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Everything posted by breeze616

  1. Congratulations and welcome!!
  2. Congratulations and welcome!!
  3. breeze616


    Congratulations and welcome!!
  4. P90X - Legs & Back (fast forwarded through the back stuff) and Ab ripper X Had to go meet friends for sushi so I had no time for the back... just did back on monday anyways
  5. That was STUNNING!! It gave me goosebumps Ana!! W.O.W.
  6. Thanks so much for your review. You are so right that we need to relax and enjoy the special day and not worry about the stuff that is just not important!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i don't typically read chick lit (sometimes too sappy for me!), but i love love LOVE sarah strohmeyer! her characters are always sassy and hilarious! my recent fave by her is "sweet love".. it doesn't hurt that it has a cupcake on the front! i usually read david baldacci books (just finished the camel club series) and i LOVE dan brown. i'm so glad he's finally releasing a new book this fall.. it's about time!! Sarah Strohmeyer eh? I'll have to check her out cuz I as well only like the funny chicklit. I like Dan Brown too - Did you see Angels and Demons? - They totally changed it!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 I was wondering how the Host was. Glad to hear that it's good. I'll probably pick it up once it's in paperback. It was much different from Twilight, and I didnt think I would like it, but I LOVED it. Even more than Twilght *gasp* I heard from someone that all her books are good and that she has a lot more?
  9. I have the H2O mop from the infomercials (I got it at walmart super cheap). I love it. The floor dries super fast, no chemicals and it gets EVERYTHING off. scuff marks, even stickers. Just leave the mop on top of the sticky thing for a few extra seconds to let the steam penetrate, and it comes right off. Cleans the grout in the tiles pretty good too. I also use it to steam the carpet. It doesn't get off the super-tough-set-in stains, but will remove dirt stains. And it leaves your carpet feeling all fluffy and new. My only complaint is that the cord is too short, I have to keep finding closer plugs, but no biggie really.
  10. Congratulations and Welcome!
  11. Congratulations and Welcome!
  12. Congratulations and Welcome!
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