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Everything posted by NYCBridetoBe1909

  1. 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? corporate lawyer, but if I got to switch I would be an interior designer, or maybe PR, or anything but this 2: What is your favorite hobby? I'm embarassed to say I don't have any hobbies, other than maybe obsessing about wedding planning or the decor in our house, all which can be done during working hours 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? my birthweek, it's a whole week all about me! 4:What is your greatest achievement? losing 160 lbs when I was 20 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? cats, because I'm allergic to most other animals, so they're all I got 6: What is your dream trip? my upcoming honeymoon- 2 weeks in paradise with nothing to do but relax . 7: What is your favorite food? anything with lots of carbs, preferably italian 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? my fiancee, once I met him, life just all the sudden made sense 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? white, it doesn't get used that often, and those crayon sharpeners look like they might hurt! 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? back in Charlotte, back in 2007, when all my friends still lived there and the economy rocked 11: How many siblings do you have? 1 brother 12: What is your biggest fear Dying, but only because I would lose out on the love I have for my FI. It's funny, I never really thought about dying before, now everytime I think about it it makes me cry 13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? KFC. I went to law school so I didn't have to cook. 14: Do you have a nickname? Yori. It's the name of my alter ego who has all my bad habits. As in when I'm being impatient or selfish, my FI will say, oh it looks like Yori is her today. 15: What causes do you support? Humane Society. Neglected animals make me incredibly sad, they can't fend for themselves! 16: What is your guilty pleasure? a weekly maid. I hate cleaning house and doing laundry A LOT, to the point that I won't do it. But I also hate living in filth and not having clean clothes, seemed like the only logical thing 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? teleporting, like that guy in Jumper, because there are so many places in the world I would love to see, but it just seems like such a hassle to get there 18. How old are you? 27 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? quit my job immediately, pay off my 6 figure student loan debt for both me and my FI, invest the rest in an annuity and live off the income for the rest of my life 20. What gadget do you not need, but still want? Not a gadget person, FI takes care of that with his 4 laptops three gaming systems and two big screen tvs, etc. he's like a big large child 21. What is your favorite T.V. show? Gossip Girl 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" When he brought me his personal copy of The Little Mermaid Soundtrack to work for me to listen to 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? an old ratty t shirt that says ASPEN, I've never been to aspen, I don't know where it came from (although I have my suspicions, which I will never tell FI) but it's just so soft and comfy! 24. How many or do you want children? I want children, 2 preferably. 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? I live in NYC, there are famous people crawling allover downtown. Most recently it was one of the olson twins, they are scary skinny! 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? for the first time in my life, the answer is nobody, I'm perfectly happy being me and living my life 27. Is there anything that you regret doing? nope, it all got me where I am today 28. What is your worst bad habit? I DETEST shaving my legs, so I let the hair grow WAAAY too long 29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Leigh, yes it's my father's middle name 30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? ha, now that I'm getting married all that is in the past, never to be discussed again 31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? Just one?! He leaves empty soda cans in the sink, he piles his laundry in the bathroom floor, and he sets the alarm for 4am, and then lets it go off every ten minutes until anywhere from 5 to 6 am! 32. What’s your favorite movie? Love Actually 33. What's your least favorite food? Embarassing, but I don't like green things. I never grew out of the whole hating vegetables thing. 34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? 1)I was afraid that I wouldn't find a dress that was flattering and I would look like a fat cow 2) I was afraid he would have more friends/family than me (I'm kinda a loner and he's very social) and people would think he was marrying a wierdo and 3) he's catholic and my family is southern fundamentalist christian (i.e. I would have to have a dry reception, which would NOT work well) 35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 1 month 1 week and 2 days! 36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? I have a really bad (maybe good) habit of refusing to acknowledge or deal with people I don't like, so nobody really. Maybe that's a function of being so young, I'm sure I'll have them in the future. 37. When and how did you and your FI meet? At work. I had been laid off and as a miracle found a new job. He is an attorney in a different group and met us out for drinks at the end of my first week 38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now? Don't know, it isn't done yet, but probably not. I was very hung up on not having people look at me in the dress because I thought I would look awful. Once I found THE dress, I became sad that not everyone would see me in the dress. 39. Do you have any pets? Yes, two cats. Holly and Wally 40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be? nobody, if there's one thing I've learned is that sex is meaningless and not fulfilling unless you can let go, and I'd probably be way too self conscious to let go. 41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? pleading the fifth 42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? food, I like food 43. Do you have any tattoos? No 44. Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? vanilla 45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Fall, its not too cold and not hot enough that NYC smells terrible 46. What is your favorite book? I really like all books that I read, I've never liked a book enough to read it twice though 47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality? Scorpio, yes it does, but my Libra FI is balancing me out 46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW? home decor, deciding between 100 shades of gray paint 47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? Nope. I believe life works out to give you wonderful suprises, even ones you didn't know you wanted or needed 48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? will tell you when it's all said and done 49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? anything that doesn't make him look like he's still in college, which is more difficult than it sounds 50. What was the last meal you had? 3 mousketeers, it's what I eat for lunch. Since I don't like healthy food, I diet by eating a lot less of nonhealthy food. 51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own? I had only one ground rule, no yellow gold. He ended up giving me a family heirloom (thank god it didn't have yellow gold). It's perfect, I couldn't have picked out something so wonderful if I had tried 52. How did you decide on a wedding date? month of January because January in New York made me miserable. We chose the 9th because it's after all the holidays, and we'll feel like we get a whole month off and then the monday after we return will be MLK day, so another day to get back into reality 53. How are chores divided in your relationship? We have a maid that comes weekly, more often than not we let our filth pile up for a week and she takes care of it. I'm really a slothful person 54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? a stuffed animal I have had since I was a child, I still sleep with it 55. Do you wish your FI was an only child? He is an only child, so I don't know any other way 56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be? I would have lost the 160 lbs much earlier or maybe had enough willpower to not be overweight to begin with. 57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what? yes, my FI and I 25 years from now, just to see if it looks like I picture it 58. Did you go to college? Yes 59. What’s your favorite music artist? not really a huge music person, just listen to whatever's popular at the time 60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable? We didn't vacation when I was young, part of the reason I'm determined that FI and I will travel 61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? um....perhaps? Not sure if I remember what it is, but I'm sure the current color is pretty close 62. What is your most persistent worry? money, having enough to do everything we want when we want to do it 63. Did your FI/DH ask you or your father first? me, but when he called my dad he pretended like he hadn't 64. If you could pause time for a couple of hours what would you do with the extra time? lay in bed with my FI and snuggle 65. Do you work out? If so, what kind of work-out do you do? I used to a lot more, now I go in week or month phases where I do. I always lose the weight I can be eating less before I resort to working out 65. What is you favorite alcoholic beverage? pinot grigio 66. What does your FI do? he's a bankruptcy attorney (very busy guy these days) 67. What is your #1 pet peeve? being micromanaged 68. How you knew that your dress was the one? I cried 69. Did you always think you would have a DW? I never really thought about my wedding until I met FI and he proposed 70. If your wedding budget was unlimited, what would you love to add to your wedding? And why? I would pay for everyone's room and travel. I would pay for all excursions for everyone. New One: 71. What part of the planning process is giving you the most trouble? outfits for the groom and groomsmen! New One: 72. Other than your wedding date, what is the most memorable day/date you have had with your FI/DH?
  2. Wed June 24: 5:03 pm -pretending to review documents at work and by looking very confused/concerned at the screen as I'm reading; all an attempt to avoid being assigned more work that would take away from my valuable BDW forum surfing obligations
  3. Wow, I choked up too! Congrats and welcome to the forum. I definately look forward to following your DW journey!
  4. Jennifer, I'm in, for sure. Do you mind being the coordinator for this since you already seem to have a working relationship with her?
  5. For those that are interested, would the middle of September, into October work for anyone/everyone? I'm getting married in January of 2010 and want them before that. I am also not a size 2 and would love to have some time to work off the winter weight (yes, yes I know it's June already) beforehand. Also, is there anyone who is interested in that timeframe that has a strong preference for photograhpers? I haven't begun to research (and think it may not be the most appropriate thing to research at work), so I am totally open as to who!
  6. NJ Hunnie and Jennifer Davis, I'm in NYC and interested. That's three. Anyone know how many we need to constitute a group?
  7. Hello and welcome, from one NY bride to another!
  8. For those of you who ordered online, did you try the dress on in a store first to determine what style you liked, or did you just "go with your gut"?
  9. Congrats and welcome! Any idea where you're going to have the wedding yet?
  10. Thank you all so much for the support. I feel so much better about it all! I don't think we're going to do invitations! We are going to do an AHR, but not at home, but rather my parents home. I'm from Tennessee and live in NYC. Part of what turned us off from having a wedding here in the states is the insane cost of a wedding in NYC, and most of my family probably couldn't afford the hotels here anyway! We even started planning, got about $20k in and I freaked out and decided I couldn't do it, that it wasn't me and didn't feel right. So we scrapped it all and started from scratch. I'm not a wedding person, and I come from a long line of not wedding people. Everyone in my family for three generations went to the court house, that's just how it's done in rural Tennessee. My financee, however, is from a very formal New England family, and I think they're somewhat appalled at the whole destination wedding idea, although to their credit, they haven't said as much to me. Sorry, I know this is rambling. It's just amazing to finally find a group of down to earth normal people. You'd be surprised how hard that is here in NYC!
  11. I have to be honest, I wanted a destination wedding, in large part, to minimize the number of people who could and would attend. I have several reasons for this, ranging from my recent 30 pound weight gain to my overall clumsiness and decidedly non-bridelike personality. My plan and hope is that the wedding is limited to 4 other couples. His parents, my parents, his best friend and wife and my best friend and her long term boyfriend. That being said, is there anything wrong with not sending invitations and save the dates? These 8 people obviously already know when and where the wedding is, it just seems unnecessary. Am I missing something?
  12. We dated one month and one week before getting engaged. Fast, I know, but when you know you know!
  13. Hello all! After 4 months, over $30,000 and a near nervous breakdown, I cancelled my big city wedding and spent the next three months pretending like I could get married without a wedding. I've finally decided to get back on the planning wagon and am planning a wedding at the Sandals St. Lucia Regency in January of 2010. I'm totally clueless, and on some days apathetic about the whole wedding process. However, deciding on a destination wedding has gotten me excited about it again. I would love any advice! Starting with, perhaps, is there anywhere to actually try on the Dessy wedding dresses before blindly placing an order?
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