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Posts posted by finleys7

  1. Hi all,


    I just wanted to say I am watching the ceremony from my office in the World Trade 7 building and it is still very touching after 8 years.


    To all of those who lost loved ones, my thoughts and prayers are you with.


    And to all of you serving our country, THANK YOU!!!



  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 View Post
    ok..totally OT but Kat...Your dog is soooo cute!! :-)
    Now, on to 90210...Am I the only one, who was like WTF when Teddy said he was in High schoolhuh.gif LOL He sure ain't no Dylan Mckay!! hahahaha.. He looks however old he is and its well over 17/18 :-)

    All in all I am excited for this season and really curious to see how Annie's storyline will play out and how she will get out of being in Jail for Murder!:-)
    TOTALLY...I thought he was a tennis trainer/coach...not H.S. student.

    I love it though, I'm hooked =)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by smith3576 View Post
    We are trying to decide between Ingrid Michaelson Way I Am or Ray LaMontagne You Are the Best Thing. Although I do like Making Memories of Us.....

    (I SOOO wish FH would agree to do dance evolution!!!)
    At our engagement part we did 'you are the best thing' it was a great speed for dancing. I was recovering from an apendectomy from the day before and he held me up and danced slow...it was still a fan favorite.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by -Kate- View Post
    We are dancing to "I'll back you up" by Dave Matthews Band. Do you have any songs that are special to the two of you?
    A lot of DMB fans here.

    We are contimplating You and Me off the new album...but our first choice is Better Together by Jack Johnson. Our friend plays guitar and he's playing for us =)
  5. Tough call...but ultimately you need to know if they are coming regardless...so in there you can drop the whole MC thing. It's important for your planning.


    P.S. The MC is totally up to you, we are asking our friend, who is also playing our wedding song. He plays guitar and he's taking it down there!!! I would think about designating someone else, because I think it's nice to 'enter' the room and have someone announce the bridal party and first dances...but if that's not your thing, then don't sweat it!

  6. I didn't even recognize Adrianna last night, until she got the package (movie script)...she looks so much BETTER!!!!!


    I missed the pre-views for next week, by DVR always cuts it off =(

  7. Sooo...I missed a few episodes last season and I was trying to catch up, but Silver and Ethan...who knew


    I don't think I am going to like this Teddy guy and what was Annie thinking....


    I love to hate Naomi...ERRRGGG!!!

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