Hi girls, my FI and I are in the same boat. It is a second marriage for both of us. That is why we are having a dw. When we told everyone, everyone was thrilled, and wanted to come.. so this is now why we have guests and why we have other things to think about! lol. We are ecstatic that they all want to attend, it warms our hearts and will make our day/week that much better.
The advise that we were given was this:
Just because you were married before doesn't matter. This is a new relationship. Everything that was done for the first weddings can be done for this one.. because you both are making a new commitment together.
This doesn't make it any easier to want to register or to accept gifts but I was told or asked to just put it out there, if anyone wants to give a gift it is admittedly up to them.
My FI and I are not interested in the gifts. We are just grateful that we have the support from our family and friends who are attending!
Good luck!