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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. yes def gave me motivation to post mine. I've got it half done. And I was able to read half of yours great job!!! Sounds like you had a great time..will try and finish reading it today!!
  2. OMG Courtney!! what happen how are you feeling now? You poor thing. I can relate since i go to the hospital often, sometimes waiting 6 hours to see a doctor. sheila2011 aww the snow sucks especially in May!!!!!! I turned on the weathernetwork today and said Medicine hat is to expect or has had 5-15cm of snow just today!! that's insane!!!!! It's almost over though I'm sure of it!! Exactly, how can you expect to be part of a wedding party when you come last min!! People these days!! Sungoddes, That's bull crap!!!!!!!!!!! Def don't take the job, no one will except for maybe a teenager! You have a degree!!! There will be something out there for you before end of August I'm sure of it. Is there no way you could wait until after you come back from your wedding? Question to the girls who got married and made their hair appt online. How much did you guys pay again? I didn't make a reservations, i did it the day I arrived and was charged $90. I still have to come back for my long story
  3. Sounds like I'm not the only one who had drama. Which no offence I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who did. If it was I'd feel like it was only my group who were nuts, and drama lovers!! So glad you had a wonderful/beautiful ceremony. Came down to everything being worth it all!!
  4. LOL!!!!!!! love it!! Your right.. after reading reviews for weeks before I booked the wedding, then booked it and read for another month, I realized I didn't need to read them, there was to many good and not enough bad. People like to complain or just expect way to much out of a different country those people should stay home!
  5. Michele this is for you. So DH and I are talking about another vacation, don't know when, just looking.. so I decided to go look at reviews for the Grand Palladium in Jamaica (since we loved the one in PC so much) this is what I found, did you feel any of this?!?! (from Tripadvisor) We just returned from the Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton Jamaica. We stayed from April 21-28, 2010. We went for our wedding and had 19 guest that also joined us. Below are all the problems we encountered and some tips.... -could not get into the spa to get my hair done for the wedding. -wedding planner could not even hook me up to get my hair done or offer free flowers for my hair. -the wedding was at noon, no one showed up to pick me up for the wedding until 12:25, so I was 1/2 hour late to my own wedding-rediculous. -house keeping didn't even have our room clean by the time the ceremony was done, so we came back to a dirty room after we were married. -we stayed in a honeymoon suite (which is the most expensive room), and they cleaned our room last everyday (around 4-6pm). -poor service all around -the concierge or the shops on the resort never had change like $1's, $5's. So take plenty of change for tips etc. -make sure you take a large insulated mug for drinks, they only serve drinks in small cups and it can take a while to get a drink. -we had to wait 3 hours at the airport before we even left to go to the resort. which of course they never told us that we were waiting on other flights to arrive. we landed at 1:30pm and got to the resort at 5pm. the trip to the resort is under 1 hour. -some of our party complained of stinky pillows. -the airconditioning on the whole resort is terrible including our room. the men have to wear long pants to go to the restaurants (not the buffets), so they were constantly sweating during dinner. -good luck getting a ride from your room in the golf carts half of the time. i couldn't tell you how many times we called for a ride when we were dressed up, and no one ever showed up. -don't bother paying for the snorkeling trip for $16/person. the reef they take you to is kind of dead. just put a deposit down for the snorkel and mask and snorkel off of the beaches, it is way better and free. -the bus trip to Negril was fun, but the shopping they take you to is a complete tourist trap and there are no good deals except the blue mountain coffee which was $16. on the resort it was around $30. -don't worry about getting jamaican currency, everyone takes US dollars. -good luck getting a drink for breakfast, most of the time we were finished eating before anyone got to us to ask us for a drink. -if you want jerk chicken at the resort, be prepaired to wait about an hour unless you get there before they open. it's not that great anyway. -it seems that things are getting more dangerous because when we left we got a local newspaper at the airport and the headline read.... 522 murders in the last 117 days. -the resort was very safe. -they give you 2 free red stripes/day, so if you don't drink them leave a note in your fridge for them to leave the 2 free ones anyway. -if you want lobster, it is $30 each at any of the restaurants, but it is tasty. -the honeymoon suite is pretty nice with an outside shower, and a huge jacuzzi tub. we had a porch with an ocean view that was beautiful. -in general we had a great time with our friends and the resort itself is beautiful. for spending extra money and getting married, we had the worst service than the rest of our party. -don't expect anything from the casino. it is not even a casino, just slots.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 hahahaah I can't wait. Our travel agent is doing it for free since it's my FI's friends mom, otherwise I wouldn't be using one. What kind of drama did you deal with? Did you really have to tend to those guests, I guess I have it in my head that everyone will want to do their own thing, and I keep wondering why my mom is stressed about having to entertain everyone. So I'd love to hear how it went and what you had to do (entertaining, or feeling like you had to) haha this is from me, the girl who swears she will be in the pool up until an hour before the ceremony! lol..am I in for a rude awakening? amazing, things for free is always great, especially if something goes wrong they are there to deal with it (TA's) At the same time, yes a lot of people did do their own thing, I had a few single guest but even they ended up being friends with other friends of mine and just kept them busy. It was mostly dinner time where it got confusing, one night you might get half your guest, so you'll feel like you should do dinner with the other half.. then some people want to go watch 1 show, while others are still waiting to eat dinner, or so people want to go do something else.... get my point?! lol LOL we sound a lot alike... I too believed (even on Monday night wedding on tuesday) that'd I'd be at the beach in the morning. But I woke up sooo emotional I didn't want to do anything. I chillded in my room for awhile,my mom and i wen to lunch which I did't even eat, then went to do my hair and it was time to get ready..so probably not. But if you do get the chance to go in before your ceremony, have a swim for me lol One of my BM is a wild girl, most of the days/night she was MIA. Including my wedding day until 3 (Thank god our time change to 6) I guess I had a little resemt to it, and might have been a little 'attitudy' and she got sensitive over it, I made her cry!!! I felt horrible but she said she was there for me, all I kept thinking was if your there for me you wouldn't be MIA with 'boys' She was there 2 days before I arrived, so when I got there in front of my 'church' family said 'guess what, I meant there hot guys, you just have to meet them' both me and my cousin at the same time said I didn't care, after all I'm here to get married!!! But after our 'talk' she was good. Perfect BM at our wedding. I've got to accept she's younger then me, and not me after all (since I was her age when I was with DH, settled down and all) My mom doesn't forgive certain things my MOH did to me when we were teenages (long story),My mom wore her feelings on her sleeve that week..... everything was fine until the day after the wedding. MOH's boyfriend was our BM... during our ceremony the girls wer on my side in the gazebo but further back, BM was on Mike's side also further back... during the ceremony Carolina ask the BM to move closer to Mike. Since then anyone trying to take a pic of us got the BM too. So my mom went to him the nex day and was a little 'bitchy' and ask why he was so close (she should have come talkto me firs). MOH having issues with her mother in law (treats her like shit, name calling the whole 9 yards) clearly has some anger problems. Also just not wanting to deal with that on your vacation was pissed. So now I was stuck in the middle of my mom and best friend. MOH even said to me if my mom was going to dinner with us they wouldn't come. But I had a chat with my mom, it was ok after that...they didn't talk to each other but with so many other guest they didn't have too. The girl who I was saying wasn't coming, coming, not.. well came and pissed she wasn't a BM!!!!!! on my wedding night when I was going around the table to say my thank you's she even said she was so glad because I was stressing the girls out that day (which I never did.. I swear they'll say it themselves) it was actually a very relaxing day (the MOH and BM called her crazy lol) Who does that!!! then when I got back home she said I didn't thank her and her mom right... I think what she meant was I said a small thank you to the guest for coming and how I felt we were so blessed to have all of our guest there,ect.. BM's for helping me through my stresses blah blah, said thanks to my parents , DH parents and had a speech for Mike. She said I didn't mention her. But I went around the table and peronally thanked her and everyone else (thats how I got the whole thing about how happy she was she wasn't a BM) I mean it's not like the drama was every second of every day. it wasn't.. and still had a blast. But def could have avoided any of that crap. Pheww!! that was long... I'll let you read that and come back for lost of things story cause thats also long lol!!! I've always got a story it seems!!
  7. That was our biggest problem all the way up until 3 days before we left was our guest and getting them to book, we decided to forego the TA since they wanted to much and wanted a deposit right away... like I said some guest made it a last min thing. DEH83 is so right. Don't stress yourself over other people, I know millions of people will tell you the most important people to be there are you and the FI. It's a lot easier said then done. Our first week was filled with little drama here, drama there. I spent the entire first week literally attending to our 25 guest. Some were a blast and some others was a hassle. I have to agree I truly know my true friends, the ones who attended and didn't. Put our relationships to the true test. I kept saying to myself too if I could re do it, I'd not invite certain people.. We did invite people not expecting them to come which was great to us, but in the end did come. So do invite the people you really really want to be there. Sungoddes, We had the same issue, one of DH friend said he'd make it, but then moved it with his gf, and she wanted a family vacation, so went to Punta Cana months before us, then got back and sent in their RSVP card (4 months late) with a big NO! F**k 'em is what I've got to say.. they are not friends!! We even had 1 person (who in an unstable relationship with her HUSBAND) say she wasn't come, oh wait she is coming with her DH, or wait she isn't coming with him but alone, or wait she is coming with him, or wait she's coming with her mom now (that was for a year, all the way leading up to 3 days before my departure date) OMG my underwear, shoe and camera story!! I'll come back in a few and let you all know my hilarious sad story lol
  8. Katie, Love your pics!!!!!! beautiful bride. Us too we were really rushed for our after shots as we were losing light real quick. But like you got some amazing shots out of it. But since we were so rushed I never got a picture of the group jumping in the air, ever since I started planning I knew I wanted that shot Aww Michele, what a huge tease!!! Im sure it'll be up real soon. And when it is better come give us the link!!! sooo excited to see them!!! I'm with your Hoyt, I've been so lazy, none of our pictures our in an album, I still have so many to print. Maybe we're all just soo poped with the wedding planning, and now we know no more planning we're just putting it off. Maybe!! I love coming on here too, seeing what people are up to and chit chatting. also excited to read about everyones ceremony. Probably should wait another week for Nat, or the poor girl will never be able to catch up lol
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Thanks for the info!! I love hearing the stories from the plane to the honeymoon! I could read for days lol. SO glad they foudn the ring, I would have been freaking out!!! That was really nice that they searched and called that man! Lucky you! What time was your ceremony at? Is the lobby big enough to have guests go back to after dinner? We decided not to have the beach party -- so I'm hoping we can go to either the lobby or hemingways - which do you prefer? LOL I'm like you, I can still read all day about other ppls wedding and searching for another vaca!!! No beach party, no worries... I saw brides in all different places on their night. I suggest hemmingways, because you get the top shelf liquor there. Plus it tends to stay more quiet, so more privacy for you guys are your guest. If you really want to go to a lobby bar, I suggest Punta Cana lobby bar. You can hang out on the other side of the bar where it is quieter, and a waitress will bring you guys your drinks. How many guest are you having?
  10. Oh my your week sounded like my first week, bonus for you as your second week you were actually alone, like we were suppose to be, but our friend from Ireland got their fligt cancel for an entire extra week, so he spent our honeymoon with us. But we def got to use the royal side (isn't the gourmet resto the best one ever!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm sooo glad you guys found his ring, I can't imagine how upseting that must be, he must have been pissed. I'm sorry but your story was hilarious, how you ran and tripped over the wire, then they poor you a glass of champagne. A story to tell for a life time. I lost my camera, a shoe and my wedding underwear!! another store for another time lol!!!! I was still there on the 21st and I know it rained all day, I was looking for ya,what time did you have the ceremony on the gazbo? I was probably watching lol. I'm so happy your wedding was everything you expected and more. Ok bonus!!I didn't even get a bottle of champagne in our room on the wedding night nor did we get the t-shirts. But just having the royal suites (deluxe suite) for 2 weeks was good enough!!!! Can't wait to see some of your pics!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sasse75 Congrats and welcome back to everyone!!!! My photographer has sent us a few teasers so far....the rest are coming for our AHR on Friday Vanessa Lalonde Studios | Fine Art Photography | Vanessa Lazaroff, Waterdown, Burlington, Oakville, Ontario, baby photographer, newborn photographer, wedding photographer, Vintage FIne Art Photography love love the pics, your photographer did an amazing job!!! You guys looked amazing....your such a beautiful bride. Congrats again!!!!!!!
  12. Welcome back Suzy!!! Love your ziggy pics!!! you made one hell of a beautiful bride, your husband is so lucky, speaking of.. CONGRULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! MRS!!! Looking forwrd to seeing some more of your pics and hear more about your ceremony. So glad you had an amazing time!!! Us too, will probably wait until our first year anniversary for our next trip. Hope summer and next winter is nice to us lol. Now most of us our back (right?!?!) except for Nat
  13. sorry wish I could help you out, we did the legal ceremony. However I'm sure you could do that when you have your meeting with Carolina when you arrive.. have a few words already prepard. Sungoddes, LOL!! yah who's counting!!! I think on this thread you may be the only June bride. But don't be surprised when you get there and realize there is still 2-4 weddings a day!! you wont be alone!!
  14. OMG Nat, Love love the pictures!!! your so beautiful, your husbnd is a lucky guy!!! Love your dress...is perfect for you. One sexy hot, stunning bride you. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the pics. Hope you enjoy Orlando and your second week honeymoon, you lucky guys you!!! can't wait to hear about the wedding and cruise!!! xoxo and CONGRATS MRS!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk there is NO way that i'm going to be able to go back and catch up, so i'll just start from here on out! just wanted to jump on real quick to let everyone know that we got back at about 1 am today and i already want to go back! i'm pretty sure that everyone in our group is going through some form of vacation withdrawal! i posted my pictures on facebook and i'll post a link to the snapfish album once i get those loaded! i can't wait to catch up with everyone and hear how everything went for whoever got back while we were gone! Welcome back!! can't wait to see some wedding pictures!! Hope you had beautiful weather (our second week sucked!!!) I want to hear all about the wedding and the resort (we almost chose that resort too) BTW who did you use for your photographer? LOL I'm still.... going through vacation withdrawal!!! Thanks for the reminder, I can upload my pictures with snapfish, and not have to worry about my privacy for my pictures on FB, I had to put friends only since certain people was viewing them. Doing that now.. not sure if any of you even saw my weding pics (besides the TTD) when do the rest of you get your pics? Hope this works... http://www2.snapfish.com/snapfish/th...NAME=snapfish/ (my preparing,ceremony, after shots from the photographer the ones we got developed..still have 200 of just the ceremony, and 51 TTD to print still!!!)
  16. Michele, Thanks for the link, unfortunately I don't think it's valid for me taylorwd, that sucks about the amount of vacation time (still better then where I'd be if I started a new job,no vaca time) but at least you get summer and all the other holiday's off. did you feel 10days was enough, or could have did 14 easily? we did 14 and still felt we could have used a couple of more days, but I think was the lack of sun we got, we're use to having sun all vacation long, but our second week when we were able to hang all day on the beach there was only 3-4 days worth of all day sun. We're still debating if we could do 14 again or 7 would be enough, we didn't find 14 long but we were so busy the first week, that our 14 days flew by. NyBeachBride Love the pics, beautiful!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kate, Very true, but at the same time, the other side could get all the rain. IMOP if it rains your whole vaca it's a total waste of money. We went to cuba one year in DEC. it was sooo cold i was looking for my winter jacket. We went to sandals for $900 tax in all included, even knowing the price would never travel that time of year again (at least not there lol). I wonder what is it like in Sept?! So you guys are planning another vacation down south? when and where? keep us updated!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by rgonzalez_83 Hi April Brides! Does anyone have any pics of the beach party they wouldn't mind sharing? We had originally wanted the private reception but now I'm wondering if it would be better to do the beach party instead. Thanks, Rebecca I don't have prof pics of the beach party, only on disposable camera..I'm in the mist of scanning them, and when I do I'l be sure to post some of it. No ticki torch btw, just spot lights that are high up on a palm tree.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Okay thanks! I will talk to him about a timeline to make sure we get all the shots I want! Did you guys find that there was enough to do there when it was raining? I've been at resorts that had nothing -- but I would thikn that at the Grand Palladium there is the sports bar to go to or other places. Did you go there a lot? I've heard the food is amazing!!! (wings and beer!! ) We def went to the sports bar a couple of times, Good food. pool (tho it was out of order while were there) and foosbll. Icecream!!!We went 2 times because it was at the other end of the resort for us. But you can always take the train (but you'll walk faster then that) We even stayed on the beach one of the days it rained. We just stayed under the umberella Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd Hi ladies! I'm wondering if someone can answer a few questions for me. I'm sure it's already been asked and answered in detail throughout all of the threads but it's hard going through them all trying to find specific info. I'm wondering what options are available for the reception. I had already emailed the resort asking for this info (twice) but I guess they're busy as I haven't heard back, unfortunately. What did you do/are planning for your reception? Are they always in the a la carte's or can you have a private reception somewhere? What meal options are there (set menu or different packages to choose)? Is the beach party a public thing or can you arrange it just for you and your guests? What are the prices of all these options? Sorry for all the questions...my FI and are getting ready to book soon and it's looking like it will be the GP for sure but I'd like to have all of this mind before putting money down on it. Thanks so much!!! Reception : You can have a semi private dinner at an A LA Cart which is included in your package, if you have more then 14 guest you must choose the dinner, you ge 4-5 different choice for the starters, main course and dessert. For dessert we choice to serve our cake since I read a lot of people didn't eat the cake because they were to full after dessert. Our cake was amazing, best wedding cake I've ever tasted!!!! Or you can have a private reception for $1000 in a restaurant. Or $60 p/p to have dinner on the beach. If I'm not mistaken the menu is the same as the semi private. Beach Party : It's a private thing for just you and your guest. You pay $9 p/p to have the open bar, with a bar tender and waiter. We hired the Dj (worth every penny) $250 (which is odd cause she told m $200, but was worth the $250) you can bring you own music and he'll play it. But ours didn't speak english, with out planning it, DH sister ended up being our MC...turned out amazing!!!!! Ask any question! Carolina is real busy, and knowing that you still don't believe just how busy until you see her running around the resort. It would have help us if somone was here answering our questions, so I'm glad to return the fav. Plus it just keeps reminding me how amazing of a day it was.
  19. Hey guys!!! Finally get back to 'normal' life, head is starting to come out of paradise. I feel so lost with this thread.. no way in catching up. So I'm excited to hear what everyone has been up to,where your all at in planning. RonnMEl, Love love your boarding passes!! Our wedding was perfect, everything we expected and more!!! We had our ceremony at 6 as suppose to 2:30.. and thank god because it rained at that time. we went to take pictures on the beach since we forego the beach ceremony and went with a gazebo over looking the ocean. But since it was a cloudy day we lost light quick. But our pictures turn out beautifully and amazing. I'm stunned just how well they did turn out. We had a semi private dinner at an A La Cart near the ceremony, I choose the wrong thing on the menu, which was pasta and chicken... I thought it would have been seprate..but it wasn't, it was all mixed together. While some of the other girls choice steak and had great comments about it. Some of our guest like it, some didn't.. but no complaints. We didn't even notice other guest so it really felt like a private dinner. Then we went to have a beach party with a private bad and DJ. Everyone especially us had the best time of our lives. A lot of our guest goes to a lot of weddings, and DW and said ours was by far the best they had ever been to. And really appreciated all the efforts I had gone through (like the OOT bags, ect..) Our WC was real nice, and made sure we felt special. We had a 'just married' sign on our door when we got back, and breakfast in bed the next morning. However we didn't get the bottle of champagne that was suppose to be in our room that night (but we wouldn't have drank it that night, as we didn't need another sip of alcohol at that point, but we could of had it another night!!!) and we didn't get the free gift (just married t-shirts) but even with the minor mishaps it was all worth it and would recommend it to anymore! I wont remember this stuff in a few months... just the look of my husbands face when I walk down the aisle.
  20. I feel you, we are the type of people who love to go to different resorts. But like you, we fell in love with the Grand Palladium in PC we want to go back there, especially at the royal suites (def royal!) Do you guys have a lot of vacation time left? you only did 1 week in MX this time around, correct?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten i keep looking at vacation packages - i want to go on another tropical vacation SO BAD!!! I can't even imagine for you up north Meghan with snow! me too me too, I've been searching and searching. I loved the resort we were at, and they have some real good prices for the summer and in Sept, but you all know how it's hurrican season, is it even worth it? Or just wait until April again.. oh what to do what to do. We got a nice gift from my parents, and we thought about buying a king size bed, but recently decided to safe it for another trip! but also got to consider the husband vacation time (he only has 1 week left this year) Have you decided if you'll go again,or just looking around? I was watching the news and they said some of AB got 70cm of snow, OMG!!!! We had a nice day at 20c (not to rub it in, in anyones face as we had our fair share of snow when we got home this week) taylorwd Where are you looking to go? MX again?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd I want to do the wedding day all over again. There is no way I'd do the last year of planning over again! I'd have to elope, LOL. Even knowing how great the wedding day would be, I'd still have to elope! LOL!! I'm soooo with you on that, in the last year of planning (especially the last 6 months) I don't know how many times I ask to elope from our DW!!! Was worth all the stress but like you just wouldn't do it again. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl Woot Woot!!!! Congrats to all you beautiful April MRS!!!!! Your right around the corner, it'll go so fast for you two!!! BTW, love you siggy pic, you two are sooo beautiful!!!
  23. So right!!! we're all officially a married woman. CONGRATULATION GUYS!!!!!!!!!! We all worked so hard for this. Hope no one has any regrets? I want to do it all over again, but I think that's just the boredom and lost feeling talking lol
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 you all should come back in June for someeeeonee's wedding!! I am so excited - I hit under the 2 month mark yesterday! and even less until we leave (we leave the 22 and our wedding is on our guests last day - the 28th). So really my countdown goes until the 22nd. Once I'm there I'm happy! I'm nervous about the flight, I went to see this person to give me tips about flying (never been worried before, but really anxious about it this time) Can anyone tell me their happy flight stories - was it great having everyone with you on the flight? smooth? I'm terrified - but I plan on taking some anti-anxiety meds on the way! lol...or some drinks! How was check in at the hotel - what time did you all get there? We get to the resort around 9:30-10 at night now so we won't get to see anything until the next day! Ah that's perfect, so you get lots of 'honeymoon' time. We didn't at all especially since our last guest was stuck there for an entire extra week due to the volcano, but we made the best of it. Still on our honeymoon lol. Don't be nervous, I'm a horrible flyer (not afraid) but my ears kill and so does my stomach, I pop a gravol, and sudafed usually good to go. I'm warning you now, wear something light going down. I stept off the plan, started walking on the tar mat, and passed right out. Because you get all the fumes from the plans, plus the heat just smacks you in the face, especially if your wearing pants like I did. You'll be fine though!!! If your taking something... don't drink, if your anything like me, the alcohol just makes it worse. We flew alone, and we were so happy we did, as a lot of them were first time flyers, and we are not. We didn't want to babysit anyone, the whole process is enough as it is. but if your a nervous flying having friends just may help keep your mind off of it! We landed a 11:30am, got to the resort b y 12:30-12:45. We were on the royal side. Check in was pretty fast. Our room wasn't ready so they put our luggage on the side and my dress in their office. We went back much later as we were on the Punta Cana side waiting for everyone to come in. Everyone was checked in real fast, no wait. And most of them got their room right away. Pallace was also a fast check in and got their room right away too. You will as well since the time you land, and I'm sure it'll go fast unless a lot of people are checking in at the same time. But you'll get a drink, just enjoy it. You can still walk aroumd at that time, lights are on everyone. You can even jump on the train to help you get to know the place. of course it'll be easier during the day, but still plenty to do and see at night. You can even walk on the beach, it's all light up. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Thanks Dawn! I am planning on just bringing a cd down for the ceremony and first dances - I suppose I will just put them in order and have them play them. I'm still deciding on my songs, I keep going back and forth between a bunch. It's such a tough decision. Tracy - I know you had your photographer take pics of the dances, were you happy with them? They are ones that I would really like to have, I just wasn't sure if I should have them instead of group photos. We customized a package with HDC so I don't get him for as long as the silver package (we split the time between wedding day and TTD) - so I'm trying to figure out how long everything will take. Were the before/getting ready shots worth it? I would like them, but again just trying to get the timeline down in my head and how long I need/will have for pictures. We did our first dance right after our ceremony (when we walked back down) but I didn't get a prof pic of my dad and I dancing or Mike and his mom dancing, we got that on video camera, and a few pics by our guest. What I did was gave ever 3 people a disposable camera , once they were done I they gave it to the MOH, at dinner i gave everyone a scavenger hunt list to give them an idea of what I wanted. Worked out great, but the pics are crappy because of the cheap cameras. I suggest paying the $10 a camera to assure you get pretty photos. I found it worth it, having the before and after pictures take (especially the after the ceremony ones) But again it's all about what YOU want and feel like you'd like to have as a memory. I hardly remember the day as it flew by so fast, so to hav the pictures reminds me how I felt and all that mushy stuff lol.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by adelaide whoops! I think this is what I meant to do... Claire Williams-Anderson's Photos - Wedding Pro Pics | Facebook cheers! Love love your pictures, you made a beautiful bride, Congrats!!!!!! I had a few favs but the one that really stuck was the one where you had you dress up and you see your garter, and pink shoes!!! Second was the one of you guys in the pool and your train looks so perfect around you but floating! Love them , can't wait to see the rest of them!!
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