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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. OMG i hope because ive been stressing that like crazy..I guess i'll just leave it as is and if its meant to be it will be? the only thing I was thinking was 2 say i'll take a week no pay..maybe that'll make it better? this job you took it was for a teaching job? and they didnt give u a hard time at all??
  2. Ms.Z..I wouldnt do the honeymoon now, but I would need like 4 days off..3 at a minimum. My Fiance is telling me calm down whatever happens happens this is our day and hes convinced anyone would understand if I told them we had this wedding planned long in advance..I am just being my typical paraniod capricorn self thinking this is going to screw me big time. But in all seriousness, lets just say that I meet a principal and by the whatever luck she happens to like me and offers me the job, if I say that its a wedding bla bla bla...it could really screw me? I want honest answers here lol.
  3. I dont know I mean were gonna have a beach bbq on fri, a brunch on sun..so there are alot of things we are going to do..plus I want to have time to be able to feel like this is something enjoyable and not like im committing some crime lol. I guess maybe like 4 days? or is that straight obnoxious? Yea i'm looking in NY..well Bklyn first then whatever else may come about..beggars cant be choosers lol. You know they had the freeze which was just lifted for Spec Ed so I am hoping with that I can find something.
  4. So what would u do? I wouldnt take a honeymoon till the summer. But would you just change the date?
  5. Ok I need advice from you all I am looking for a teaching job, in elementary this coming school year. now, when we booked the date I was trying to make it cheaper for guests so I booked when there are no school vacas & now I think im in trouble. I am going to need like 4 days off and how can I ask a principal as a new hire to do that? You are all teachers what do u think i should do..I dont have a job yet...change the date?, or just let them know at the interview that this has been long planned and I will need the time?
  6. Oh man im soooo confuseed as to what to do..I mean I dont have a job yet I am only first interviewing, (changed careers), but I am scared that if I mention it I wont get the job because of it. Then others are telling me that its a wedding,a nd if i let it be known at the interview that this has been long planned it should be ok..but i dont know how true that is. and im scared
  7. Ok so last week we finally booked the date..and I was looking for dates that schools were in session so that it will be cheapest for my guests. Now im in a predicament because I am going to apply for teaching positions and how am i going to ask for a week off as a new hire. So then i was thinking about changing the date, which everyone is telling me is a bad idea, but I am not sure how principals would react to this info and its stressing me out. I dont want to jeopardize a potential job, but I also want to be able to enjoy this once in a lifetime thing..sooooo confused. What would u do?
  8. OMG I am having the same issue!! I was told March is low season so we booked it then only to find out its more expensive..THEN i thought you can group rates from the hotel who they then said TAs are cheaper. ok fine so we come back tried talking to a few who qouted us prices that were double what we spent mind you, we just flew there last week to see some hotels because we wanted to see them first hand rather then online which was confusing the hell out of me with 20 websites open. needless to say I spent so many hours finding prices, and getting so stressed out because then people were telling me this is too much, thats too much...so I think I am going to have every man fend for themselves and thats it..because Im going to have an ulcer to save $100 for my guests when noone knows what they are doing yet anyway...ive been so down this last week trying to get it all together and we only set the date last week. So my fiance keeps telling me to stop stressing and I cant..but if planning is going to be like this im going to lose my mind.
  9. Oh awesome...glad you found what your looking for. Im gonna check it out.
  10. Congrats kburger! BL- no they were the basic junior suites..oh wow so you dealt with cheap carribean..I will give them a call. Thank you!
  11. Nooo! you are 100% right, but just to be clear when I was speaking of the agents I was just speaking of the 2 that I had spoken with..not what you had given me, never meant that at all, and if it any way seemed that way I am sorry!! I was truly appreciative of whatever info you had given me and I know it was just an estimate..I had a lengthy phone conversation with a local agent completely separate of this site and thats what she was telling me(the 1600 for 4 nights, and so i went online when i was on the phone with her telling her the price I saw on orbitz)... I think my sarcasm keeps getting me into trouble because maybe what I am saying is coming out differently then what I intend, I'll stay quiet from now on lol.
  12. But did you look at online sites for your prices? They are much cheaper..i was doing it all day today and its substantially less from what travel agents have given me. When is your wedding? And we all lie..we say we will understand if people wont come..but really we wont..lol
  13. LMAO! Omg i feel the same..im on this a little too often like anyone cares what i have to say anyway but I just keep commenting all over the place lol. Just do the flipflops and call it a day
  14. OMG! Congrats! I was actually there the week that you had your wedding for a site visit and we loved the place so much we booked it too. Your pics are amazing..im sorry you had to deal with all that crap. So you would recommend the hair ppl there? was it at elegance or colonial that you used the spa? And my last question sorry to be a pain..is the one thats driving me the craziest right now, did you use a travel agent for your guests or had everyone book it themselves?
  15. I tried opening the link but nothing opened? But i'm glad u found what ur looking for. Whoever said planning this is easy LIED!!!!!
  16. karina- thats exactly what I paid having gone LAST WEEK! so when these agents were giving me these prices I was shocked. Only to speak to another one last night who qouted yet another 1600 price for weds-sun...decided to go on orbitz to see $1084!!!! So I think the best way to do it is every man for himself.
  17. LR..lets just book our wedding the same day and charter out an entire plane..that will be much easier and cheaper and call it a day lol Wait but your rates should be cheaper then because your doing it in June no?
  18. oh wow thats a huge difference!!! how do I find her Thank you soooooo much for your input by the way
  19. I dont know when we walked into the branch to see we sat down at one girls desk as we started explaining what we needed she(the one we ended up speaking to) walks over says she doesnt know how to handle this come to my desk..so already we were kind of weary but said nothing. Anyway..either JFK or Laguardia would be ok..you dont think we could get it down to like 1200 a person for the week? from your experience should we have chosen april or may? or it wouldnt have made a difference? I am not concerned with what we will pay, I am afraid to now tell people how much it will really be lol. I dont want to impose such a large burden on anyone
  20. Im not even going to say a word 2 anyone..my mom was telling me all along thats high season i was like noooo the mgr told us himself, and all I am going to get is I told you so's lol. So i'll keep my mouth shut and pray for the best lol
  21. Ok its confirmed..March is high season ur right..May-Oct she said is low..and the first 2 weeks of Dec. Wow..the first thing i attemted to do with my wedding planning and I already screwed it up loool.
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