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Everything posted by CnC

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MexicoBeachBride2010 I was there the last week of May for a site visit/family vacation and we stayed on the colonial side. I chose the colonial side because I was more comfortable with it and felt that it would be better for my wedding and the guests that are attending it. The elegance is beautiful but was alittle more money. I am staying 2 weeks so we are having our wedding at the colonial and booked a basic room (we get an upgraded based on availability) and then we are moving to the elegance club and booked a swim up room so we are in the adults only portion. I liked this because it'll give us a change of scenery for the second week and it'll feel more honeymoonish in the adults only elegance club. Goodluck with your wedding and try to get a date soon because I had heard May fills up really fast! So lucky you got to do a site visit AND you're staying for two weeks! Great idea to switch up at the mid-point! I think we are only staying for 5 days or so, so we decided to go with Elegance; but will leave it open for our guests to choose Colonial or Elegance. Waiting to hear back from Sandra and hope she gets back to me soon!
  2. Thank you so much for all the feedback! I think we got May 14, 3PM! Sandra hasn't confirmed it yet...but that's what she offered so I'm hoping we got it. We were really wishing for May 22 since that's the day when he proposed; or May 21...but alas, both are full. Wish us luck that we're getting the 14th!
  3. Hello ladies! I think my FI and I are finally at a point to commit! It'll be either Majestic Colonial or Elegance in May, 2010. Waiting for date confirmation from Sandra. I'm wondering, how did you choose between Colonial vs. Elegance? I'm just a bit confused as to what the real difference might be! Also, any former brides out there from May, 2009? What was the weather like? Does the resort get "crowded" during the weekends? Any recommendations to which room to book (if we get a choice) So many questions! Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks for asking! I realize I haven't logged on in a while. Well, still no place or date. But FI and I finally sat down and went over our priorities and decided to buckle down and face the planning. FYI: my priority is Chapel ceremony and Family's presence; his? I get what I want but at the same time we minimize the cost - we're (meaning he is) paying for the wedding. He spent a couple of hours making an Excel spreadsheet last night, so that we might be able to compare the places easily in one glance - which is actually not very easy to do! The spreadsheet is a working progress and he also took the initiative and called a travel agent off the web to look further into finding that "perfect" place. For a while, it was a bit stressful when discussing the plan with the FI. It even got to the point of him saying "hope you still want to marry me at the end of today". Really, it wasn't THAT bad...but I love him even more now for realizing my stress and helping out in ways he knows how. I thought Mexico was out, but it's back on the list - this makes me feel better since I really do think Mexico is the best option for us. We shall see! For both of us, work has been stressful, so it really had put a pause on our wedding planning. We will forge on though. We both really can't wait to be married, start a family and live happily ever after...so...just need to jump over this hurdle called a 'wedding'.
  5. @jkcz - First, Congrats! So glad to hear you had a fantastic time. Thank you for the info! One quick q: how was the travel from the airport to the resort?
  6. Hello ladies! I was hoping for more info on windjammer. I've read the few posts on this thread, but has anyone seen its chapel? They mention it on their website, but no pics or any details. My attempt to contact them hasn't worked so far (it's been about a week)...any info would be much appreciated! Judging from the thread posts, sounds like one can't go wrong at St. Lucia! (and the JetBlue announcement is such a bonus!)
  7. Woah~ I'm so not together according to this plan! ... Thanks for posting this! I guess I have my work cut out!!!
  8. Congrats and good luck! So far, I've found the forum very helpful. Use the search engine - it helps!
  9. Fantastic news! St. Lucia just went up and up on my list!
  10. I'm also looking into Windjammer but haven't heard back from anyone I've contacted. Have you heard from someone from the resort? Will keep you posted as I find out more info!
  11. Has anyone been to or seen or heard of a resort in Caribbean islands with on-site (or close by) Chapel? I know of Sandals in Montego Bay (affordable but searching for more options) and have seen a few 5-star resorts (these are way~ too expensive for our guests)...about to give up on the dream of having a church wedding...would love to keep the dream alive. Please help.
  12. I would love to hear more about this resort! I've been searching for a Caribbean location with a chapel for the wedding ceremony and this place seems to have it! I'm interested in not only hearing about the wedding experience but as a guest as well. Thanks!
  13. Still no date or a venue. BUT, FI just moved down to Dallas (he lives in Chicago) for 6-8 weeks to stay with me and to plan the wedding. I've narrowed it down to 3 resorts; one in Hawaii, 2 in Mexico. Now, I'm searching for a location in the Caribbean. (FI is very inclined to the Caribbean.) We now have a budget - so it helps. At this point, I find myself more and more thinking - Civil service and let's call it a day! ... Not really... ...
  14. BTW, wow! 8 years long distance? Across the borders? I'm IMPRESSED! Congrats and blessings!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by PuntaCana2010 Hello fellow Canadians and possible yankees.... CnC - I have a question for you: how are you Canadian living in the US and your fiance is in another state? Just curious. FYI - I asked RIU and dominicanrepublicservices.com (based in the USA and yes, WeDo takes care of logisitics in the US) what I can do to expedite the process. Apparently, there is a certificate with apostille that RIU can give me and then dominicanrepublicservices.com could start the legalization and translation of our documents so that we do not have to wait 6 months to receive the marriage certificate. It is good to hear SeaPrincess that you received your certificate in 1 month. That's great... My fiance and I have been together for over 8 years living in separate countries and it would be nice to eventually live in the same country with eachother shortly after we getting married. Wish us luck! Fair question! I'm a research scientist; I met and fell in love with my FI while I was in Chicago. My lab moved to Dallas and he proposed 2 months later!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Thanks no problem I will check it out and let you know what I think. @jkcz - How was it? Hope you had a great time!
  17. @Ayita, thank you so much for all the info! Very much appreciate them!!
  18. Thanks, @Sspiris!. Unfortunately, I'm not Catholic and we are seeking non-denominational wedding... 6+ weeks of searching and no date no location yet. I've narrowed it down to 3 places (one in Hawaii, and two in Mexico), but FI is totally leaning towards Caribbean - and I can't find any place with a Chapel! I found a couple, but 5-star resorts where we totally won't be able to afford them (and ridiculous to ask our guests). So, another outcry for help...anyone know of a resort with onsite chapel for NON-DENOMINATIONAL wedding in Caribbean? Thanks!
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