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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. Youre site is awesome!!! and im gonna admit that i read your proposal and actually cried like a loser. omg thats so amazing..congrats!
  2. I did mine through ewedding..and i chose the option whre you can have your own site name so it was like $5 a month but well worth it..awesome site and super user friendly to create
  3. I have experience from people I was def sure will come and arent...dont worry about it just yet..you will see that many people shy away from destination weddings and get selfish when it comes to attending. just relax for now..youll have plenty of time to stress and congrats
  4. thank you so so so much its amazing how supportive people are on this site..i feel like i know everyone lol
  5. Maybe dont do black..do what you have in the pic..like a deep auburn brown
  6. OMG east flatbush has awesome stuff..you mean like flatbush and church? if no then you should def go there, they have a bunch of dress stores maybe not wedding but bridesmaid for sure..everytime i have a party i go there, and i get compliments like you wouldnt believe lol Im from sheepshead though. Damaris they have the nicest dresses of anywhere i have been to..granted i only shopped for a week lol..but i didnt want to drive myself that nuts the more you see the more confused you get..but i been to davids bridal(walked out in 5 min because just didnt like the feel of the store) all the way to klienfelds and actually walked out of there too because everything was ugly lol..the have THE nicest stuff
  7. OMG def dark..you look awesome in light, kinda jlo-ish, but you look more innocent and sweet..dark is suuuuper sexy
  8. That sucks..im sorry But in the end all that matters is what you have always dreamed of is actually going to happen and the rest dont worry about...would it be better having it here so that its more comfortable for everyone else but not what you have always wanted? no that isnt right either. Dont do a small wedding here...your doing it once so do it the way youve always dreamed of. you may not even be friends with the same people years from now ,hopefully that will never happen but you never ever know
  9. Maybe you're right but joke or not i think its stupid of her to say and her PM wasnt later it was 2 nights ago and that initially happened around march when my semester was done maybe because I am so super sensitive..but there were times before where i used to swallow crap from others because I was afraid to open my mouth..and today I just dont care to..the only people that mean the most to me are my family and my fiance and if anything happens there then i will talk until im blue in the face to clear things up..here? I am done with friendship drama long ago..i dont need 20 girlfriends or have my girls nights or whatever, im a totally diff place today..i have my few people i trust(whick keeps getting smaller lol) and thats it..cant be bothered..hard enough making sure your relationship is best as can be and everyone you love is ok..for everything else? I cant be bothered
  10. OMG I am so so so sorry I will have you in my thoughts..Hope everything goes successful which I am sure it will Just be strong as hard as it may seem..everything will be ok
  11. Sheree- thanks!! They go anywhere from like 1500-maybe like 6 tops? but all the ones that i tried where like between 1800-2800, and it was hard deciding because they are all so beautiful..they look much more then they cost
  12. Omg you have to go to pronovias in the city they have the sickest dresses ever!!! the place i was talking about with custom i think its called satin & lace..actually i have the card hold on....lmao i just said hold on because i moved away from the computer wtf is wrong with me?? what a dork! Anyway the store is called lace & satin, its on voorhies ave in sheepshead..not sure where in bk u are? but! before u do all that go on the pronovias site..i just got a dress from there they have ridiculous stuff and super reasonably priced and the sales girl was amazing and hooked me up..if you want to go there its on 52& 5th..pm me and ill give you her info
  13. I agree you look awesome I have no idea what you are talkin about silly girl!!!!! Christie- thanks for your words..your right..and ask for me talkin him up..i do that too much im like molasses im such a mush its DISGUSTINGGGGG lol K- I was actually a bridesmaid in her wedding and i know she was thinkin shes gonna be one in mine too so when i told her im not having a bridal party just a MOH which will be my sis & a BM she was like oh really? i said yea i dont want to have one because he has like 7 or 8 guys hed have to have and i def dont want 8 girls and even if i halfed it thats still a huge bridal party..so to simplify life i said lemme squash the whole thing but i could tell she was annoyed..she goes your right "who needs them anyway" lmao whatever the more i talk about it the more i realize im done with her thank you all for bringing me to the resolution
  14. how funny? my horoscope for today: You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. It's possible you'll discover those things you've always denied (yea like my friends arent my friends afterall)
  15. omg i do alllllllllll the time and i want to shoot myself, youre a girl its diff..hes a guy and i get so annoyed when talks about all these things, and potions and his gym that he lives in and his muscles if they are bigger or smaller and his stomach and his hair and his shirt wrinkled and sometimes i want to SCREAM..like seriously ur a guy, when he starts i just say nobody cares nooooobodyyyyy cares lol
  16. Ok Kathy i wish i could hug you...dont even say things like that..u are as good as you let yourself feel and if you allow yourself to believe your amazing you'll see how true it is. we all hate ourselves some days..hell i hate myself now i just ate like so much cheese in between these messages its disgusting lol. now to my other pea in my pod- not even worth having the convo..if she was a friend she would have acted like one..not say i'll see what i can do AND not tell someone she knows im not speaking to about my business..but shes soo dramatic (shes actually a libra too) lol that shes going to turn it into this whole thing and i dont want to be bothered..she did this with our engagement party too..she asked me if i would care if her husband went to a ballgame instead cuz he really wants to go..i was like r u f'n kidding me? what do u think im gonna say..dont come? ofcourse i want him there this is the most important day in our lives together so far besides the actual engagement.. what he chooses to do is his business(and hes kinda friends with my fi so he was hurt when i told him too) so then it was this drawn out thing..he ended up coming but then i felt like an idiot because it was like a pity attendance or alteast we felt that way
  17. not even vain in like a care about urself gettin your lips and boobs done vain..vain like obsessing about every little thing about you like your skin, or your hair or whatever it is..not like hollywood vain..just within your self and you perfections & imperfections vain. i probably sound like a nutjob right now..lol..but i so believe in the sign stuff
  18. not at all..hes the 12th, and my aunt who is like my 2nd mom i speak to them both too many times a day shes the 13th. no not irritating..ill say vain which i think is a result of the insecurity that comes along with it..care what everyone else thinks, afraid of change..not all that ambitious, very passive, and content with whatever you have..BUT..the most devoted, the most sincere, the kindest, affectionate, nonconfrontational and loving people in the world..if you love them you'd give them you're kidney if it meant helping them. umm do we get along? yes for the simple fact that capricorns are insanely loyal so we love all the sincerity that you libras have..my fi and I differ because i am much more of a dooer, very practical and a realist..he's still waiting for opportunities he thinks will plop on his lap. So im the propellor up his ass, like a real firecracker and hes the one to calm me down..lol
  19. lmao..omg 1st i thought it was some kind of "toy" then when i saw what it was..hell no...unless i am somehwere that has a bowl with flushing abilities im not goin lol
  20. oh i know alllll about it..my fi is a libra too..you guys are special people boy and thats all im going to say lol
  21. you are all so right and thank you! I am so much less angry now, no need to go find them and poke them in the eye with my stiletto lol I'll just keep checkin out our wedding website to cheer myself up lol
  22. sigh i feel you!!! boy do i feel you..maybe were the same sign? you a capricorn? lol
  23. Chelsea you're 100% right..i havent said anything and i wont..not worth it. I am going to keep my distance because i have a tendency when im excited to want to share everything i have like diarhea of the mouth..and to share it when its with someone that doesnt care to hear it i rather save my breathe and just harrass my mom lmao
  24. Kathy thats exactly me..i dont either because I know what i give, I know what i get in return and for that I don't trust easily because girls are awful. Like I have been in 9 weddings NINE! MOH 3 times, and mind you im 32 and only met my fiance at 29 so i was in the dating game forever, i mean never single for long, but wasnt with anyone for too long either lol..and never once did I ever ever think why them not me..ever..i was there happy for everyone..dont have a jealous bone in my body genuinely want everyone to be happy and healthy and thats it..and somehow when its reversed, everyone always had something to say when it came close to my happiness so i cut alot of people off..and my fiance thinks im nuts because one minute hes sees me friends with someone the next minute im not and he doesnt get it because a) hes a guy im so lucky that he has amazing friends so they all became our friends...and they are the only ones besides family that are truly happy for us. but generally speaking people dont get it, because nothing matters its more like what can i get from you today oh nothing? k lemme f*ck you over then lol
  25. aww thanks guys you made me feel better..ok so im not going to invite her..as for my other friend..im not going to confront her..im not gonna say a word, you know i have been through this so many times with friends because even though i can make friends with anyone because im that person that can makes friends with a rock im overly friendly but I keep very few people close to me and the ones i do I will do anything at anytime for, and have. I dont know how to be half way w.me its you get all of me or nothing..so I am not going to say anything because I have gone above and beyond for her, im gonna just sit back and watch her actions..shes the one thats in the wrong and i dont care to prove a point or salvage anything because I see how shes acting since we set the date..so rather then create drama by telling her, having her explain oh i was just telling her how great you're doing(which im sure will be her excuse) it'll get escalated and honestly not worth it to me. I dont care that much. I was pissed that night when she said ill see what i can do..and even her husband said soemthing to the same effect to my fiance..we left both said F them..actually im lying bcuz then we went to a bday of their family still to be the better people and she didnt say a WORD to us..so im done. maybe i will text her saying if your gonna tell people about my life gimme a heads up so i know who knows my business and who doesnt. hey i guess im more important then i thought lol
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