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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. since we've booked our date about 2 weeks ago I haven't gotten around to telling everyone, but I just got my STD's and I want to send them out..is it rude to send a facebook email to ask for addresses or thats just wrong? lol I'm so not in the mood to make all those phonecalls, because we booked the place when we went on vacation to DR and so then there will be 100 questions about the vacation and then the wedding date. Does that sound awful of me? lol
  2. Well I spoke to a few and what they said is you have to pay $50 deposit p.p to just block off a certain amount of room. then you have to give an air deposit to guarantee the flight for x amount of people..and whatever rate you sign your contract, that is the rate you lock in to..so if it goes up you scored! but if the price goes down you can't take advantage of that. Also whatever you pay for your deposit for the people that don't show its a loss on your account.
  3. Yea i'm sure they are on top of their game. I by any means don't mean to scare anyone by saying this but make sure that your WC is still working there because when we were there the first week of august one had just quit the day before..hopefully it's not Maritee but just incase give them a call.
  4. I can tell you that I drove myself sick for the last week trying to find cheap rates and feeling guilty that people would have to spend money and all that stuff that comes along with it. And then I said to myself am I having something so that all my guests will be happy or am i doing what will make my fiance and I happiest. I was a maid of honor 3 times, and a bridesmaid like 6 times and noone ever asked me do i mind spending $900 on a disgusting dress? or do I mind going here & there and everywhere. One of my friends had like 3 bachelorette parties altogether that ofcourse like a good friend I went to...and these are all the same people that are giving me grief about what I am doing. So in speaking to my fiances friends(who are all amazing) and through a similiar post I put on here..I realized you have to do what makes you happy because people will compain no matter what. You worry about you..and if you matter enough they will come, and if you don't then why should u rearrange your wedding for those people anyway? AMEN! now I have to learn to practice what I preach lol
  5. Agreed. The service there is outstanding, from management to waitstaff which makes your stay that much more amazing. But from the coordinator stand point it would be nice to get an email reply within a week...I know they are swamped with us crazy brides..so I wasn't expecting same day, or even next day..a week was sufficient. 3 months?? And then not realizing I just met with her in person like 2 days prior? thats a little much...but I still booked the place because they just made our stay wonderful.
  6. Awwwwww congrats on your engagement!!!! No your not to late at all..I only booked it 2 weeks ago and we're getting married in March.
  7. LMAO love the douche baggery...def stealing that from you. And i'm completely over it can't be bothered. You're all right and thank you
  8. They are horrible with that..I emailed them like 3 months ago..we were actually down there met with the coordinator..I come home like 2 days later I get a reply saying sorry for the delay bla bla and I hope this answers ur questions..mind you I had put my complete name in the email..not only did it take the 3 mths for the reply she had no recollection of speaking to us 2 days prior I wouldnt count on the wedding coordinator to be too much help, but the grounds are so beautiful its worth dealing with
  9. Wait you're getting married at 4p.m. on what date? Not sure if you're replying to me lol
  10. eh..tell them to shuttup! Same here though with his female friends..super excited, calling me giving me ideas all that good stuff..my friends? if u get me a good price ill go, or another is saying if she will be pregnant she cant fly(mind you she isnt pregnant), march is a bad month..im officially done I told him if we have your friends there thats enough for me lol. I dont know if its that females pictured you getting married i think its that they picture you inconviencing them, which is sad considering what you give & what u get in return. Thats nice that you're doing an AHR..I love your date by the way!
  11. i'm sorry your mom was giving you a hard time though
  12. LOL! one actually had us buy $900 bridesmaids gown..granted they paid half..but still 500 for a dress that was so ugly I couldnt stand wearing it or have I ever worn it again. And i dont even spend that on dresses for myself...I should do that! lol. I wont even bother though..for myself I dont even want a bridal party..i told him i rather just have my sis as the MOH, his best man our families and thats it..so its up to him if he wants his groomsmen then i'll have to suck it up.
  13. I can add Karen and Andrew march 6. 2010. majestic elegance
  14. Jo- isnt that weird..only from the female side are we getting crap?
  15. Jefiner- with us its the exact same thing..weve been engaged over a yr and finally set the date last week too actually! So congrats!! The thing is my dream even before destination weddings became so trendy was to have it away on the beach, im talking like teenage yrs when people were dreaming of being cinderella I said not meee lol..so whoever knows me knows this..and so rather then being like wow finally your dream might come true everyone is complaining about something...but I am going to just ignore it...not the quantity of positivity but the quality.
  16. You're right and I know,its just dissapointing.
  17. Oh wow its beautiful!!!! I give you credit for going, people were telling me to go I said I'm scared..that many running brides? no way I'll get trampled on, that many women in one room is just way to much estrogen for me, Now I wish i did..your dress is amazing congrats!!
  18. I am like the 27 dresses girl..have been a maid of honor 3 times, and a bridesmaid about 6 times, and I am FAR from one of those girls that are all about their girlfriends, just so happened that I've been in so many wedding parties. Anyway, my fiance and I have finally set the date(last week) and although we havent sent anything out yet, waiting for my std's to arrive...we started calling people to let them know we had set the date and the responses that I am getting from my friends are like borderline nauseating, however my fiance's friends couldnt be happier. They are all coming, all have started calling us to tell us what arrangements they plan on making. Has anyone else experienced this female fiasco?
  19. We came back from there almost 2 weeks ago and I'm missing it like crazy!! we went down for a site visit and booked the hotel on the spot we loved it so much. I cant wait Congrats to everyone
  20. I decided I am going to stop stressing it..because so far I dont even have a job lol. So i'll look at the bright side and say if I am not working then I can take the whole 10 days and actually enjoy my wedding week..and if I do then i'll worry about it then..going to drive myself nuts for something non existent lol.
  21. Maybe you're right..I am so confused I dont even know what to do. I Try to do things to make it easier for people and I always end up stuck in the end. So much for happy planning
  22. Omg I didn't even think about testing time..oh jeez another dilemma lol. As for not mentioning it, I can't im the worst liar..cant keep a single emotion to myself and my guilty conscience would eat me alive...im so bad with stuff like that. I hate that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and its the same professional or personal..im too honest and its not good lol. UGH!
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