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MilitaryMrs.s-to be

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Everything posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be

  1. I've been doing everything for the wedding that can be done right now. Even if he was home I would still be doing it all. lol. All the ideas that I have, I run by him and ask him what he thinks, but its always,"Whatever you want babe" lol. The DW was his idea so he doesn't care what goes on while were there just as long as were there. LOL And yes, its VERYYYY lonely. And you don't so much get used to it, but you just learn to deal with it. We don't know exactly when he leaves again, in the summer he will be going on a ship I think. We will stay in Halifax for about 6 years but he'll be going on tours, so I will be here but he won't
  2. Stop eating that : Chocolate bars (i hate halloween)
  3. A week? lol I would love if he was only gone for a week at a time!!! He's been away for a year on October 26. I got to see him for 3 weeks over xmas, 2 weeks in May and 1 week in July. Oh and a weekend in September. So yeah I'm very excited for him to come home!! He'll be home for like 8 months!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!! He's been away doing some training for the military. It will be sooo nice to have him home. He gets home on the 19th and were moving to a new apartment on the 28th, its going to be soooooooooo busy!! And yeah, I wouldn't worry about bringing centerpeices down, I don't think anybody will even notice, and if they do notice, their not going to say anything. Mine better hope they don't say anything!!! lol
  4. Hi Glas, Sorry I haven't been around but I've had H1N1 for over a week now, and went back to the doctor last night and now I have Strep throat as well. So I haven't been feeling to good. I was wondering what everyone was bring down for decorations as well, I was going to try to bring a bunch of stuff but now I think I'm just going to bring my sand ceremony stuff and some paper laterns for the evening. I'm not even going to bring down centerpeices for the dinner, I just can't be bothered. I'm usually always right at my weight when I go away so I know for sure I would be wayyy over if I brought all that stuff down. I'm sure my guests won't care if we have centerpeices or not, especially since were having our AHR a week later. And WOW!!!!!!!!!! the gazebo looks amazing!! When I seen the first bunch of pics I was like well, I'm def getting married there! but now, I can't believe I ever thought of the beach!! Mike will just have to suck it up!! lol He will like it once he sees it. PS - He'll be home in 19 sleeps!!!! woottt!!!!!
  5. The South Coast has some chains so I wouldn't worry about it. I heard the Dreams La Romana is amazing. And I'm pretty sure there are some Barcelos on the south coast as well.
  6. Yay for bands and suits!!!! I can't find a suit!! I'm hoping its a chain store as well! lol Tracy, you can get this sticker paper at staples, its clear and I'm pretty sure its waterproof as well. I think I'm going to get it, if I decide to do the mugs. Cause I'm starting to think I'm not going to.
  7. I'm so sorry for you to have to deal with this, I'm going through the samething and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Its so sad to know that our FI's families don't support the decisions we make together as a couple. I really hope everything works out for you, and don't let them spoil your special day, its one day that you'll never get back, so live it up darlin'
  8. The Big Lebowski : Juilanne Moore
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover ohhh I am so excited to see pics of the BM dress. No way!! no one will be able to out do YOU on your special big day, no way, can't even think like that!! Congrats on getting a time set, I know how much a relief it is Courtney, Did you get a time set yet? Urghhh.....NO, She said they won't confrim anything until we get there, Did she end up giving you a confrimed time?
  10. hmmm...Carolina told me it was $60 for a day pass for photogs......Might want to ask her again. Annd Good point about the tip, I was wondering the samething.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Isabelle, I was thinking the same thing. I think that sounds good. We all meet the 15 I don't think Danielle has picked a resort yet, she is still deciding. I hope she picks ours I would love to meet her!! Courtney: We will have to have a drink before we get married on Tuesday!! I am getting so excited just talking about meeting up with all you girls!!! YES!!!! I'm going to need a drink the morning of I think!! lol Are you getting your hair done at the spa? If you are, we might be there at the same time and maybe they'll give us a glass of wine!! ohhh that would be sooo fun!! I can't wait to meet all you ladies for a drink!! I'm right excited!!
  12. Big Momma's House : Martin Lawerence
  13. Thanks girls for liking my shoes, a girl I know told me she thought they were kinda trashy, so I needed to be reassured! TTTHHHAAANNKKK YOuuUUUUU!!!! And what about the 14th? Are there any weddings that day? Maybe in the afternoon, I have a TTD that morning I think?
  14. (shankd) Danielle from Oshawa- April 17th-24th (isy_beau) Isabelle and I'm from Gatineau-April 15 to 22 (CaribbeanLover) Tracy from Montreal-April 10-17 (Chicken764) Martine from Casselman, On-April 09, 2010(Grand Palladium-Punta Cana) (MilitaryMrs.s to-be) Courtney from Halifax-April 11-18 (CherryBomb) Carrie from Whitby-April 13-20 (beachbum) Stephanie - Bayside, NY April 11 - 18 Yes Stephanie I think you are!! lol We won't hold it against you!! lol
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