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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. I knoooooow, the gazebo is going to be sooo beautiful. I know I will be torn when it comes down to pick between that gazebo and the beach (since my whole idea was to get married on the beach, but the gazebo is so pretty and nice) So I decided, and I bought an Ipod nano for the wedding. I figured I would buy the docking system and we can also use it for our non fancy reception dinner in town. Now I just have to figure it out!! I've never used one of these things before. I feel so old. What happen to gameboys?! I'm really hoping Carolina will allow me to set the system up somewhere in the garden at night and have our own little party going on. I know our guest will have to go walk to a bar if they want a drink (since it's no private reception) but I figured it would be a nice touch, as suppose to going to the disco and not really hear our own songs. *fingers crossed* they she says it's ok!
  2. Suzy, I really like it!! Even if your idea of changing it doesn't work out, I'd still keep the song, it's beautiful and meaningful!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi everyone! I haven't been able to get on the forum much lately but i'm baack! I'm struggling... I've heard every excuse under the sun of why people cannot come. We sent out over 100 STD's in August and the only people that have booked so far are FI and I, and one couple that's a family friend. That's it. It crushes me that I have to explain to my friends one by one that it would mean a lot to me for them to attend.... all they hear is $$$$$$ and say they can't afford it. We picked Mexico to make it affordable for guests!!! Did I do something to piss everybody off!!! It's bad timing b/c a lot of friends in our circle are planning their weddings or buying houses, so they have excuses out the wazoo. I shouldn't have to beg people to come.... Not even my former college roommates are making arrangements. I hope my bridesmaids actually make it... they've been iffy too. Super bummed right now With that said, 100 invites, no clue about who will actually attend... how do you purchase things for OOT bags? I don't want to buy for 20 people if 40 come, or buy for 40 if only 10 come.... ahhhh! My favorite OOT ideas so far: Keycard/tip holder that can be worn as bracelet or necklace, mugs, welcome letter, photoshare info, pain meds, heartburn meds, list to keep track of room numbers. I'll skip towels since they're bulky, pricey, and the hotel provides them anyway. I like the idea of marraccas for the tables, as favors. I am in the same boat as you, especialy when it comes down to know how many things to buy for the oot bags. My friends are younger early to mid 20's so they are not stable with cash, my FI friends are all married and in debt. I have BM but it is very ify if they will come, tho they say they will. My MOH said she is only booking in March!! and her bf is a GM (the only one we have so far!!!) everyone else is 'I don't know, we'll get back to you in the new year' even tho the rsvp date is Oct 1st 2009 Very disapointed and fustrated. But what I recently said to myself, the most important ppl to come for me is my parents and they booked today!! If no one else comes, yes it'll be a disapointment, but atleast my parents are there and the FI (we need him there lol) I'm sure it'll work out in the end of the both of us!
  4. silly question, are you guys needing an MC because your having a private reception? I'm wondering, do I need one now?! The list keeps getting bigger..
  5. I love love your sash. and OMG even better with the star fish,what an amazing idea!! so beautiful and pretty. Congrats on all the amazing buys!! lucky girl you!!
  6. Suzy, There is so silly question. That is exactly what I am doing, 1 bag per couple (but 2 mugs and 2 lip balms everything else is one per bag) and for the single travelers I'll be giving them their own bag (even if they book with another single traveller) 50 ppl!!! wow! I'd freak a little too. i am sure there are other ideas that would be cheaper but close to a OOT bag.
  7. lol werid!! actually mine says 6 months 19 days, yours says 6 months 18 days, mine must be off.
  8. oh my, so sorry they are soo big!!! Oh and I wont be putting blue crystals. Just clear.
  9. I decided my centerpiece were not tropicaly at all, and they needed to be changed. I also felt it didn't really go with the BM bouquet, or their dress, so I figured this would. doblauvelt I can't find your dress,can you post the link of where you put your dress?! pls!
  10. I'm telling all my guest leaving from Montreal to be aside like 5lbs per couple and I'll sort whatever I'm taking into 5 lbs per bag and give it to the guest, lol! I spoke to most people, they have no problem with that. I am not spending anymore then $15 per bag and that includes the bag. and for favours I'll give lanterns at dinner time (I'll have them lit up) The resort I'm staying is charging me $65 per centerpiece, for me that is way over budge. So I am making my own. I made sure to get a vase that weights almost nothing. ask any questions any time. doblauvelt Me too on my way to see your dress
  11. Yeah, I'll warn you, but you probably already figured it out, this site is very very addictive. And be careful you'll read so many good ideas, you'll wantto include them all, but we just can't. OOT bags: Out of town bags. Have you ever gone to an all inclusive before? when your at the pool or beach during the day you go for a drink, they give you this little plastic cup, you take a sip and you need another refill. Well most of us are putting Travel mugs in each bag (the bag is also good for the guest to put their towel and other things they need during the day) lip balm with spf, things you might have forgotten to pack your first trip but things you needed, like aleo. deck of cards. You do not need to add oot bags. but you could also put a welcome letter in there. If you plann on having a few things for the guest to do before the wedding, like maybe a welcome cocktail, you could have a list. A list off al the guest and their room # so everyone knows where everyone is. List goes on and on. We are all here to help!
  12. echo2_62 I have seent he fake candals. I think that is an even better idea then the lcd lights. I love the colored lanterens I think I'll be buying some from there. Thanks so much for the post!! Suzy, welcome! and congrats on the up coming wedding. have you sent your invites out and all that? You'll def find this website supper helpful in all the planning.
  13. Your so lucky with your dates. We orginaly booked our wedding in Jamaica. But then we soon realized we picked the wrong resort. And any other resort would have cost to much, none of the guest would come. So we changed it to Punta Cana (After our invites were sent out!!!!) Jamaica you have to be there 2 days before the wedding and Saturdays count as a day. So when I changed the destination I asked for the same date. It was the only one still open. Then thats when I found out I had to be there 3 days before, weekends didn't count. SO i ended up messing myself up and not getting along enough honeymoon for 1 week vaca. I wanted to do like you Coutney get married the start of our holiday and have the rest of the week to enjoy being a married couple. Ah well, we will still enjoy every min of it (we will just have to start the honeymoon when we get there,minuse the night before the wedding, he'll be in another room) Courtney, It shows I have 2 tickers? I only see one.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by CherryBomb I just officially booked HDC for our photography and videography so I'm excited!!!! After watching the demo video about 10 times and tearing up every single time, I can't imagine how I'll be actually watching the video of my own Wedding! Congrats!!!! I too booked with them. I am very excited to work with him. I have no doubt in my mind they will do a perfect job!!!
  15. echo2_62 LCD lights are an amazing idea. Since I am not paying for a private reception, I had decided to see if my WC would allow me to set up my little mp3 stero at one of the gazebo at night for a little bit of dancing. I had the idea to take paper lanterns and clip the lcd lights in them! I think they are perfect for anything, especially vases. ebredhawk, Good idea about giving a vase to each guest for the weight. I figure I'd change my flowers make it more topicaly and stick with my light vase. I still really like yours tho lol
  16. wooohoo!! Congrats! I made my own invite, the only tricky part was trying to figure how to print them so it would all be even (I had the z-fold invites) Good luck with your rsvp. I'm sure it'll go fast, before you know it, all of them are back.
  17. Courtney, LOL yeah all hell will break loose if neither of us are able to get married because of the day we arrive. So you actualy get to have a longer honeymoon (it's why I choose to go on Sat so we could have atleast 3 full days of honeymoon and de-stress from the wedding) If not it would mean we arrive Thursday (the 8th) and then we get married Tuesday, recover Wednesday, then leave Thursday, it wasn't working for me lol. I am so happy Caolina is allowing me to arrive Sat april 10.
  18. ohh your getting married by the minster first. It's true seems like we all get different info, as long as it works out for all us in the end, I guess it doesn't really matter. I wanted to do the whole minter thing, but the cost would have added up and the extra work to do this, I just said forget it, but I'll get our wedding bands blessed before we leave for our wedding by our priest at home. I am so happy to hear they have sashes, I wasn't really willing to add extra cost for those. I guess I'll just take the color the matchs my colors the best! Can't wait to see some pics. Thanks!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by DEH83 Hey CarribeanLover, I can't imagine that you will have a problem with your wedding date if I understand you correctly. There is no minimum amount of time you have to be in the Dr to get married - just what the resort likes and from my previous conversations - Carolina was pretty flexible. They just like to have the time to prepare once you're there. We are going on a Saturday and having our wedding on the Wednesday, but we were offered the Tuesday for a wedding day too, so you should be fine. But I know! It's hard when you just want to know 100% that it's alright! Hi thanks for your reply! Actaully in my my package and Carolina has told me I had to be there 3 business days before the wedding (Sat and Sundays don't count) hence why I was so stress about the dates,I even read the laws of getting married in DR and it too says you hve to be there 3 business days. But I finally got my reply back from Carolina and she oked be arriving Saturday (I told her I would have my menu picked before arriving) Are you getting married by the judge? or your just doing symbolic ceremony? I know if your not doing legal ceremony you can be there 2 days before the wedding. Thanks again!
  20. ebredhawk Now am I torn between my centerpiece and yours. I love it so much I can't get it out of my head. I have a question though. Have you weighted the vase itself? I was checking vase out the other day, was lift them for the weight since I'll have to take a min of 5 and the taller they got the more heavy they were.
  21. Courtney, Did you say you were arriving Friday? I really want to book my package, still haven't heard from Carolina, so I figured I'd see what day your going and it'd probably be ok if we arrive the same day sorta thing.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by rgonzalez_83 Thanks, Isy_beau Now I'm not sure what I want....I was all into the beach wedding idea, partially because I was not completely sold on the old gazebo. But the new one looks like it is going to be absolutely beautiful!!! Choices, choices, choices! I'm with you on that, I wanted the whole beach thing, but now that I've seen the new gazebo, I feel torn.. I just don't know.. I guess we will have to see it live before choosing!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by isy_beau Hey caribbeanlover lol your also sunaddict that is so funny, we've spoken before to on trip advisor I guess we're on all the same sites LOL LOL too funny!!
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