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Everything posted by alkoch

  1. I just saw the episode where they are in DC, and I thought it was funny how they went to an Ethiopian restaurant. I'm sure that the producers suggested it to get ratings (wow look at this large traditional family at an ethnic restaurant!!) Lol, Also the episode with the boys bday party at the bowling alley ( I can't remember his name) Anyway I thought it was interesting that Jim Bob's sister had Amy and just got married recently - it just made me think how accepting the Duggar's are of others decisions/ways of life that are different than their own. Also does anyone know when Anna is due? she looks like she is getting big!
  2. So I just entered a quote for Shavon's and it said that not all people will get selected to have their flowers done by them. Did anyone try and not get chosen? I was a little confused. Thanks
  3. Congrats on the weight loss Lisa!! That is so exciting! Can't wait for the pics
  4. Sorry to repeat the question but where is #2 from? I am looking for my legal day and I can find one I like anywhere! Also where did you get the shoes from? They look like Louboutins I love them!!
  5. I am stillll waiting for Misti Abner to send me mine, I am starting to think she forgot or it got lost. I might see if my photographer can do one at Lake Michigan beach in Chicago when we do our engagement pics
  6. I am doing my own makeup also and I think if you want something nutral you should do browns, like a deep chestnut in your crease, a nice medium brown on your lid and highlight with a light tan w/shimmer. It would add just enough ummph to make you look made up but not overly done. You could also us a highlighter outside your eyes & on the high parts of your cheekbones for some shimmer. I would go to makeup counters and play around. I wear Mary Kay so you could always see if a Mary Kay lady will come and show you different options applied. Good Luck!
  7. Love them! I wish they were in my size I have had a hard time finding blue shoes- I think I am just going to get some from the bridal shop and get them dyed.
  8. Congrats! They look great! I love the detailing on the side of your ering also!
  9. Thanks! I got mine at Kohls and they are actually on clearance right now there ( I wish I would have gotten them for that price)
  10. This is what my FI is wearing with a white button down.... And my dad is wearing this shirt and khaki pants. His shirt kinda coordinates with the groomsmen shirts but not too matchy matchy.. here are the GM shirts ( there is embroidery on the side panels) Hope that helps a little!
  11. Looks great! Congrats on a great dress! And I think your hair down and wavy would look great with the dress!
  12. So I started watching the show like a train wreck - I just couldn't believe it, and I mostly watched it for the shock value of what their life is like, but now that I watch it regularly I'm starting to like them myself..lol. I just have to wonder if the kids are brainwashed or something - because I have never seen a family much less with 18 kids that believe and act as their parents believe and act (there is at least always a screw up or a black sheep come on..they can't alll be perfect) JK - well kinda I really wonder how they did it with that many kids But I am surprised or amazed that Michelle's uterus hasn't "fallen out" (not sure if that's the right term) I have some friends whose families are from Mexico where lots o kids is the norm, and all of their grandmas uterus's "fell out" due to all the births. Sorry if I sound like an idiot about that but we talked about it in high school so I not sure how correct my info is! Also I love the cousin Amy she cracks me up!
  13. I love them! We are kinda doing the same thing with the different colors and different dresses!
  14. Sherri- I am so sorry to hear/read all this. Nothing ever seems to be easy, personally after hearing all these stories and experiencing some of it, it seems like the root of most of the fights is that the parents aren't ready to let there son go (mostly the moms). But don't question your relationship and your wedding! I am sure that you and your FI love each other and are meant for each other, don't let your FILs get the best of you guys. My Dads parents have always been really shitty toward him and in result to our family. Some how how they treat us brings our immediate family together, we try to laugh it off. Your FI is lucky to have such a great girl to deal with all this stuff from his family. Maybe you can have someone on FIL duty for the wedding and if they try to do anything they handle the situation without affecting you. Good luck with everything I hope they see what a negative effect they are having on your wedding. Keep us posted! We will always be here to listen and support you!
  15. Thanks guys that really helps me, I was leaning toward white, so I think that is what I am going to do!!
  16. I am not sure what to do and need your opinions! My bridesmaids are all wearing different shades of red, orange and yellow dresses. Here are pics of the colors from the website, but the colors look different in person and these aren't the dresses they will be wearing. I know I want a colorful bouquet but I don't know if I should have their bouquets be colorful with all the colors, one solid color like red (which is my main color) or mainly white with greenery. Also for those of you who did real touch bouquets from an online vendor when did you order yours. I thought I could wait a few months but I was thinking of getting them through Shavon's and it says she already has dates through 2012. I just didn't want to do it too early. Any insights and pictures are appreciated! Thanks Annette
  17. Great job!! Did you paint the maracas? I think I have the same ones from OTC but mine are plain, and I wanted to decorate mine. Thanks for all the ideas!
  18. I am glad I found this thread! I love Project Runway and I am actually glad it is on Lifetime now because I don't have Bravo anymore, which is upsetting because I love Top Chef but my FI is DVRing it because he gets Bravo. Anyway i was worried they would send home that guy with the shorts too, but I am glad the Melvin guy left he was a little to weird. But the winner did a great job I though she really stood out. I got my FI into the show when I started watching it and we are both big Micheal fans (from a previous season-i dont remember which one) but we were upset he choked again in the All Star challenge, but I love Kato (sp?) so I was glad. I also just read an interview about Tim, and I found this interesting - he just bought his first place and he is 56. And I can't believe you guys like Santino!! he drives me nuts lol. Its like he was trying to be annoying and thats why he was on the all star show, oh and why was jeffery there if he already won Wow I didnt realize I have so much PR pent up convo!! lol
  19. Amy Smart: Just Friends
  20. I think if you are getting them for free its definitely worth it, I wasn't going to do them but my photog offered to include them with our package. When else do you get nice professional pictures of you and your FI? I figure we might never have this chance again so I am taking it!!
  21. I dont think its tacky either - we decided to do our invitation now in place of a save the date because everyone wanted to book right away, we are thinking that we will send out a reminder to book when we would have sent out an std - we are just doing it backwards.
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