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Everything posted by breens

  1. Hey ladies! Willowtree statues...I kind of like them, but not for a wedding gift! I have exchanged with a few close girlfriends, sisters and SIL's...but that't it and only one, the collection is a bit much for me. Krista B-Glad to hear things are moving along! you are much farther at this point than we were! FI waited until weeks before the wedding to pick out groomsman attire and it was difficult because of the large range of sizes, super small to super tall and big, and he couldn't do it by himself, which meant I had to help him and I didn't have the time, needless to say it was a "moment" for us, a learning curve if you will. I told him after I helped him that in the future, if I ask him to do something and it seems too early to him, to just do it. If promised to do this, I said that I wouldn't get mad and let it go. We'll see how that goes Oh, and we were finalizing uploading music to our iphone up to the point our car was waiting to pick us up, to the point where we had to load our laptop (which we weren't planning on) to finish when we arrived at the hotel. Uuughh! Trust me, don't do it! Susie! So nice to hear from you and yes, I agree with Chris, an AHR with wine gifts sounds great! Also, your "bitch in the hood" parenthood phase cracked me up!!! Too funny! Brooke-Where exactly are you moving to? You may have mentioned before, but I was wondering if it was near where you are currently? for some reason I thought youwere moving to some island...And I noticed on FB your last JFK flight...is that because you are moving? BTW how are you feeling, I hear all that you are doing and am jealous of your energy! Maybe I am just old! ha ha Chris-How are the photos coming along? I am still hoping to catch a glimpse! And I saw the ones you posted on the barcelo thread and wanted to tell you I loved the way your reception looked. It is amazing how different the locations can make it, but I loved your style and thought it was super cool! As far as the pregnancy I am 9 weeks, 4 days! All in all ladies, I think I am doing better. Getting a belly pooch, which translates to, can't suck in the lower little belly below my belly button. My jeans are a little tight around the waist and sometimes I have to unbutton my pants while sitting too long at my desk. I am hoping it stays this way for a few more weeks before anything drastic. I am really concerned about gaining this weight. More so because I have pretty much been my same weight for 6 years, before that only 5-10 lbs less. I am so worried that with my metabolism and difficulty losing weight, that it is going to take me forever to lose it. Other than that nausea only happens about 2 times per week. Don't miss drinking, actually the thought of it makes me sick (which is truly bizarre). Worry that I won't like it as much when I can drink again! Anyways, listen to me ramble on and on! Wishing you all a happy hump day, I know I am excited Wednesday is already over!!!
  2. Something really random, but for those of you leaving soon and have not heard from your WC's yet, check your phone messages when you check into your room. I hadn't heard from Victoria several weeks before the wedding and still had questions regarding the DJ and scheduling our meeting when we got there. She had left a phone message in our hotel room that we were meeting the next morning at 10, we didn't get the message, but went to the office to talk to her that morning anyways...so moral of the story, check your phone messages in your hotel room after you check in.
  3. Oh my Krista, that photo is too much! Brooke, glad to hear the reception was a hit! Crazy that you made the announcement at 2:30am, more for the fact I am in awe that you can stay up that late, prego and all And I agree with Chris, you have to tell us about these crazy gifts. The only thing I received that wasn't on our registry was a red vase, but I love it. Krista B-Glad to hear your hand is feeling better! And yes, we are looking forward to your photos! Better get back to work, it is pathetic that I am happy it is already Tuesday and not Monday anymore, lately I just don't want to work much! ha ha!
  4. We did the Strawberry package and had a total of 50 people including the bride and groom. The wedding was held on the beach in front of the colonial (in front of mariachi grill) and our reception was held in the mariachi grill (outdoor open air restaurant). Our reception was initially going to be on the beach, but it was too cold at night and had rained off and on during the week we were there, so we opted to have it inside, and by the amount of dancing we had, I am glad I did. We used the DJ from the resort and they did a good job. My wedding photographers are from Florida and do travel, you should check them out if you are looking for photographers, they were awesome!!! Divine light photography dlweddings.com
  5. Brooke, don't overdo yourself, be sure to take some time to breath and relax. You are making me feel like a baby. I was so fatigued the first weeks. Also, your ticker cracks me up that now "mommy's realizing she needs to clean the toilet a little bit better" I was actually thinking that about our toilet last Saturday during one of those moments. Also, you are so funny about Chris's coworker, that would be funny. Also, speaking of hilarious, thank you for sharing the TTD bloopers, it made me chuckle, it was cute! Krista-Yes, saw the pics on FB, looked like such a good time! but yes, like Chris, i want to know, does it feel sooooo good to put your dress back on and get dressed up?!?! I had a dream about it, but it was that we went back to the resort for a month anniversary and I didn't have my dress and all the other brides were wearing their dresses and I was so bummmed. Krista B-take it easy girl! Don't hurt yourself! I am sorry to hear the dress isn't working out, would simple alterations work? Tricia, enjoyed your review, it is always fun to see how others went in more detail. I still haven't done one and feel alittle bit guilty, but don't know how great it would be if I did it now anyways... Chris, no worries, we totally understand, people like that are annoying. So sorry you have to deal with her on a daily basis, but I think Brooke has some good ideas! Ali, looks like you had a great time in NYC, glad to see. I followed your photos on FB Well, I am sorry if I missed anyone, trying to catch up here hope you ladies all have a great Friday!
  6. Hello Ladies, since everyone was sharing, I thought I would too. My photos are being hosted on pictage.com and you can look it up as sabrina sanchez wedding Cancun Mexico. You can see everything from the spa to the ceremony we had on the beach and our wedding reception in the Mariachi grill. Like svetayasofiya mentioned, it was everything we had envisioned, lots of color, lots of fun...so please enjoy. We stayed in the Tropical and were married in the beach in front of the colonial. Hope this helps!
  7. Krista-I am so glad to hear it went well and that you had a great time! At least you are sleepy from a fun filled weekend! Look forward to seeing pics. Chris-Yes, we would love to see more, please do share
  8. Sorry, posted too soon. Was going to tell everyone to have a great weekend, sounds like people are quite busy! Have fun, we are resting on the couch and doing nothing Brooke, don't over do it! Sue- your Friday story is pretty funny, I am sure she will get all sorts of CRAZY stories! Anyways, Have a wonderful weekend!!!
  9. Krista B- I really like your dress, it is so pretty! Look forward to seeing a pic with you in it! And the makeup is great! It's the best bet to have exactly what you are looking for. And remember to go try it out at your local MAC, or make up counter and take notes on what they do so you are in the know when it comes to your wedding day. And you get the opportunity to see it beforehand! Also in regards to the hair, I think it is a personal decision, I did enjoy my real flowers and the funny thing was, I slept with them in because we had TTD photos the next day and they still looked pretty good, surprisingly...but the starfish does add also, so again, I think it becomes a personal choice... Krista H- Have a great time at your reception, look forward to pics!!!
  10. Sue-I am sorry to hear about your loss. I am happy to hear though that you seem to have and will hold a fond memory and the opportunity to say goodbye, many don't. I am sure it is hard for family now, and remember it is just that they enjoy the comfort of being together in a time like this to want you to be there, not to make you feel guilty. We are here for you. Chris-I am so happy that you received your photos! It is hard to to look through them and not be so critical, especially when you are looking for something specific. Try not to be so harsh on yourself, you looked beautiful! We all have little things I am sure we would like to change, but we are who we are, and we are all beautiful women, embrace it! And, if the tiny wrinkles (that I am sure you only notice ) and gray hair bother you, ask him to edit it. he is professional photographer and will be able to do it, and should. I realize that may mean a longer wait period, but it might help you find something you like more. I am sure I can speak for the group that we are all pins and needles to see your shots. I am sure if we saw them we would think they are wonderful! Erica, I looked through you FB photos, and I love them! I only was able to look at them on my iphone so far, so to get the full effect and add comments I will have to look at home later. Also, I am so happy to see you had an amazing little trip with your hubby, the location looked wonderful! Timberly-Sorry to hear about the credit card drama! I agree, definitely call and talk to them, sometimes they can help the situation...Also, I am not much of a shopper, but if all you brides are ever planning on a gathering in the city, I am down. Brooke, I think you mentioned coming through NYC for work, so let us ladies know Brooke-How are you feeling? I started getting the nausea the beginning of April. It is hell. But, luckily it really only effects me every few days. I think the trick is to keep eating small meals all day long. The only symptoms that are constant are the fatigue and headaches. These headaches are like migraines and tylenol isn't curing them. And I am so tired at night, and all through the day really, that it is unbelievable. But, I am into my 8th week and we saw the doctor on Monday. The baby is 11.3mm so far and the doctor said it looks great. We saw the heartbeat and heard it a little bit. I have never seen or heard this before so it was pretty amazing. Not to mention that overwhelming feeling I got when seeing it knowing that we had created this little being and it was growing inside me. It was all pretty intense. Haven't gained any weight yet, and happy about that Already eating nonstop and so far it seems the baby really likes watermelon and frozen yogurt (okay maybe I liked them before, but I REALLY LOVE them now-think about it all the time). Also, looking back through posts, I am so jealous of you ladies that had AHR's, they look like a blast. How did it feel to get to put your dress back on? The cupcake towers and cakes are beautiful! They really look like so much fun. On a similar note, do some of you feel a little blue when you see the posts on here for brides still planning? I am not sure if I am just hormonal and blue, but I thought that feeling was going to go away and it hasn't quite yet. I am still so jealous of all of those in anticipation of their big days and all the planning...I don't know, thought I would ask, maybe I am just being weird. In addition, Krista B, I will continue to enjoy hearing about your details and questions you may have, maybe I can live vicariously through your wedding planning Well, I better get back to work now that I have written a novel! Thanks for listening everyone!
  11. Yes, Erica, that is such a great photo! you look beautiful, excited to see more. I love how blue the water is in the background too, makes me miss the tropical destinations! Chris, I thought you had your photos? Are you still waiting?!?!? GGGGRRRRR!
  12. Congratulations Brooke! So excited for you guys!!!! It is all so crazy. And yes, sending positive vibes to all those trying to get preggers! And thanks for those of you having wine and taking one for the team! hee hee!
  13. Yyyeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! I am so happy for you, and I love them!
  14. Brooke-good to know about the sick leave on FMLA...and 5 hours! What the heck!!! I travel 1-1.5 on subway daily-yuck! I totally feel ya on the overpriced food at the airport, I hate that... Ha, ha, feb brides should just be called cougar brides now, I also fit the category, Ed is 5 years younger, woo hoo! The funny thing is, I keep saying he is 26 and he corrects me that he turned 27, and I respond "well, I just like the thought you are 26" he doesn't always like it. I tease him that one day, when he gets too old I will have to trade him in for a younger model...heee heee heee, Im so mean! Oh, bank accounts! Yes, we have ours and are working through the handling of them. while we have different viewpoints of handling accounts, I think he is going to win on taking over them...it could get interesting because he is a little more free spending than I...but it will be fine, I just need to stop worrying. Actually today while getting read for work, he asked for one of my credit card acct info so he could pay off the balance MAybe letting him handle the finances won't be so bad afterall. Well ladies, I am ecstatic that it is Friday, and I get three days off, so I hope you all have a "fantabulous" Friday!!!
  15. Tricia-I love your cake pic! It looked awesome! And thank you for the FB add, I haven't been able to look at your photos, but will do so as soon as I can log in uninterrupted, at work Brooke, yes, 400 is a ton of people, I hope you all have a blast! Chris-Now you definitely have to email me your address so I can send you a package, you have to try them...like I said, love em or hate em. They are pure sugar! And it was funny you were up in the middle of the night, I was too. I never get up, but I was so exhausted at couldn't sleep at 4am that I got up and cut up strawberries, washed grapes, made a PB and jelly sandwich for my breakfast, and ate a few crackers, then went right to sleep ---Oh, and Paris sounds lovely! That would be so fantastic, we were supposed to go to Europe for a late honeymoon, and that's not going to happen now... Susie-I am guessing yellow. I love many colors, and not to do the non-gender thing, but I really do love yellow, the brighter the better Let me know if that helps! I am so excited!
  16. I read through this when you posted, but wanted to comment how great this is! I just welled up with tears when I saw your beach/water photo during your walk the day of the wedding...I could imagine all the excitement and emotions you must of been feeling. Lovely!
  17. But be wary, the cramping feels just like PMS cramps...you never know!
  18. Brooke, you have me all excited for you! Wow! And yes, nervous and excited all at the same time. One minute I am so elated, the next I am in tears wondering what the heck we were thinking. They are not kidding when they say emotions are on a rollercoaster! I forgot, the only other symptom I am now having is heart fluttering/palpitations, due to increase blood flow...And good luck with the AHR, the good thing is you won't have gained any weight by then. You could always do the mock drinks that make it look like you are drinking or blame it on a strong dose of antibiotics that you are supposedly taking that will upset your stomache if you drink(it's only partly a lie)-both of these have worked for me so far!
  19. Krista H-Phew! That was a close one, I am glad you didn't have to deal with that! Krista B-Yes, pregnancy is contagious around my work. the joke is not to drink the water. Two of the ladies directly in my office are pregnant due in two months. And yes, you have a wedding dress to fit into Chris-You can email me at the nyu.edu email address, I work for Columbia U now, so that one is for friends and family now too I am in my 6th week. It is calculated many different ways, but the Expectant book uses the first day of your last menstrual cycle to count up to 40 weeks for delivery. So I am 6 weeks out of 40 using that calculation. I am technically only 4 weeks pregnant (since ovulation). Again, using that calculation, my due date would be Nov 29th. But, I have a dr appt on the 12th so we will see. It is all a bit confusing, especially since different sites use some different calculations. And yes, we got pregnant 16 days after the wedding...never expected that one! It's cute to hear how excited all of you are, and I am happy I could share with you all. I feel like I am ready to burst because only my mom and sis and we know...
  20. Tricia, glad to hear your AHR went well, would love to see some pics. I can't lie, there is still a big part of me that keeps looking at everyone's wedding pics and reception pics and loving them! It is such a happy feeling! Ali, no, actually I feel really great! the first two weeks I was cramping a ton and up all night with pain, nausea and was exhausted. But now I am just a little bit sleepy, and not feeling as many cramps and other nausea. I heard the key is to keep food in your system. I feel like I am back on my diet, but with more calories. I eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. Lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grain, lean meats and so far it seems to be doing the trick. I do miss coffee, and I still am not sure how much if any is okay, I have heard and read everything. My moods are all over the place and I try to not take them out on the husband, he has been really great though. Already giving me daily back and leg rubs...so nice. But the downfall is my sex drive is all over the place. Most days I am not interested...we'll see, I heard it gets better in trimester2. Susie, yes, we will find out if it is a boy or girl, I already have a feeling it is a girl, but we will see. And as far as the baby blanket, i feel bad because I don't know that I deserve it as I wasn't on this thread as early as the other ladies. I mean, I read it and stalked it for a while, but didn't get in on the conversation for later. I just didn't want to take it away from an original Feb bride By the way, I realize a couple of you did wedding reviews on here, and while our wedding was almost 2 months ago, I was still thinking about posting one...are any of the rest of you still going to do one? Or are you over doing it? Just wondering... Happy Hump Day Wednesday!
  21. Tell me about it Krista, While on one hand it is so easy not to drink with baby on board, but being at a beer fest with great delicious beers was quite the bummer!
  22. BTW, Chris, please FB and/or post on here as soon as you get your photos, I am so excited to see them! Any day now I am sure! We are still waiting for our trash the dress...
  23. I know Chris, it is crazy, we just got our pro pics on pictage and don't even have an album yet, and are talking about a baby room! Too funny. Krista H, yes, I took the test three days before my period was supposed to come, it is 6 days in advance. The thing was, I was feeling funny the week of the 15th and we were heading to Atlantic City for a beer festival. I told hubs that I wanted to check on Friday before we left just in case, and sure enough. Well, we had to figure out how to keep it a secret while not drinking. The first night I drank club soda and tried to pull them off as vodka sodas, and some were curious because I wasn't feeling good and went to bed early. The next day I drank an Odouls (non-alcoholic beer) in front of everyone at the casino tables and then at the beer fest had to trade off with hubby when he finished his beer, and also putting the cup to my lips without drinking and then trying to dump it out without others looking. Two things happened, hubby was a lot more drunk than others because he was drinking for two! and the others were getting too drunk to notice that I wasn't drunk and that I was pouring out beer at end of night rather than giving it to him(cuz hubby was getting too drunk for my sober/hormonal nerves). In the end it was fun, and an introduction to the not drinking for the next 9 months I must agree that the other forums aren't the same. I have only responded to a couple other threads on here even, I like Feb brides! The baby forums are a bit much for me, I read a little bit, but we will see how involved I get...
  24. So ladies, yes, the signs are just like PMS symptoms-sore breast (knots actually), fatigue, and lots of cramping. We are preggers!!!! My last menstrual period (LMP) was Feb 22, the day we left Mexico, saw the gyn for my annual on March 1, and ovulated on the 7/8th...First try did the trick. Now, let me tell you ladies, I have endometriosis (TMI) and the doctors have been telling me for years now that it is going to take a long time and may even be impossible for me...well, I guess they can be wrong sometimes! The crazy thing is, hubby and I thought it was going to take awhile and so we went on our whimsical way and were planning on enjoying the process of trying for awhile before trying other options..and it happened just like that! To be honest, I was happy and sad at the same time (hormones) but, I was sad we didn't get more of a honeymoon phase...we technically didn't even get a "real" honeymoon as we had guests up to the last day at the resort and so much running around that we didn't spend much time alone, relaxing after the wedding...but it is okay, we are head over heels!!!! We just told my mom last night, but we are only telling parents and my sister. We are not planning on telling friends for another month. I am on week 7, and actually feel really great except for the tiredness and cramping still. I have my first dr appt and sonogram on April 12... Okay, sorry to keep blabbing, but we are just so excited. Hubby thought it was funny that I wanted to share with you all...he also is like "you are still on that forum?" but I did tell him the background of everyone trying to get preggo and he laughed that we had already done it! Not that I am a doctor, but those of you starting to stress already, it isn't good, I am 32 with a female medical history and doctors telling me how almost impossible it may be..and first try. Also, I haven't taken any BC for 18 months, those of you who have just recently went off, that can delay it a bit as well... And yes, please keep posted in Facebook, I have only told you ladies, so nobody knows yet, so let's keep this little secret hush! Thanks Ladies, you are the best!!!
  25. Hey ladies, it has been awhile since I have logged on here, and so much to catch up on! I caught up on photos today, and I think they all look lovely! chris- I hope you get yours soon, I am sure they will be lovely! We had more gray clouds than you the day after, and they turned out just fine! So, I haven't been on this site for awhile because I have been super busy, and researching other sites...For those of you worrying about trying to get preggo, don't worry, all I can say right now is-it may end up being easier than expected, relax, it will happen-TRUST ME!
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