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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. I mean the resort is super nice, but we just came from there spending $1250 for the week BUT the manager told me March is the lowest season so us like dumdums booked it on the spot because we loved the hotel so much..literally went last week to pick a place. And now it turns out that March is high season? im so confused..and i ordered those stds today lol.
  2. aww thanks!I thought so too, well it was that and that if i looked at one more option I may shoot myself lol...and the girl gave me a super cute idea...to wholepunch them both and then put like a fastener u know from the long envelopes that kind? So they will be connected and swivel out.
  3. I wish these posts were dated so we could see when they were written. Just wanted to know if you had any addit'l info about the majestic room rate?
  4. Not sure what you guys are looking for..what I can say is that I have driven myself nuts for the last week trying to come up with a cute STD idea and after postcards, magnets u name it I ended up ordering these today. Let you know how they come out..but I thought they were cute & appropriate Invitations By Dawn Good Luck
  5. Thats the reason we chose March so there are no holidays. $2075 for two is perfect thats what I am looking for..thats reasonable a $1k a person..2k a person is not. I think she got greedy this woman, saw a guaranteed commission and thought we were morons. She tells me you dont know the prices and how travel works..I said I may not know much but I know what your telling me is unacceptable. It was from liberty travel..I was figuring if I go to a larger chain they have greater contact and pull then a little mom & pop shop but I guess not. Everyone is a hustler these days lol
  6. Oh no I didnt mean Europe for the wedding i was just saying in general $4k a couple is alot..people like me but not THAT much lol. Mexico i'm scared of with everything going on there.
  7. I Know!!! Thats what I'm saying. Everyone told us DR is the least expensive which is why we chose it and now I find this out?? You can go europe for that lol. All I keep telling people is its not gonna be that bad..not that much bla bla..then this lol
  8. Did you try calling the hotel directly to get a group rate? or you just dealt with the TA
  9. UGH! really Thats great after I argued her that what she was saying was impossible lol
  10. OMG DONT do it there. We went there because we have been to many Riu palaces before..riviera maya among others. When we got there we were shocked. The grounds are beautiful BUT, the service was awful, the food was crappy, the rooms had this awful smell and all the people we met seemed to have the same impression, The elevators kept breaking and we were on the 4th floor. I mean for the both of us these were all things we could deal with but when you fly people out u want to make sure that the service is excellent. Its a shame because the place is so pretty that on our last day we were already trying to convince ourselves that maybe were nuts? I mean this is only from my opinion everyone will ofcourse have their own...but I would never go back to the RIU in DR let alone have my wedding there. I heard Paradisus was amazing though. Good Luck.
  11. hmmmmm!! Just when I decided I am over the magnets lol I hate having to make desicions
  12. HI!! Congrats to all of you. We have just decided on a place and now I am having issues. We have contacted one travel agent (we only booked it last week) to find out prices and they were insane. We just went last week paid 1250 a person for an entire week w.transfers, taxes and all, and shes telling me because its next yr its 2k a person which i find hard to believe. Just wanted to know if anyone has gotten any prices for their guests & if so did they deal with the hotel directly or a travel agent. And if a travel agent do you have any that you highly recommend? Any advice will help. Thanks!!
  13. Do majestic!! We actually just went last week to look at a few places..didnt see Dreams, but we saw a bunch of the RIU's amoung others..and went to both Majestic hotels..we stayed there for 4 days and loved it so much we booked the wedding on the spot literally. Its absolutely amazing there, the service, the accomodations..everyone is so nice. Good luck with your plans whatever you decide.
  14. I just came back from ther 2 days ago going to look at hotels...saw the riu palace HATED it..the grounds gorgeous the service was awful, we went to majestic elegance and just fell in love with it so much we booked it on the spot.
  15. Has anyone used this site and if so how was their experience. They seem a little too cheap to be true so i'm a little weary(100magnets for $60). Thanks!
  16. I've uploaded a pic to my profile & it doesnt come up..i dont think anyway, unless u guys see it and I just cant? How do I make it viewable? when i try to make changes it says I dont have administrative right? am i doing something wrong?
  17. yea im thinking DIY too...its only a save the date & we're in a recession lmao
  18. karenk77


    OMG Thank you so much guys!...and since the post I have already picked a place for our wedding. Just got back from DR last night having looked at a few hotels and we found the one we love...so now I really need to get in wedding mode lol.
  19. Just got back from Punta Cana last night for a site visit saw all the Riu's & Majestic hotels, with a date & resort booked FINALLY!!! Wanted to know if you guys gave ordered save the dates & if yes from where? Thanks!
  20. We will be going down there this Weds to check out the grounds of both resorts and hopefully commit to one For those that are considering it and havent been there, if there is anything specific you want me to look out for let me know. I'll be more then happy to ask any questions for anyone out here. And for those that are experienced in this because I am DEF not lol, if there is any advice you can give us to know what to ask, or things to look out for that would help too. We've done absolutely no planning so this should be fun. lol
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