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Everything posted by karenk77

  1. I heard Paradisus palma real is beautiful..but it was a little too pricey i thought for guests...I visited the majestic elegance because I was as confused and overwhelmed as you..and as u can see i'm biased..but we booked it on the spot..its so beautiful. Actually they have a church on the grounds..so unless you have sentimental reasons for choosing the church you did, you can do it in the church right there. You're not being to picky or paraniod..you're having people fly out, out of respect for you so you want to make sure that they are pleased..its one thing if you go on vacation and it sucks..its another for people to come to your wedding and have them feel like where the hell did they bring us.
  2. I know!!!! Too back we arent getting married in the same place..how cool would that be. oolala what kind of suit did you order ur man?
  3. Lmao...after i wrote that i was like lemme shut up before i put my foot in my mouth..and sure enough....I hate being blunt.you know how many times I get emails saying I am inappropriate? UGH
  4. This site is amazing and your newest addiction, my fiance said he thinks im part of a cult lol! Look into Majestic Elegance...ofcourse i'm biased lol...but if you're thinking DR its amazing..grounds beautiful, food ridiculous and happy people all around. Congrats on your engagement.
  5. hey hey hey, I get so happy when I see people from NY on this! Brooklyn over here..congrats to everyone. I never looked at places here...didn't want to have the typical russo's on the bay & escalade limos type deal. As for picking a spot away..we actually went down for a week to the DR because we were told thats the cheapest 4 guests flying in from NY..so we went picked the place we loved and booked it.
  6. If it makes you feel any better I saw one of my best friends yesterday who I went to like 3 bachelorette parties for her(she had 4 actually lol), went to a dinner rehearsal of hers which I showed up noone was there..i call 2 find out where they are they decided to cancel and just never tell me..ran to the hospital the day she gave birth..u name anything shes been thru in life i've been there last night I get a "oh so u set the date..well i'll see what i can do", in the coldest most non give a F way possible. lovely. Thats why i also am not having a bridal party..moh & bm..family and thats it.
  7. She doesnt realize the cost? ok maybe if she wasnt planning her OWN wedding! But she is..and she knows. Maybe she is jealous..whatever her problem is it shouldnt become yours..this is your time and don't let her lack of sensitivity ruin it for you. ..and as for the having to spend $900 bridesmaid dress comment? THAT WAS ME!!! LOL.
  8. I agree with Love3..my motto was always "in order to have a friend you have to know how to be one", and if someone isn't a friend to you they don't deserve having you as a friend. Financial situation is one thing...how it's said to you is another. We are all in the same boat of asking people to tap into their finances to come to our wedding, and with that in mind we are all aware that some people wont be able to make it and still all decided to have it away anyway..with the understanding that some people may not be able to come and we are all ok with that (as hurtful as it may be, we do all understand). BUT to say stop bugging me? F that!!!
  9. beachbum- me neither at all! and they told me march is low season so we chose that only to find out its high season after we booked the date lol are you going through an agent?
  10. OMGGG I love your quote. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  11. I chose DR because people told me they had the best all inclusive packages for our guests ..we're coming from NY and i def wanted an all inclusive so people wouldn't have to pay more then what they are already paying to come down..so I was told its the best pricewise from where we are coming from.
  12. Good luck..you're beautiful and will look beautiful in anything. Happy Shopping!!
  13. I haven't told anyone about our site either...but thats because I keep changing it..and because i love it so much I dont want to hear any neg comments as crazy as that sounds..lol..i'm sick i know
  14. I think its a beautiful dress, and i also think that you have an amazing body where whatever you put on will look great. Honestly? the dress is super sexy and a sick dress..but the dress takes you over and you should be taking over the dress. Save the dress because it truly looks great on you...but if you're not sure..get something you feel confident in, and confident of, the fact that its the best dress for you.
  15. whitestrips actually work really well...but I'm going to get them whitened by the dentist..like I want to smile and have chiclets smiling back at people lol
  16. The place is so nice and the people are so nice..even if something doesn't go as planned it will still be amazing. Don't worry
  17. No i just ended up text messaging for addresses..and as far as info i'm making a website which by the way I have to say is THE most addictive thing..seperate of this BDW site. lol
  18. I think its the cohabitation nothing to do with marriage. I moved in w.my fiance right after we got engaged last sept and boom it started coming on. You eat when he eats..for me when i lived home I never ever cooked dinner..now not only am i cooking the dinner I am tasting it as i'm making it..then i'm nibbling on it until he comes home...and then i eat it for dinner lol. Now I stopped cooking as the solution
  19. Oh they know about it...thats why the girl who was working with the one that quit was still ok because they all share files..but atleast you can know if the one that quit is the one you were working with, find out who is now going to be working with you thats all....dont be nervous..they all work together and i'm sure its fine..they do so many weddings that there probably have their own system..but better to know who exactly is your WC thats all.
  20. good point!!!! Ok so i'll text msg instead Thanks
  21. Def not Sandra because thats who we met with...I know it was someone who's name started with an M...and a girl I had met there while waiting for my meeting with sandra was flipping out because whoever it was that quit was her coordinator and the girl had just arrived that day, and her wedding was the following day. Luckily I saw her afterwards and she said Sandra took care of everything and it was great for her...but for anyone that is working with a WC there who's name begins with an M (sorry i cant remember the name lol) call them.
  22. We are doing the same thing. Go to cityhall to spare all the neccesary documents you'd need to bring with you if you were doing it legally at your destination spot. And for whoever asking if its vow renewal no..you're just going to ask for the symbolic ceremony..hope that helps
  23. ok..cool thanks..because i know ppl are particular and i actually can think of a friend in my head who will actually look at her name placement relative to others lol Just want to minimize any type of drama lol.
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