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Everything posted by Taghan

  1. KarlaS, So glad to hear you got these bags...I know you had been keeping your eye on them! I have the blue ones too and they're great!
  2. I guess I'm in the same boat too, I think. Problem is, I can't really tell if people are using the site or not. Only 2 people have left comments. We continually encourage our guests to check the website since we are updating it as we go. Maybe it'll be used more as we get a little closer? We'll see!
  3. I'm sorry to hear about all the bad experiences with DB's...that's the last thing we as brides should have to deal with!! I guess I'm one of the few that has had a good experience (so far anyway). I've only tried on the dresses, haven't ordered it yet and obviously haven't gone through the alterations process. However, I will say that my experience was good. I purposefully made a weekday appointment, early in the day to avoid the DB's madness. Although I didn't have an DB associate just for me (apparently someone called out that morning), the woman who did work with me was very helpful, pulled all my dresses that I selected and some she thought I'd like. She was very good at paying attention to both brides she was working with at the time (me and one other). I LOVE the dress and just need to order it now. Although, I may consider doing alterations somewhere else...not sure though.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Kate~ I wish I could remember - sorry! I'll ask DH tonight and see if he remembers....it seems so long ago now we got them! Did you by chance find out where you bought the table number holders from? They were cute!
  5. If you do want a WC, I highly recommend Janelle Scott from Island Bliss weddings. She's fantastic to work with!
  6. Very nice! Thanks for sharing! Do you by chance have the template for the inside? When I save the template, it only shows the outside.
  7. I went with wipes (small individual packages) since I felt they could serve many purposes. I was thinking if I were at the beach and wanted to wipe off my hands before eating or to get the salt/sand off, these could come in handy!
  8. What a great post! This is a great deal and I just checked e-Bay and they still have a TON of these coupons! I think I'll have to look around for travel sized BB sunscreen!
  9. I would say if you're going for simple and you don't have a big guest list, then do it yourself and save some money! It's really all about what you're comfortable with. I chose to have a WC because we'll have about 35-40 people and wanted her island expertise as well. But again, it's all about what you're comfortable doing.
  10. I am also considering using Eric Johnson...the work on his website is beautiful!
  11. Ditto on the cameras! Where did you get them from and how much were they?
  12. Love it! The colors are so vibrant and tropical...nice find!
  13. Thanks ladies! Now I just need to get my head wrapped around exactly what I want to put in them...way too many things to choose from and I keep changing my mind!
  14. Oh, forgot to mention that I was turned on to these bags from another BDW bride after seeing her post....I can't for the life of me remember who it was though! Sorry in advance for not remembering!
  15. I just got my bags last night! Love them and loved the price. I think they'll for guests to use at the beach and even after the wedding. I bought them on e-Bay from eBay Store - Kirman Surplus: HOUSEHOLD GOODS, LUGGAGE, CARRY-ALL. I went with the blue ones. Hopefully the picture comes through!
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