish but I want/need the mass in english. Maybe if I just translate everything for him he will be fine.
  19. Hmm I am not sure about that one, I think you could get married by a priest if you are not in a church as long as you don't want a full mass. The one thing I know is that you have to be a baptized christian to have a catholic ceremony with your catholic FI. Maybe have him ask his parish priest and you can bring him with? Good luck let me know how it goes. Oh and I love your wedding date! How fun!
  20. Thanks for your input everyone! I really really really love the church that is farther away - it has the atmosphere I want and the people are really nice. Someone on the forum (I think it was Jess on another thread) suggested that I just say it is 45 min trip so I figure I will do that. Also its a catholic mass ceremony so it will be longer so hopefully the guests wont feel like they are just driving all day. Oh and i love the idea of having some food/drinks on the bus I was thinking of getting some water and beer bottles for the ride home (I don't want any one sloshed at the ceremony!) Thanks again!
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