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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. Def..sounds prettier and sexier..you dont want to be typical..you want feel amazing
  2. ok..so go with the 2nd..waistline and cleavage are much more important then arms!! lol
  3. You can call anyone any title that you'd like..or even have them both walk in together as your moh's and the most important females in your life...there are no rules..do what makes you happy..its your day! and maybe have your daughter in law wear an almost identical dress to your friend..make them both feel amazingly special..because having a friend that said the things she said to you is one in a million, and typically women are more likely to tell you drop your man, you are missing out on all the nights, and everything imaginable to take away from your happiness...so when you find the one genuine sincere friend, you are right to want to cherish them..im saying this from the opposite spectrum of having been the one that was happy for everyone, have spent nights talking to friends, having their bf's actually cry to me that they were driving them crazy, drove to hospitals at the crack of dawn when they gave birth, and have even driven some of my friends mothers to doctors when they werent able to. Now it's my time..and some of those same people arent coming to our wedding..so my point in saying all of this is if you have a true friend then you make her feel appreciated. They can and should both be important and who says you have to be traditional by having one moh?
  4. beautiful dress & beautiful louboutins...sounds like a perfect combination to me
  5. Jenna- everyone is telling me the same thing..about hot and discomfort and bla bla..honestly? whatever we are going to wear were going to be hot in..but if you feel that its not weddingish(which is the same thing i felt when i tried them on, i have those dresses in my closet now just not white), and god willing we are only doing this once..who cares if its hot, thats what i told my mom when she was like its gonna be hot, this that whatever..i said ok im going to be hot, but if you feel more special in a big dress and more bridal then wear it..hell i wear shoes all the time i don't know how to walk in because i love them..so this is no diff
  6. Which dress did you chose from pronovias? I keep going on their site they have such amazing stuff
  7. what are your reasons..maybe that will answer your question
  8. lol so y are you a loser? you got the dress of your dreams and you got the goose bump factor. be happy!!!
  9. Actually they just had on the travel channel top 10 florida beaches..and its been on before..maybe you can catch an episode of that or look online to see if you can find that episode..that might help you
  10. echo, I totally feel you..and you're in the same boat as me because our weddings are kind of around the same time so we have limited time. And I agree...i think its so much better if you can see the dresses and then decide what you want to try on..but most stores dont have that..not the boutiquey ones ive been to anyway..but hang on..dont give up..ull find something you love. maybe first go and try on different sillouhettes(spelling?) to see what shape you think fits your body best, so that ateast you know the shape your looking for and now when you go into stores it will be easier? then atleast part of the confusion is less?
  11. OMG im having the same prob..everything i try from the ones that seem like what i would want to try i love..its sooo hard, and then i dont want to get one of them because what if i like something more??. The macys one isnt their bridal dept..its that designer demetrios, they only have their dresses, they said its leased from macys, but not part of macys..which kind of sucked because they only have that one designer there
  12. Awww thanks! both for the support of career switch and liking the dress..i was trying to find a pic of the other one to show you but i couldnt find it..so confused lol as for the teaching, yea thats what i was doing for the last 6mths was subbing, i love it and so glad i made the switch just wish i could get a job lol. so first i was stressing saying how am i going to not work, then i said if i am not working its meant to be so that I can take as many days off as id like when we get married, and ill just sub in the mean time..i mean subs make pretty good $ in ny, just sucks because there is no stability or insurance..then again..i'll have a huzzzband who can put me under his insurance..so weird saying that lol OMG im so stupid..i saw the trash the dress thing, 1st of all never made the connection to TTD, second of all i literally thought it meant like trashing the dress and in my head i was thinkin "what a bunch of freaks who the hell would want to do that, thats just bizarre" i swear sometimes i wonder how i function with my dizzyness lmao.
  13. I love the 1st!! wow its beautiful they all fit the vibe..you said you cant chacha in something larger then you? lol whats this ttd i see everywhere?
  14. whats ttd..why do i seem liek the only person that doesnt know any of these acronyms lol
  15. I actually dont care either, not about him going to strip clubs or porn. Granted if this were something he did often hell yea i'd flip..but he never goes, except if its a bachelor party, and im always the one the next morning asking to tell me what happened..i guess maybe because i dont make it a big deal hes more willing to share with me what went on. as for porn..who cares? i mean if hes watching porn and not sharing intimate moments with you thats one thing..but if hes watching it or you're watching it together? Doesnt bother me...half the time if i see something on HBO im the one stopping on that channel lol But if it bothers you then you tell him, dont be afraid..hell you're about to get married you should be able to say anything you want and what makes u both comfortable & uncomfortable and he should respect that.
  16. y dont you have your rabbi marry you here, and just have a symbolic ceremony, noone will know the difference because you can even find a rabbi there to marry you and your guests will think that this is the actual wedding, but it saves you having to fly anyone out and deal with any other mexican legal restrictions
  17. I'm going large..at first i was going to have the flowy chiffon destinationy type, but then other then it being white looks like half the dresses in my closet. I want to wear a dress where I feel like a bride and people are like DAMN! so, im going traditional..not traditional boring..but something thats going to have the wow im in a wedding dress feeling. Hopefully we only do this once, so wear what will make you feel like you've always dreamed of feeling
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