I'd love to know if there is the option for a poolside reception as well. I think that the suites poolside reception is more for a cocktail reception only, but I'm not certain. The suites have that 'island' that the 'lazy river' flows around that they've used in the past for a ceremony, is that where the reception could be held? I know the beach has a little seating area close to the resort that could maybe be used...
Terutor - They do section off the area of the beach where the ceremony will be held, but its definetly not private and you will have sunbathers nearby. I've also heard that you have to 'recruit' someone to ask people to not walk along the water's edge, between the alter and the water, possibly causing strangers to be in your photos. I am either going to tip the staff to do this (if possible) or recruit a few of my big cousins to play bodyguard