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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. I spoke with 3 family friends/members that are in the travel industry, and they themselves told me let everyone do it for themselves when they themselves could have done this..I just kept reitterating that my main concern of this entire wedding planning is having my guests pay as little as possible, and they all said let everyone do it for themselves, maybe its different depending on where you are flying from? but from NY the consensus seems to be every man for himself.
  2. At the risk of sounding like a nutjob because all I do is talk about majestic..try majestic lol. no vested interest in pimping this hotel all over the place but its just so so nice.
  3. K-OMG Thats awful a pink huge dress lmao, my mom had actually mentioned goin to macys tomorrow..so your saying that macys sucks? or just the sales lady was a moron? But I am glad you found your dress its awesome! and like scuba, I am gladd you had a good experience at DB because i did not lol...we actualyl stopped in there after the 1st store just to see what they had, we walk in i seriously felt like i was in the twilight zone, the woman at the welcome center was like giving me whiplash with her swaying her head side to side as she said hi, she asked me when our wedding is i said march she said that month passed already, then asked if i knew my groom's name my mom and i just looked at eachother I said I should hope so?!! She just laughed and she wasnt young, i'm talking like 50's but still a dingbat. The sales lady 1st showed me their mag, asked me what i like which actually i didnt like a thing from it (i'm picky..one on of those people that has no idea what they want but when I see it i'll know kind of thing) then directed me to my size and said look here, and was almost insulted thinking like how could i not like a thing from their magazine and was giving serious attitude, sooo while she left me to "look" i told the bobble doll up in the front we are leaving..and I think that was the beginning and end of DB bridal for me. lol.
  4. I am so glad you said that because while the 2nd is beautiful..i think the one you chose looks so beautiful on you and gives you such a nice figure. I think you made the right choice.
  5. OOOOO they are both beautiful!! I didnt read through the entire thread..but from what I understand you went with the first right?
  6. You're so right and thank you. I just realized I rather be the one dissapointed then ever be the person that is dissapointing.
  7. You should be happy its only your first considering how much you have gotten done. We had our first on our first day of planning altogether..so consider yourself lucky lol They are nuts plain & simple..a whole other species that should come with an instruction manual
  8. Truthfully..your right, but I also think its personality. Like in all honesty I never resented anything..I was all into whatever it is they wanted knowing it was making them happy. I didn't care, because it's not my place to care..my place is to be there for the person in whatever capacity knowing that I am just there for them...my resentment actually came when it was my turn. And i am not even talking about bridesmaid issues, because i decided when we planned our wedding I didn;t want the whole bridal party thing to avoid any imposition on anyone..because then they really feel obligated to come if they cant and i didnt want that burden on anyone. I am having my sister as a MOH, his bestman..family and thats it. I'm angry at the responses that I am getting from people (the same people i did this for) in regards to having to come out for our wedding. I think I have to stop expecting people to act like me..and stop doing so much for others. not that I do things with the intention of getting anything back..but if its not recipricated then how is it friendship
  9. rich? lmao..no! pissed was more like it..but that wasnt recent it was a few yrs ago and it was a tricky situation because the girl that got married her mother & my mom were best friends for years since childhood so she & I grew up together, so I couldnt say I didn't want to be in it we were like family..it was a whole mess.
  10. awwwwww. thank you and I will. I kind of hope i have the same luck and dont..i dont want to get confused..plus she was so nice i'd feel guilty ..this is what i think about..lol.
  11. no only because it was my 1st store...so i want to go to maybe like 2 other stores just so i have something to compare to, because I didn't even look in bridal magazines or anything like that..so I will go just to get an idea and then if nothing beats that one then i'll go back...but i gotta admit it was a sick dress, i just dont want to feel like what if there was something nicer out there lol.
  12. LOL..i love the K squared soooo it actually went amazingly well..i got so lucky i got a sales girl that was just like me, super perky but not cheerleader ra ra you need to calm down perky..and honest, like would say if something looked awesome or godawful..just like i like. I was like omg thank u so much for being u..and told her how nervous I was and then when i heard another saleswomen speaking to their customers I was even more grateful..I want to but the dress from that store just so she could get commission ..so sweet. so im glad it went better then i expected. We went to places in LI..one store i dont remember and another bridal reflections anf ofcourse i need a laugh..i always wanna laugh..tell me!
  13. LOL i dont mind at all! A..i love laughing at myself and because that was the truth...she picked $900 dollar dresses that we were having custom made..that were SOOOOO ugly..like so ugly I cant emphasize enough how ugly..and what did i do? got the dress..wore it with pleasure because whatever it took to make her happy I was willing to do. If she asked me to wear a garbage bag i'd have done the same and wore it with the same pride..(and I have been in NINE weddings..so I have a collection of these dresses and never once said a word other then how happy i was to share the day with the respective bride), but now when its reversed and its my turn..everything is an inconvienance i love it. So no i dont think you're asking for the impossible..but our friends and family seem to tthink so lol. they will "see what they can do"
  14. love- I dont think i'm being negative at all... I just said what I find annoying and am scared of. KT- Thank you!
  15. lmao! im sure u looked great and not like a parachute..that actually reminds me when i was in college i worked pt in a regular dress shop for like a month( love clothes just not the people that hawk u to sell them) so I would tell people take that off..or go up the block the other store has better dresses..what a commodity i was lol
  16. Thats what worries me..you have to have a certain personality to work with brides and that personality doesn't mesh well with mine lol..i mean granted i can make friends with a rock i'm super friendly..but when those overly excited woman that just loooooooooove working with women get to me i want to shoot myself in the leg.
  17. Ok so tomorrow i'm going dress shopping for the 1st time and im scared lol just curious of anyone else felt that way..im not scared in your typical bride way of not finding a dress i love or anything like that..i'm scared that the sales people are going to annoy the crap out of me and i have no patience WHATSOEVER..even the phone convo got me annoyed lol what to do?
  18. Yea thankfully we were able to do a site visit..because had we not we prob would have picked the RIU palace since we loved the one in riviera maya so much and would have been blindsighted..and the majestic from the pics wouldnt be one I would ever consider but in life was so much nicer...so im happy we were able to do that..I think my fiance was willing to do anything for me to stop showing him more pictures of sites, and just shut me up lol..i was like going between barbados, then bahamas..then aruba..u name the place I had a resort found there lol. for those a little less confused and more decisive..you dont have to do the visit..im sure they are all beautiful..I just love the name dreams..i told him before even looking at the resorts pictures i wanted to do dreams because i love the way it would sound on an invitation..he said i was nuts and that was the end of that lol
  19. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG awwwwwwwwwwww Not only did I manage to get chills in 90 degree weather, I read it twice. Prob doesn't help that I am the biggest sap in the world but omgggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!! I hope it works out for you, for someone to be spoken of the way you speak of her, she will be lucky to have someone who thinks shes as amazing as you say she is.
  20. Ok sorry for this retarted question but whats a BD book? And while im on the topic of asking dumb questions whats a boudior? lol Thanks
  21. LOL I got so happy after I read the not salmon part lol. Thank you for that. Yea we actually went down to the majestic in the beginning of the month..long story short i've always wanted a wedding away..he could care less..so when we got engaged it basically came down to the fact that i could have what i've always dreamt of BUT..i had no clue what I wanted lol..so i drove myself nuts with like 50 websites open everyday looking at pictures of places..finally i said screw it lets just pick one island and then go there see what we like..everyone told us DR is the cheapest for ppl coming in from NY..so we decided DR, thats the one place i never been...then narrowed it down to 3 hotels..riu palace, paradisus & majestic..riu was our 1st stop & i'll leave my comments to myself on that one..Majestic elegance was our 2nd and we booked it on the spot.
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