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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. The weddings are held in the same place...elegance is supposidly newer & therefore nicer and more chicy.
  2. Mimosa..Riu Palace said the max they could do was 60 guests?, all the rest would only accomodate less?
  3. And you should opt for the symbolic ceremony because I didn't know but if you want a legal ceremony there you have to bring all your documents birth certificate who knows what then have it translated into spanish so besides it being another expense its a headache that I cant even imagine..I don't even know where anything is. But if you go to cityhall in your town and then they just do a symbolic one which looks real to your guests but spares you a headache. Just my 2 cents..not that you asked for them lol
  4. In regards to mimosa's question...no I thought the same that since its all inclusive its included in the dinner but nope..the minute anyone hears wedding $$ are added on. depending on the hotel they charge up to $100 extra pp. As for deciding which hotel its so hard bcuz all you have are pictures from the internet. And then people give you their suggestions which confuses you more.I was soooo confused I had like 20 websites minimzed comparing pictures and decided the best way to tell is just to go there..I mean its an expense to go for a week but were making a vaca out of it and it will spare me hours of sitting by the computer and going blind. Im going in 2 weeks to see Riu palace and a few others..all I can say is I can let you know which i think is the nicest..but be careful when you reading the packages because it seems cheap because they offer nothing. I heard it should come to like 30k for the whole wedding weekend.
  5. Oh wow..so many you can tell me which resort is your favorite of the all inclusive ones in Punta Cana? I'm flying in from NY and so Majestic elegance was recommended and Ive stayed at other rui palaces before and so I figured the one in Punta Cana should be just as nice....but if you have any suggestions i'll check those places out.
  6. Or just go to payless im sure for $20 u can get some cheap pair and even if you throw them out after its no money wasted.
  7. I never heard that about RIU..I'll be going in 2 weeks to check it out so i'll let you know..it's so hard picking a place sight unseen. Good luck with iberostar...if it isnt too far from where we are staying i'll go see that place too & let u know. were considering riu palace and majestic elegance. It's hard because opinions are like a**holes everyones got one lol. I went to riu in riviera maya looooved it..my friend went the next month and said it was digusting..lol..go figure
  8. Thanks for the info. Actually what im doing is im going for a week staying 4 days in majestic and 3 in riu to be able to see what the resort and service is actually like. They better be nice to me or else! lol
  9. Paramount pictures here we come. They thought they had seen the running of the brides? they aint seen nothin yet!!!!!
  10. Or what you can do thats MUCH easier...is get legally married in your hometown, and then just have a symbolic ceremony down there and then all you have to do is have your marriage license translated..like go to city hall do it there and then you have one document to translate and then they do a ceremony there which looks real to the guests but much less of a headache for you
  11. mhm! just like I thought I'm not the only one lol
  12. Hi! Just wanted to let everyone know I will be going in a few weeks to check out both Majestic and Riu Palace Punta Cana resorts, so if anyone has anything they would like me to find out for them let me know, I'd be more then happy to find out Also wanted to know if anyone knew of any checklist of questions I can download to take down with me, to be sure to cover all concerns with the wedding coordinators?
  13. You should find another travel agent, I am going there in 3 weeks for $1250 for a week..I don't think it should come to that much per couple. That's flying from NY.
  14. LOL thaaaaaanks!!!!!!! I swear there should be a disclaimer when you get engaged. I mean I am not asking for perfection but living together I thought it would be like this honeymoon stage mmmmmmm not so much
  15. Im sorry..but the main issue here? She told you this over email?? If this is truly your best friend and she geniunely wanted to be there I guarantee you that would not happen over an email?! Ofcourse things happen that put people in financial circumstances, but as a best friend you do what you need to do to be there, even if its for a day or two, for the sheer fact that she will be there to share this with you should be enough for her. Clearly there are other issues, maybe she is jealous who knows. But a friend does not do that over email, that should send red flags off the bat! easy to say don't be upset because naturally anyone would be, but just think if she really wanted to be there she would be, even if it meant having a stop over, or a shorter trip or WHATEVER it took to be there for you. EMAIL?? I'm sorry but that is messed up
  16. ok..so I just decided that I might be on to something here. I think that I should file legal action against every romantic movie and mushball commercial producer, and racy cosmo article writers that condition us to think a certain way. I, as a woman have been taught to believe through these things that I am due an extremely romantic life ahead of me, men ALWAYS want to have sex and simply cant wait to ravish us, and shower us with presents and attention. All these created these wonderful expectations in my head that ARE NOT HAPPENING! lol. And even more importantly whoever I ask isn't experiencing the pure bliss that these freakin movies make us believe. so my thought is this...sue for mental duress? whos comin with me? LOL
  17. I can speak for myself..I think worse is rejection..its so funny how it never seems to be complimentary..Like I have guy friends that complain their women always have "headaches" tired, cant be bothered..and my female friends are like whats wrong with him why isn't he jumping me 24/7.
  18. interesting..I think the whole men have a higher one then women is SUCH a myth too. Either that or I think I should have been born a guy sometimes lol
  19. lmao...common DO IT!!!!!!!!! I want to hear
  20. Who thinks we have diff sex drives than men and if so how do you think we differ?
  21. I just want people to come and be like WOW this is an amazing looking place. I was thinking riu palace punta cana(have you seen it?)..I went to the riu palace in riv maya and I had a great experience there..and if it wasnt for this awful swine flu i'd just do it there because it was nice, and I thought because they are such a huge chain they prob do alot of weddings. But truthfully before I went to this site I figured it will be easy call a hotel, book a date and thats it..but so many brides I gotta get moving here if I want something done by next spring.
  22. lmao..omg mine did that too!!!!!!!! whats wrong with them?? and he looks at me like I committed the only crime if I forget to turn on the channel in HD and just watch it on a "regular" channel because "we dont do that in this house" siiiiiick!
  23. I know that I have watched more TV since moving in together then I have in my 30 yrs of living collectively. Not only is there TV constantly being watched but he's a sports addict and not just one sport..no no..every freakin sport known to man..and every game is "babe but its the first game of the season, or the playoffs, or the blastoffs or whatever the hell else they call games" I get no break because when one season ends another sport begins. AND when I tell him i'm bored shut off the tv he tells me look its only 10more min..which is like dog years because 10min sports time is like an hour real time. romance? passion? its happening between him and espn lol. The best times we had in this appt was before the cable guy ever showed up
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