Truthfully reading this post is both refreshing and disturbing. I find it refreshing because all of the world does doubt everything at some point so for those that are willing to admit it I respect and admire that. For those that reacted like oooo noooo I would never doubt, you have to question whats the big deal in admitting that? I know I doubt..I think as humans we all doubt because we are living in a world where many believe there is always the next best thing.
I love my fiance to death, we've been engaged a yr and living together for 9 mths and been together for 3 yrs and while I know I will marry him, that doesnt mean there arent days where i think what the hell am i doing, and take it further to say I talk to myself and remind myself "oh yea this is what ur here for". But I think thats what makes us long as in your sane unangry moments you're sure thats all that matters. We're female, we're hormonal, oversensitive and overanalytical so ofcourse were gonna be confused as hell. ACTUALLY I hear him snoring now and wanna shove the pillow over his face but thats ok because in the morning i'll forget about it and want to hug and kiss the crap out of him.
We're all nuts..thats what keeps us going. We need the doubtful moments to question our perspective, and the amazing moments to reassure ourselves.
whew...ya got all that? lol