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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. You're not wrong. To have a friend you have to know how to be one, and if she isn't being one to you then she doesnt deserve you as a friend. Is it sneaky to check email? YES! is it even worse to actually find what you thought was happening? YES! Drop her. Chances are its jealousy on her part..people don't like to see others happy for some odd reason but it's true. I would end the friendship if you cant totally be yourself around someone and share every feeling comfortably then whats the point of having that person in your life?
  2. awww thanks I was pretty impressed myself after I reread it. But I love those people that are like omg you have fights? omg this, omg that..like shuuutuuup,yes we do so what? We love eachother and we have our differences when we arent fighting we're the couple you cant stand thats always hugging, kissing all affectionate and when we are fighting you could probably hear us down the block, well hear me because he never fights and i realized im a maniac lol. But thats life and it took me a while to understand that, but it is. Anyone that says marriage or even living together is perfect is either lying to you or plain lying to themselves.
  3. Truthfully reading this post is both refreshing and disturbing. I find it refreshing because all of the world does doubt everything at some point so for those that are willing to admit it I respect and admire that. For those that reacted like oooo noooo I would never doubt, you have to question whats the big deal in admitting that? I know I doubt..I think as humans we all doubt because we are living in a world where many believe there is always the next best thing. I love my fiance to death, we've been engaged a yr and living together for 9 mths and been together for 3 yrs and while I know I will marry him, that doesnt mean there arent days where i think what the hell am i doing, and take it further to say I talk to myself and remind myself "oh yea this is what ur here for". But I think thats what makes us human..as long as in your sane unangry moments you're sure thats all that matters. We're female, we're hormonal, oversensitive and overanalytical so ofcourse were gonna be confused as hell. ACTUALLY I hear him snoring now and wanna shove the pillow over his face but thats ok because in the morning i'll forget about it and want to hug and kiss the crap out of him. We're all nuts..thats what keeps us going. We need the doubtful moments to question our perspective, and the amazing moments to reassure ourselves. whew...ya got all that? lol
  4. karenk77


    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Thanks so much for all the welcomes And if this wasnt one of those days I felt like throwing my fiance out the window I'd be even happier lol Congrats to all of you!
  5. eh people will always find something to complain about, they can eat when they get home lol..my main concern is the grounds
  6. WOW! thats alot of traveling which in your opinion is nicer the majestic or colonial?
  7. I am going in August to check it out..I never heard of it until recently and now it seems whoever I speak with has just been to majestic. But that may not be good because all dates might be taken for next spring lol Congrats on your engagement and future wedding
  8. I'm so happy im not alone in the confusion lol I have been engaged for a yr wanted a DW since being a little kid and what have i done so far? NOTHING! Maybe because we live together I was in less of a rush..but I want it mar-may of 2010..going in Aug to DR to see some places and im confused.
  9. Hi! I am debating between these two resorts..was wondering if anyone has gone on a site visit and has anything positive or negative to say about either place that will help me decide lol Thanks Karen
  10. thank you soooooooo much..not that i even have a place set..debating between majestic and riu.
  11. Omg thank you so much!! So all i'll need is that document translated and thats it..no birth certificates or anything?
  12. The pictures look amazing! congrats!! I have a question though, did they require you to bring any of your documents to perform the ceremony? I was told I have to go to tis huge process in order to get married in DR is that true?
  13. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question. I was told that in order to have a wedding in DR you have to have your birth certificate and all other documents translated into spanish in order to perform the ceremony. My question is if I go to city hall in NY(where I am from and have the wedding officialized here will they perform an unofficial ceremony in DR? like have the ceremony but no documents will be provided to us? Hopefully that made some sense to someone lol, because I got confused jus reading it Thanks!
  14. karenk77


    Hi I am new to this website. My name is Karen from NY. I have yet to determine the wedding location although its looking to be most likely Punta Cana and I am thinking Mar-Apr 2010. Hopefully all your posts will help cure my indecisive mind
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