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Everything posted by Islandbride2b

  1. I have always been told, and at the weddings I have attended and have been in; the Groom always goes first. Hope that helps.. but in my opinion.. its your wedding, and if you going first would make you happy then do it the way you want to do it!!
  2. I maybe interested but would love to see a picture or two or the dress style and number so I can look it up! Thanks so much.
  3. wow, Im having that issue too. Our wedding was booked for 2pm because the 4 pm was booked. err! Congrats to whomever got it!! And our "reception" gathering isn't in till later like 6 or 8.. what on earth do I do about our guests till then. . I know this kinda sounds selfish but I was hopping we could make that DAY our day. I'd hate for it to fee like we had our wedding and it took 20 minutes and then the rest of the day was "another vacation day" ... anyone else feel like this or not know what to do with the rest of the day.. I would love ideas, oh and Julia.. are you going to wear your dress to the reception that is much much later? Im torn I want to wear my dress but I don't to feel stupid for putting it back on
  4. Congrats on being a MRS!!!! woo hoo!! Thanks for the info about the GP. My hubby to be and I have been there and love it. Reading about all the different WC for GP its starting to make me nervous. I nope Nina is still there come May!!! Again Congrats, and cant wait for the pictures!!!
  5. we are running into that at least so far, as far as numbers. I didnt want to pay for a reception to begin with, because the resort is all inclusive; I dont think we should have to pay extra.. so with that being said, we are just going to let them know ahead of time that we have a semi large group who all would like to eat together and just have them set up the tables together or have us all very close to another. I really think that this will be fine. Good luck to you!
  6. Congrats, and welcome to the forum! Happy Planning!!!
  7. Congrats! No you are not the only man on here. I have come across a few who are doing the planning! Good luck finding all you need. You shouldn't have any problems on here finding anything!! Congrats again.
  8. My Favorite is dress Number 3 and I love dress number 5 as well. I have tired on dress number 5! I would love to know what dress number 3 is called so I can look for it to try it on! thanks!!
  9. my daughter is 2 1/2 and my son is 4. They both just walked in my brothers wedding this past weekend. I think your 2 yr old will be just fine. Bel was very excited about being a princes in their wedding!
  10. We are getting hitched on May 5, 2010 at Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Resort and Spa! Very excited!
  11. We are "sneaking" 3 in! I dont care if the resort allows for this or not. They will be set up as and are friends of ours. What can they say or do if you bring an over zelles friends with cameras and different lenses with them! I mean really, seriously are they going to tell you to leave after spending all that money on your stay. I'm sure they understand that it would reflect badly and really hurt their business/resort. They wouldn't be getting any recommendations from me if something like that took place!
  12. WELCOME! My future hubby and I love The Grand Palladium in Mexico. You have picked a beautiful location. We are getting married at the Grand Palladium in Jamaica. Good luck to you. If you need any information on the resort I'm sure I've got some!
  13. oct 1 11:45 pm. FI out at at my brothers bachelor party. While i sit at home on the computer reading everyones posts and having a glass or 3.. of wine. Telling myself this is nice to be the only one home, when I really wish he was here with me watching our recorded shows tonight. err!! lol
  14. Hi girls, my FI and I are in the same boat. It is a second marriage for both of us. That is why we are having a dw. When we told everyone, everyone was thrilled, and wanted to come.. so this is now why we have guests and why we have other things to think about! lol. We are ecstatic that they all want to attend, it warms our hearts and will make our day/week that much better. The advise that we were given was this: Just because you were married before doesn't matter. This is a new relationship. Everything that was done for the first weddings can be done for this one.. because you both are making a new commitment together. This doesn't make it any easier to want to register or to accept gifts but I was told or asked to just put it out there, if anyone wants to give a gift it is admittedly up to them. My FI and I are not interested in the gifts. We are just grateful that we have the support from our family and friends who are attending! Good luck!
  15. i havent booked anyone yet.. but by all the photos from the girls on here as well as her site, they look amazing. I wish you luck! Im sure you will get nothing but rave reviews!
  16. Congrats to you! I love all the Grand Palladium's they are all unique and amazing. We are getting married at the one in Jamaica. I wish i could help you or share info with you though. Good luck on your search. I hope you find a forum/grand palladium buddy! Happy Planning!!
  17. Thanks for the post. I always wondered what should and shouldnt make the cut! It was helpful!
  18. Islandbride2b


    welcome and congrats! the forums are so helpful, I hope you enjoy them too. Happy Planning!!!
  19. welcome to the forum!! Congrats!
  20. Welcome to the forum! everything on this site is so very helpful. I hope you find all you need here for all your happy planning!! Im getting married in Jamaica as well, though not till may of 2010!! Congrats, and again, welcome!!
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