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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. If it makes you guys feel any better, when most of us booked last year in 2008-2009 we got the package for 2009 knowing we'd all get married in 2010, the prices did not change at all once we got there and had to pay. Has the price changed at all from '09 to '10? the crystal legal ceremony was 1300$US and the symbolic was $690US
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 I haven't ever heard of that myself but I think it's a really good idea!! And just to expand on what the other girls suggested, you could always pull out a single memory each on an anniversary or some other special occasion, and then save the whole lot of the others for the bad times when you really need the extra reminders And no one says you can't put them back in the box once you've read the notes either! And Taylor, I have to say that your comments about how you and hubby did that for an entire year to work through your problems really hit me today. I know I'd shared with most of you the problems I was having before our wedding around FI's bachelor party disaster (which I could barely bring myself to admit nearly ended our wedding plans) and while I have absolutely zero regrets in marrying him, I'm still having huge difficulties dealing with the issues that event created especially related to my trusting him in some aspects. What you said just seemed to make so much sense to me because deep down I know that despite the really stupid decisions that were made and how hurt or angry I feel, there are a million more reasons that I love him in spite of all that... and I really need to make sure I focus on those things every day!!! Thank you so, so much!! And I must add (on a positive last note!) that I love your pictures Michele & Taylor!! I didn't get any sorts of those shots so I'm completely jealous that you both look so gorgeous! awwww, Meghan . I know exactly what your going through now. DH and I had gone through some tough years, basicaly he had done things that made me not trust him, and not trusting someone you love, pretty much kills you, it effects your entire life, especially your relationship. I had done some stupid things because I was soooo angry and hurt and disappointed. Lots of talking and and trying to get out of the house to do things sort of helped us out. I guess a year into our problems, he said something right finally and it just clicked, I needed to either forgive him and move on , or just move on. WHo`s to say we wont have another tough problem, so again i love the box idea. I am so happy you don`t regret anything, and you feel you made the right decison in marrying him. I know i had some problems too, and wanted to call off the wedding, but obvously nothing compare to you, DH didn`t even get a bachlore party cause I got to sick on mine lol!! he had to come and save meI hope things get easier for you,but it seems like you got a good grip on things .we miss hearing from you a little more often.. what else is new with you girl!!!! Hows work treating you, hope not tooo busy. And I almost forgot to mention, Nat... Has DH moved in yet? If so how is the transition treating the 2 of you? Must be a big difference, but a great feeling I can imagine. Keep us posted.
  3. I love love that idea, I think i'm going to steal it!!!! like you guys we had our problems too, and not just bickering like you 2, we stop talking to each other, we were more room mates then in a relationship. I dont even know how we got back to where we are now, but we did. I think every once in awhile (not just in bad times) to open the memory box of love!!! I'll bring it up over dinner tonight see what DH has to say about it!! especially with the stresses of buying a house, I have a feeling we'll need it lol!!! Although I've very surpised( not sure why after planning a wedding) we're doing really good, not taking any frustrations on each other, just talking it out.Marriage life is definitely treating us real good lol. Life is definitely been a world spin for us, We're going to look at a house we love tomorrow, and hopefully put an offer on it. Then Thursay is my surgery, which will just be a day thing, I get to come home that evening, but will be off my feet for a week, which means I probably wont be able to make it for the house inspecation if we go that far. Thank you guys for all your support for the surgery and house hunting, you guys are just so amazing!!! again can't stress that fact in how happy I am to have found you guys, a lot of us understand each other in a lot of aspacts in our lives, as much close friends and family we all might have, no one really understands as much as each other since we're all going through it or have renetly gone through it. Keep you all posted on how it goes!!! Still excited to hear about how everyones AHR is in June. I booked our hall,I was given a few things to do, but no I am def not planning this AHR..I certainly don't have the time. All I have to do is phone the people I personally want to invite, I took it into my own hands to make a cupcake tower (not sure what I just got myself into) and I'll do a little decoration in the hall (nothing fancy, everything cheap) just to have a touch of feeling of wedding. a few cheap centerpieces, and a few hanging things. We will not spend more then $700.. sounds affule, but I wont be hiring a DJ there is a sound system in the hall, i wont be paying for ppls alcohol, it`s be a pay bar. I`m only having `midnight`snack (sandwhich,pickles, cheese, vegy`s and dip and salad) And mint favours lol!! i didn`t want this, the family did.. soooooo they better enjoy! Oh Michele, Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your pictures!!!! And I definitely don`t blame you checking to see if they were there every day and sending some emails lol. You did better then what I would have done waiting for those darn pics to come!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 yes i have 5 and he has 4 lol... i went a couple times and did look at dresses...it is so fun! i just need to decided on one i think... its just hard haha...Who did you get to do you photos? I am going to decided between HDC or Michael Wieler? Any recommendations... aww that'll be nice, big bridal party!!! Take your time picking though, you have the time!! you don't want to regret anything or think about other dresses when you buy yours. Take in mind it can take 6-8 months to order a dress though (mine took 8 and half months) That's a hard one, since I used HDC and Military MRS used Michael. I think both of us got great photo's. She got a lot more then me, and a lot more different poses. However Michael's prices are much much different then HDC and personally I think 300 photo's was plenty enough!!! So decide your budge,then go from there. I loved HDC and the qaulity of the photo's. Arnaud is just an amazing sweet person (the owner) Keep us posted on which you pick!!! would love to know
  5. I say go dress shopping girl!!!!!!!!!!! that's the best part!!! then the girls attire and men, unless you've decided not to have a bridal party send out invites?!
  6. Oh about the surgery, It's on Thusday. It's a day surgery which means I get to do go home at the end of the day/evening...whenever I start to feel better. But I'll be off my feet for a week. I am so hoping for some kind of relief after the surgery, we also hoping it'll help with the infetility problem this disease causes. Not that we want a baby this second,more like next year. We're going to look at the house we're interested in, hopfuly but an offer in and get an inspection on it! SO the surgery is kinda of a damper, but the house thing has definitely keep my mind off the surgery lol.
  7. Sungoddes, YES!!! HGTV!! it's the only channel we watch now LOL it's on t.v as we speak!!! It's actually taught me a lot what to look for and what not. We're going to look at a house (2 to compare) tomorrow, so I'm looking for an inspector too, thanks HGTV lol! That's so exciting for all you new brides getting your date confirmed and moving forward to planning!!! here comes the fun part. Bella, Wow, your getting married next year and already have all those people booked, good for you!!!!!!!!!!!! that's supper amazing!! keep us all brides updated, it's still exciting to hear about it and sort of re live our day through you guys! lol
  8. ohh how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything else to be done before you leave in 2 weeks?! I can't believe I still don't have my review up, it's pathetic and embarrassing lol... and I am sooo close to being finished. The house hunting has completely taken over.
  9. things get booked up about 6 months before, so I'd get right on picking a resort and confirming a date (see what they have) as there is only 2 or 3 judges in all of Punta Cana, all the resorts share dates and time. It's based on the availability of the judge. Unless of course your doing a symbolic ceremony, you have much more flexibility. Good luck!!
  10. I agree, It is def tight up in the gazebo, and for the judge, Carolina, and your bridal party it'll be stuffed!! I agree again, it's a short and sweet ceremony, a lot of my guest said if it was to rain not to change a thing, no one cared if they got wet. People were hot anyways they thought it'd be refreshing! I'm sure everything will be ok, and work out!! I say go ahead and email her again, asking her if she could confirm the date. Sometimes you can get a reply with in a few hours, I've waited a few weeks to hear back from her.
  11. sorry been a little MIA! Been in hard core such for homes!!! which has been keeping me real busy, plus preparing to be off my feet for a week, my sugery date is Thursday. (Freaking out!!!) I think the gazebo would fit 20 ppl. It'd be real tight, and your photographer will have no choice but to get most people in the shot with you guys. Plan B would be to have your ceremony help inside Hemingways Bar (which IS beautiful, especially if she decorates it) I have my fingers crossed for all you brides getting married soon. I really don't want to make anyone worry, but June-Nov 30th is Hurrican season and it looks like it'll be a real bad year for them. However Punta Cana never gets hit, and if they do it's a rain storm more then anything.
  12. sorry,what date are you looking for again?!?! I can understand how frustrating family and friends can be. One min they want you to have all the info, then once it's time for them to book, you'll get some people not doing it at the time you'd like. Sooo annoying!!! I am sure you'll hear from Carolina by this week, and then you can send out STD's. i say if you give people 7mths-yrs notice, it shouldn't be a problem!!
  13. Hi!! I agree with Military Mrs, don't stress (harder said then done) but no need for a deposit, once you confirm and she confirms, it's all done. It all worked out for us it'll def work out for you. For the rooms. We booked the royal side for 2 weeks, the first week with our guest on all on the Punta Cana side. We didn't get to eat at the royal gourmet once during the first week, I think we had room service once the first week, since we were always on the other sides our guest could be. So your right you def would either not use the royal side, or not spend a lot of time with your guest. If your thinking of doing 10days or 2 weeks, maybe split your time. I can def say the royal was worth everything with the window for the room service which is 24 hours, the royal gourmet resto was the best (to die for steaks!!!!) but if you can't the other sides are great too!! I'd find out how much it'd cost to book the jr suite and then upgrade later as suppose to the cost of just booking the honeymoon suite at first (it might be a big cost difference)
  14. I'm in the west island,so we're pretty close! you must have bought a place DH and i like to call 'condo village' lol. Real nice there. Congrats on the big move and big buy (we're currently in the process of buying a home now, big thing!!) Have anyone to show you around, and where all the amazing wedding stores are?!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by StephyD Hey ladies!!! I just now noticed that there was a thread on Montreal brides! How exciting! Hi!!! Congrats on your engagment!!!!! Where are you in montreal?!?! what's going on with the rest of you brides to be!?
  16. it has been very quiet. I've been busy with prepare for a sugery next week(yes I am def not looking forward of the recovery, never been good at lying in bed all day long). we've been to the bank about a pre approval for a morage and we got it, so our whole focus has been house hunter and crunch #'s. Plus I've been planning the AHR for mid July! How much is/was everyones budge for their AHR? what has everyone else been up too? taylorwd, sorry to hear your having problems with the cupcake person, but seems like everything else is falling in to play, so that's great!!!! It always feel good to get that 1 person (especially on those down days) that brings you right out of the bubble!!! I love ppl like that seems like you've got a lot acomplished, woohoo!!!! I'm right on with you, I feel lost in a since even tho we're on the next step of our lives. i still miss being a bride to be and the whole feeling of 'I'm getting married!!!!!" Aww well!!! actually my MOH is pregnant (she got knocked up by trying) on our wedding week. It's a little werid lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by sap I loooove your dress!! Can you tell me what email Carolina is using...I have 2 but they both kicked back to me. Thanks!! Hi girls, sorry been MIA ... been in a lot of pain due to my period surgery date is next week, hopefully it'll help in the near future. I'll get back to everyones post a little later. But I had the same problem, what I found that worked was reply to one of her emails, it always got sent that way and never bounched back. Let me know if it works!! CONGRATS sungoddes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 FI's sister is a real estate agent in the west island!!!! I would totally recommend talking to her when you are ready! Unless you know someone, but she's super nice! That's so exciting - I can't wait until we are ready to buy a house! I want more space!!!!! lol. I can't wait to hear all about it. Once we are all married this should turn into a "house buying" thread! When is your AHR Carribbeanlover? Oh really!!!! I wonder if she also does Vaudeuil. I'll get her # once we've seen the bank and go from there. Thanks so much!!! I was also considering my cousin who works for Remax.. he wouldn't be my realtor though since we aren't looking in his area. I found out, We don't need a realtor, we can't actually use the realtor of whatever house we want, the only thing with doing that is you need to know what your doing, as the home sellers realtor is there for them, not us. But a realtor is 7% of the house fee!!!!!!!!!!! that's insane!! lol I agree, will make it into a home thread once we're all married lol I love that idea!!!! Hopeful when your ready I'll know more and I can give you some info!! AHR, we are waiting to see if the halls has a cancelation in July, if not we'll go from there and pick a date for August. Now that I know I'm not doing any planning, it's a little exciting! lol Not expecting gifts, but we know we'll get some, maybe it can help us with our welcome tax ( does anyone else get a welcome tax in other provinces if you buy a home?) I'm thinking about you today!!! I know your already a MRS now!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! I can't wait to hear about it, and soon you'll be a graduate!!! Quote: Originally Posted by sheila2011 We have the flights booked already (we had to cause I had to request next years vacation by March of this year) and are using a TA locally. So far so good !Now all we need is for people to actually book! Other than that, I have no other plans! Don't know when we will do the legal, don't know how many people, don't know where to have the reception. I do know we are doing the ceremony in the gazebo! And I do have a photographer. We are doing engagement pics later this month! I am not sure if I am going to buy a second dress or not, I do know I am buying a second set of shoes though! I love shoes!! A house is soooo exciting! We actually bought one last year (right when the prices were low, so we went for it) and moved in together to see if things would work out....and they did!! I think most of everyones problem during the planning stages was people booking. I had 7 people book a week and half before the trip, and anothe person who book 2 days before we left on Saturday (while other peole were already at the resot!!) In the end people who do it. I found a lot of people wait last mins. Maybe it wont be the case since your working with a TA, do you the guest have a time frame to book? A lot of people don't know until last min about their vacation time either. (How annoying for us brides lol) Awww, that's amazing!!! how is the new home treating you? Any advice for new home owners, or seekers should I say? Your so lucky, we said that it was to bad we weren't ready last year we could have gotten things a lot cheaper!!! That's such a sweet happy ending!!! Must have been scary moving in together for the first time but buying a house!!!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by rgonzalez_83 Just got back today!! I'm in the middle of unpacking so when I have more time I'll write a thorough review. First off,let me say I did not know May was the month with the most rain in the DR. My FI and I got engaged in the DR in May 2008 and there was not even a drop of rain--apparently that was a fluke. Anyways, i cried my eyes out the first day we got there because it poured. It didn't help that my guests who took private taxis kept telling me how the taxi drivers asked them "Why come in May, it rains everyday??" Grrr.. May is actually a rainy season, Last year was a great year in may to travel, I went to Cuba and didn't get a singl drop, This year is going to be a big year for rain and hurricane. I wanted to go back to the resort at the end of Sept, but knowing this we've decided not to!! I'm sorry it rained so much on your vacation, that is very disappointing, especially if your a sun love like me. Even with the rain did you and your guest have a good time? At least it was nice for the wedding!! ( of course not a beach day tho!!) How'd you like the resort?!!?!?! By the grace of God, our wedding day was the only dry day in the 10 days we were there!! I had already felt defeated and thought we'd have to do it in doors. The gazebo was gorgeous. It really is isn't it!!!!!! I had a private reception at the Don Quijote restaurant-what a beautiful place!! My wedding was on a Thursday so that restaurant was easy to book during the weekday. I used the resort DJ (forgot his name...) and he was good. He played whatever we asked, and we brought our own music as well. How long did you have the restaurant for?!? did people dance?! I'm so glad you liked it!!!! I think there are a few DJ's, As long as he was good!!! Dinner was great, we chose the beef medalions for the majority of the guests, and the salmon for those who don't eat red meat. Everyone loved the food. I'm so happy your happy with your menu pick, as that was the biggest disappointment for me!! Ohhhh you were able to choose 2 things, if only I would have known that. Our photographer and videographer were the best! We used Michael Weiler's company. The video provided came with a personalized cover (front and back), as well as credits at the end. It looked like a legitimate DVD! LOL Oh you haveMichael Weiler too, you must have amazing photo's. can't wait to see some. I got the same with, with the dvd cover, isn't it an amazing memory to have!!! Okay, gotta run back down to the washer, feel free to ask any questions I can help u with!! Rebecca Quote: Originally Posted by rgonzalez_83 carribeanlover (or anyone who can help); how have u been adding the pics to the thread? (the beach pics, not the sig)Have you been cutting and pasting? Just trying to figure that out so I can add pics once I have them. Thanks! Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket sign up for a free account. Upload your pictures there, once it's done, copy the 'IMG' code and past in here with your msg!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE 'EM!!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Ugh!! That is so frustrating -- it seems like such a hassle and I hope you get a straight answer soon!! holy cow. Yes...I'm not blessed in that department area, (a also) sooo tape will be needed! lol...! Well tomororw is also my graduation from teachers college, so we are having the legal ceremony in the morning, going out for lunch to celebrate (with my parents - our witnesses) and then going to my grad! woot! full day! very excited! House - so exciting! when/where are you looking? Been a real hassle, but I think it's just the lack of care quebec gov. worker's have. I have a friend who got married legally in DR but lives in ON, and has no problems what so ever. I'm sure I'll get it figured out soon! thanks!! Oh wow!!! busy day, huge day for you!! 'I have a feeling tonight's going to be a good night' in your case the enitre wedding!!! so excited for you. Your going to have to let us know how it all goes!!!! That is so nice your parents are going to be the witness,I am sure they feel so honoured! It's been exciting looking at houses on the market right now. But we are still at stage one... we have a meeting with the bank next week for a pre approved morgage, and go from there. Sucky thing is we just re newed our lease for another year. But I am sure we can find a subleaser if we want to move before next year. so many things to think about though, lawyers, realtor fees,house inspector.holy cow!!! I'll keep you all posted on that!! We're looking in Montreal (if anyone knows about mtl, you have the downtown, westisland,east island,south shore...I live in the west island, but we're looking off the island (more west) called Vaudreuil, cheaper with more land since it's more newer. We considered ON, but Dh has an amazing great paying job here, and it's stable, plus ON is getting a HST tax, we don't.... kinda made our minds up for us. LOL aww I'm not alone then it that area... it sucks!!! especially for lingerie!!!!!! Let me know if you can't find the tape! Quote: Originally Posted by sheila2011 Thanks for the dress comments girls!! I hope I won't be too hot, but the destination wedding dresses did not look good on me!! carribeanlover My date in DR is January 17, 2011. But we will be doing the legal ceremony here first, I just don't know when! And congrats about the house!!! So exciting! But boooo to the certificate drama! Hope everyone has a great weekend! I am starting a stretch of 12 hour days (7am to 7pm) so all I will be doing for the next few days is eat, sleep, work. Oh the joy. If you notice, I had a 'church' wedding dress since FI (at the time) said no to my DW.. I told him either a DW or a full blown church wedding with the limo, reception, flowers.. and that it'd cost close to $24k. He believed we'd get most the money back in gifts (yah right, we don't have family that have money and they'd all be traveling, no one is here) he said he wanted the in town, so I went and bought the dress. a few months later he realized I was right and wanted to change his mind for a DW. I agreed of course but was stuck with the huge heavy dress. believe it or not, I was to hot in it. I took it off and my stomach had some sweet (yuck I know) but it was everyone, not under the arms, or so hot I wore off my make up. Hopefully it'll be the same for you! I changed for the beach party to a lighter dress tho, paid $95 for it.. nothing fancy... may consider that to change into after dinner? ohhh jan 17th, amazing!! when will you be leaving, or have you booked your flight yet?! working with a TA or you'll get the guest to book on their own? When do you plan on doing the legal ceremony? how exciting!!!!!!!!!! all the questions. sorry!!! keeping in the wedding mood ohh you poor thing!! good luck with the shift.. hope you can get some sleep. And we'll see you back here when you have a little more time.Hopefully some more wedding updates! Thanks so much, been very exciting with the whole house thing (I've never lived in one before, always a duplex..parents are from ON and refuse to buy a home in MTL lol) Ya drama seems to follow me... But I'm sure it'll sort out soon (with a lot of my efforts of course lol, bloody quebec system is crap!! can't metion it enough)
  20. I had gotten them sewed into both of my dresses, but I truly needed it. I'm not very blessed in that area, at all!!!!! (think A!) LOL So if you want to stick with the gel ones, I suggest tapping it to your dress and to you. You can get the prof tape at any langerie store. (I mean any lingerie store, I've seen them everywhere when I was looking for lingerie) OMG, tomorrow your going to be a MRS!!!!!!!! that is amazing. Good luck (not that you need it) and let us know how it goes!!! will you go out for dinner afterwards to celebrate, or is your celebration in PC? who will your witness be? no ring exchange, that'll be for PC?!?! Talk about legal marriages. I had gotten my spanish certificate translate by the dominican consulate, since I called Quebec and either they didn't know who I was supposed to get it translated by, or it didn't matter by who. We are looking for a house now, it's very important Quebec is aware of our marriage. So I need to file it. I went today to file it, and they said I needed it translate the certificate by a translator that is certified by the gonvourment. (UGH!!!!! I just paid $40) I got a hold of a translator, and it'll cost another $50. Then I have to sent it into the gov, then need to process it, all while i need to request for a Quebec certificate (especially for the buying a house part) another $15 (not to bad, but why couldn't these ppl tell me this when I called before I got married) SOOO FREAKING MADING!!! sorry for me vent
  21. SHelia, your dress is stunning!!!! LOL yah def want to do it all over again, minus the planning.. just want to re do the punta cana and the day!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Hi!! Thanks! Yes, I will be using it for my TTD also! I got a really good deal - it was a knock off, but I was at a bridal store and saw the same one for 1140!!!! So I saved 1000! lol...and the quality, was ACTUALLY the same!! I was happy...so I'll stick with that for both. Our TTD is 2 days later at Dreams! I'm so excited - how long was yours? We only have an hour, but it should be fine -- and we added another hour to our ceremony (so 3 now instead of 2!) It will be less rushed! Carolina emailed me today -- SHE' BACCK!! she wants my guest names, do you know why? I sent them but I'm just curious! p.s. thanks about the bed comforter haha - it's so hard to take pics of yourself! all awkward and stuff! OMG, that's amazing, that deserver's a huge CONGRATS for saving so much money on such a beautiful dress!!!! We also had him for an hour, but was done in 45 mins. Honestly didn't need anymore then that and still got a lot of repeat photo's. All worth while though!!! I got 100 photo's instead of the 150, but again I'm not disappointed at all I think we got enough, besides I think DH and I were getting tired. It's hard work you know!! How much is the whole package costing you then, $935 including the TTD? Cause I know you went a la cart instead of getting the package, so did u just go for the package instead? Ohhh she's back, that was quick,means hear surgery went well...so happy to hear it!! She ask all of us that same thing, I still don't know why. But here is a little story. My MOH and BM (are a couple) it was their first time travelling (anywhere), PUJ airport is crazy hectic!!! (be warned) Anyway... they lost their carry-on luggage at the airport which was all of the wedding attire (her dress,bouquet, his pants, shirt, some of the wedding stuff I had given her like candles an holders) So we went and spoke with the rep on the Punta Cana side cause that was where they were staying (all of our guest was, except us, the royal suites) the rep called the airport and spoke to someone , he had o wait for a phone call, he'd get back to us. An hour later he comes back and says we had to wait until tomorrow, but he was sure we'd have it tomorrow. We gave their room # and all the info. We all went to our rooms 2 hours later to get ready for dinner. I walked into my room for the very first time at this point, and I see an extra bag in our room. I didn't want to break anyone's privacy but I had to see if it was their bag since he was the same darn colour and size. I open it up and I see the yellow bouquet!!!!!! Now...How did their bag get into our room when we never gave him our room #?!?!?!?! Sooooo I think they looked up their names, saw they were a part of our wedding party (since we give Carolina their names and confirmation #) and sent it to our room. LOL sorry the for along story!! LOL it is very awkward to take pics of yourself.. your camera doesn't have a self timer?! But you did a great job, i could never do that with out the self timer lol!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 What do any of you recommend for photographers?? Punta Cana|DominicanRepublic|Wedding : Photographer,Photography his name is Arnaud they guy who owns the company. Very reasonable (better then reasonable) prices, pictures are freaking amazing... all of his photographers are fun to work with. Very professional, and you'll get your photo's before you go home!!!! I am soooo happy i went with them!!! everyone loves our photo's!!! especially us DH is still thanking me for picking such a wonderful company. We got the pleasure to meet Arnaud to pick our pictures (he'll come a day or 2 after the wedding, for you to pick the 100 photo's you want for him to print, the 300 photo's are on a dvd which he'll make a cover with one of your photo's of course if you want more pictures he has different packages, we have no idea what to do with 300 though). What a wonderful man to speak with!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 Thanks!! April 29, 2011 ) It looks like a beautiful place! Glad to hear u loved it! It was hard picking a resort there are so many! It was hard for me to pick because they ARE so many of them. But you made the right decision.I had 25 guest, everyone thanked me (and still are) for picking such a great resort!!
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