Im sorry..but the main issue here? She told you this over email?? If this is truly your best friend and she geniunely wanted to be there I guarantee you that would not happen over an email?! Ofcourse things happen that put people in financial circumstances, but as a best friend you do what you need to do to be there, even if its for a day or two, for the sheer fact that she will be there to share this with you should be enough for her. Clearly there are other issues, maybe she is jealous who knows. But a friend does not do that over email, that should send red flags off the bat! easy to say don't be upset because naturally anyone would be, but just think if she really wanted to be there she would be, even if it meant having a stop over, or a shorter trip or WHATEVER it took to be there for you. EMAIL?? I'm sorry but that is messed up