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Everything posted by Bali83

  1. Vistaprint ROCKS!!! I got 100 postcards, a keychain, hat, 55 std magnets, tshirt, mouse pad, tote bag, pen & return address labels for $23.85 + shipping!! I'm officially addicted!!
  2. I emailed [email protected] & asked if I could get 25 guides to give to guests for a wedding...I received them with in a week They are very nice guides!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by moepeedy Dawnkyeknod, thank you so much Bali83, The Tank/t's Logo/print from VISTA Print. I had a 25 dollar coupon. I love how you were able to wrap your text along the swirl on the tank logo...but I don't see that option at vista print. Did you have to special order that? Also, I don't see the tank offered at vista print (only tshirts)...did you actually order the tanks from them?
  4. They sent me a whole box of guides!! They're great!!
  5. I would like to know what the 1st font is under the seashell Jessica & Bradley)...anyone know?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 Here is the planning thread that I got the template from. It's from Amyh. My fiance did pretty much all of the cutting and he may have modified a few things but I think it was pretty easy for him. Also a note: if you are going to use metallic papers when you use the tape/glue make sure that you do it along the edges of both pieces of paper that you are sticking together. We only did it on the pockets (not the pockets AND the back) and most of ours fell off in the mail. It was also freezing cold which took the stickiness away but just a little tip! Amyh may have mentioned that in her thread too. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17565 (you'll find the template link in post #1) I saw the template for the invitation but am actually interested in the flower graphic...I'd appreciate any help you can give me Thanks!!
  7. I love your invitations!! Could you send me the template for the design or post it here please? [email protected] Thank you!!
  8. Moe, I absolutely love everything you did!! Such creativity!! Where did you get the tank tops/tshirts design...& who printed them?
  9. Ok Christy...I tried to attach the logo but it must be too big...it said it was an invalid file. I can try to pm it to you but I would imagine it will be too big for that too...but I will try.
  10. Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  11. Bali83


    Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  12. Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  13. Bali83


    Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  14. Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  15. Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
  16. Congrats & welcome to the forum!! You’ll find an amazing amount of info here! Warning: it is TOTALLY addicting!!
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