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Everything posted by Islandbride2b

  1. I just emailed you as well, I can't wait to see the rest of this great news letter!! Islandbride2b [email protected] Thanks in advance!
  2. hi ladies, I have been debating about this as well. So far I have decided that since i have guests arriving on different days, the ones that will arrive when we arrive will receives theirs early, maybe at a welcome lunch (since we are having personalized bubba kegs I want them to get the most use out of them!) and then the others who arrive later will receive theirs directly from us or in their rooms.. probably their rooms. I'm just worried about leaving them in their rooms because our resort does upgrades right at check in.. and I don't want to find out that someone got an upgrade and never received their bag because of it. (Maybe I'm just thinking too much!) lol
  3. Welcome to the forum & congrats on picking GPJ! My hubby to be and I went last June to check it out. We are Palladium Addicts, we are big big fans of the one in Mexico as well. Anyway if there are any questions you may have about GPJ or about wedding planning there just let me know! Also if you would like to see pics of GPJ from our trip, visit mywedding.com/lettkisslinger under my photos is a lot of Jamaica for our guests. I'm super excited our wedding day is coming so quickly! May 5. Happy planning to everyone and enjoy your wedding day/week being in paradise with the ones you love is going to be amazing!!
  4. I just requested to Join as well and their wasn't a place to put my screen name as well. Please accept my friend request!! Thanks so much!
  5. We are doing, Purple for my hubby to be's birth stone color, Orange for my daughters birthstone color.. and well white.. which is my soon to be step sons birthstone (diamonds!) as well as mine. Funny thing is I would have picked these colors regardless. I love Orange and Purple! So bright!!
  6. actually if you want to put something on the bubba keg, a name or date or something of that sort. A rub on from a walmart or a craft store works great. It will eventually come off.. but it is taking a lot of wear for it too. It with stood the sand and sun, as well as the dish washer and people picking at the letters. (I did it for a float trip a while ago, as well as used it on the beach in Jamaica) It can be a tedious DIY but it is great fun to make things personalized for your guests. Good luck!!
  7. Mel as far as your photographers I was told that we can bring our own photographers in to the resort. We are not allowed to hire out side Jamaican photographers. We are bringing ours with us instead of using the resorts. I have seen some of their photos. Some are great some are not so great. (We went to GPJ in June) To us, our photos are one of the most important things, because its really the only thing we get to bring back with us that is tangible as far as our wedding day/week. Plus I just really LOVE pictures! Don't feel like your unorganized! I was under the impression that everything would be taken care of when we got to the resort as far as picking out things. Everything will be easy breezy! I do have to say though, that since the WC have changed so much, i find myself doing a lot of "pre picking" and asking a lot of questions to Lori. The wedding packages have changed dramatically since over 6 months ago when I saved our wedding date with a deposit. alright ladies, It's late, I have got to get to bed. I hope some of these posts of mine make since to someone! lol. Happy planning!
  8. Hi ladies, I had emailed Lori about the flowers as well. This is what she had said, and she sent me an attachment of all the flowers. (I hope the attachment posts!) "Please see attached floral magazine for your perusal. The bouquets that comes with the wedding packages are as follows: 128, 130, 149-164. Lori Douglas Wedding Coordinator Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Resort and Spa Grand Palladium Jamaica Resort and Spa The Point, Lucea P.O. Hanover, Jamaica W.I. Telephone: 876 619 0000 extn 8251 Fax: 1876-620-0001 Email: [email protected]" Okay I keep trying to add it as an attachment, but I think it is just too big. I'm not sure what to do, any suggestions are welcome. In till then, Lori has been extremely helpful and patient with me. I'm sure if you e.mail her she will definitely send you the attachment of flower options. I'm sure you can have something else done s far as flowers..these are just the few that come with selective packages.
  9. hi ladies, this is the second time around for my FI and I both. I'm torn with my feelings on this as well. It's so different this time, and to tell you the truth it feels like it is our one and only.. (wonderful feeling love is. :smile159) I have friends who want to "toss" me a shower and I wasn't okay with it.. at first.. then a good friend of mine and I started chatting about the boudoir that I intend to to for my FI.. and she suggested since I'm not comfortable with a shower, that we have a "pretty Panty" party in order to prepare me for my shoot as well as to get together with some great girlfriends and few family members who were invited to the wedding but can not attend to celebrate, laugh and have a great time. Just another idea! With all that said, we have registered do to a lot of people asking us to, if something gets sent in the mail we will be grateful but not expected of anyone. We are as well having a casual AHR when we return and I'm sure we will have a few guests who will bring gifts.. but again not expected of anyone! We just are thrilled and want to celebrate with everyone we love!! Sorry for the story board!!! Happy Planning ladies!
  10. Hey Congrats on the picking GPJ! It is a wonderful place. My friends, family, hubby to be and I will be flying in on May 2! Our wedding will be on May 5th, there at the GPJ! Super excited, for you and for us! Hope to catch a glimpse of your wedding from afar on the 3! Congrats again, and let me know if you need any info or help with anything!
  11. we are using, bubba kegs personalized with "their" funny names and the wedding year, waterproof deck of cards, cigar cuters and matches... hm there is something else but I can't remember at the moment. Cards are always a big hit, we played a lot of cards last year when checking out the wedding site, as well as made some life long friends. Good luck ladies, you really can't go wrong. You and your guests will be enjoying paradise, I really don't think anyone will be complaining or not enjoying themselves!
  12. Sam33 Congrats on getting ready to order your dress.. as for size there are a lot of ladies on here who have ordered from Landy with their custom measurements, I on the other hand have ordered from the a regular size. IF you do a regular size, just remember that sizes over seas are a bit smaller/tighter then sizes in the u.s. I was told that if you are a street size 10 you should order a 12. I do not know if this is true from experience but I will come the end of this month! NO worries though, so much easier to take a dress in then it is to let it out! I didn't do custom sizes because i have been losing weight pretty steady and didn't want the shape of the custom to look funny if I lost in areas harder to take in.. so I ordered a standard size to have altered closer to the end of April here in the states. best of luck to you and congrats on finding the dress you want for an awesome price!
  13. Hello GPJ Brides and Brides to be! I'm interested in knowing when your wedding dates are, if you have picked a location (beach or gazebo..) and for what time is your wedding?! I'll go first! May 5, 2010 on the beach at 2:00 pm (I really wanted 4:00, but it was taken) happy planning everyone!
  14. aww amazing. We have similar stories, and similar engagement stories. I love that we have men that understand that our Children are as much involved as we are. Congrats!!
  15. hello everyone. I have ordered a lace gown from them and I should be getting it at the end of this month.. so as soon as I receive it I will surely tell you and show you how it turns out! As far as the chiffon dress by Maggie, I'm sure it would be pretty easy for them to duplicate. Good luck to all of you! I hope I love the dress when it gets here because I am out of time to order from a bridal store around me!
  16. Super Excited ladies! I ordered my dress from Landy Bridal about 2 weeks ago. It was a long and hard process to get to the point of actually ordering. I talked with Lucy for about a month before making my purchase. She was so helpful, and very quick to reply. I would have to say that their customer service is amazing. I sent her pictures of the things I wanted and she helped me put it all together. Fingers crossed that it comes looking like what she promised it would look like! I have been counting down the days and it wont be here till closer to the end of Jan.. so when I receive it I will post feed back about the quality as well as a few photos (if I can figure it out) regardless of whether or not I love it. BUT I'm pretty confident I will love it!! Good luck ladies, if you don't mind not wearing a designer label I think this maybe the best way to go.. at least so far!
  17. It is a beautiful resort and the people are so friendly. Enjoy your stay there! We had a great time when we went to see if it was the right fit for us!
  18. could you please post the size, it may help out a little bit more! Thank ya.
  19. Im sorry to hear that your having so much trouble. There are a lot of brides on here including myself that are getting married there. It is a frustrating process because they have been doing a lot of changes as far as their wedding coordinators go. I dont have the email address on me right now, but I know there are several ladies on here who have it! I wish you luck. (Sorry I wasn't really helpful!)
  20. These are all two funny. The only thing I have got is after a long night at work, FI will come home and go straight to bed, which I love because then I can fall asleep finally. ) The is no longer a PP anymore because I have grown to laugh at it, but when I get up to make the coffee for the both of us, right in front of the door his stuff is every where, it just looks like his bag has just thrown up all over the entry way! I'm glad i take it with a grain of salt now and just laugh. He is just way to tired to care when he comes home, and I'd rather have him in bed with me then cleaning up his stuff.... at least in till the morning!!!
  21. Super excited! Thanks for the wonderful review!! I am so nervous about the wedding certificate coming to us in the mail way too late. I too am thinking about getting hitched before we leave.. err I dont know!!
  22. Congrats! Cant wait to see pictures. OMG! Your special day is tomorrow!! Super exciting! My hubby to be and I were at GPJ this past year. We had so much fun that we decided to set our wedding date for there. We are getting married on the beach at 2pm on May 5, 2010. Congrats to all you ladies! We will be taking our honeymoon at a later date to Dominican GP. Its so beautiful, there. We also very much enjoy GP in Mexico, its amazing too, What can I say, I think we are addicted to Grand Palladiums, and their beautiful locations! Opps off topic! Congrats again ladies! can't wait to see photos, hear reviews, and Ideas any of you ladies may have and want to share!
  23. Rub on letters from Craft stores work wonders. I tried it on my bubba keg, and a regular coffee travel mug to see how it held up. It does great. Now dont get me wrong it will come off, eventually.. and if they sit there and scratch at it.. I have sent mine through the dish washer a few times and its still there! Its very cheep, but its time consuming. I had a good time thinking of other names to put on the mugs, like their nick names. Best of luck to you!! There are so many different colors, and sizes of rub on's out there!!
  24. I love these.. I cant wait till its my turn.. in may! (I may have a while but Im super excited!!)
  25. Congrats and welcome to the forum! You will most likely find everything you ever needed on here!! Happy Planning!
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