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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. I had a back yard bbq engagment party. It was a blast and def a memory I will always have. I wouldn't change it for the world. i know what you mean, of friend of mine had an e party, at a hall, looked like a wedding!! (I think that is way to over the top) I ask people very polity and nicely for no gifts. I think I got 1 gift card for a restaurant and 1 bottle of sparkling wine. I don't think it's to late to have one, I think it would be a really nice way for both families to get together to know each other before the wedding (So at the wedding they will all know each other!) Let us know if you decide to have one!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be hmmm...Carolina told me it was $60 for a day pass for photogs......Might want to ask her again. Annd Good point about the tip, I was wondering the samething. hmmm... I'll go through all my e-mails. I'll post back when I find it. So frustrating getting different info. Let's say Carolina does a great job, everything is done the way I asked and to my liking, what is a good tip?! $100,150, 200? am I to high or to low.. I just don't know!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by isaidyes Our wedding is at 1pm. We are planning on doing photos right after. Dinner will be held at 6. We still can't decide if we should have a private reception at the beach or the pool or have a semi-private reception at the steakhouse... which resort did you pick in ocho rios?
  4. enjoy your work out!! I'm more of an evening work out person. I will def do my work out this evening. I'm already finding a little bit of a difference, anyone else?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell I don't know if you'd still think I was lucky if you'd seen the look on his face when I wanted a second (and then third, fourth, he he) opinion on invitations! Honestly, the ring has been the only thing he's been like that about! He does care and likes to be in the loop (within reason), but so far the only real opinion he's given aside from his ring has been "do we HAVE to have pink?" and "how much will THAT cost!?!" LOL that is exactly what my FI says, if I mention anything to do with wedding and having to buy things, or add on's 'How much will it cost' that's how he gets involved!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Megs We dated for about a year before getting engaged. We actually dated back in highschool for awhile too but then we lost touch. He was my first love! aww thats supper sweet! congrats!
  7. shankd I always booked with HCD, I am very excited to work with him, I am also doing TTD. We pay $50 for him to come on site for the wedding day. But for TTD you do not have to pay for him to come back. i think he just stays on the beach, and it's not for very long. (I think) Good point about the tip, thanks!!
  8. I live by this site now. Not that I have to worry about how much food I eat, cause I don't (crohn's has made me suffer with food) but it has really made me realize, what I eat. It may help you, just track the foods you've eaten. Someone on here posted it. FitDay Free Calorie Counter and Diet Journal:*Login.
  9. I am set to meet anyone, everyone anytime day, anytime, even if that meets a very meet and greets with you guys!! I have a question I've been wondering for a little bit now. How much of a tip would be nice to had the coordinator?! I've never been married before, never had a coordinator before, so I really don't know what a nice/good tip is. After all Carolina has been pretty good to me, with answering all my questions and making me feel comfortable.
  10. I'm totaly the same way!!! I'm will get the bridal bouquet from the package with probably an upgrade for $40 But I did the BM bouquet, tossing bouquet, and my centerpieces. All at the dollar store, so I saved around $300-400!!
  11. I love the bouquet!!!! they are stunning!!! Doesn't your package come with a bridal bouquet tho? I think the earring and braclet is just perfect and blingy enough, you wouldn't need anything else (neckles)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Does anyone feel like they're in a system overload? Lately, I've been trying to gather ideas for my bouquets, then I stumble upon ideas for my centerpieces, then I move onto the judge's table decorations, then shoes, then invitations, then music, then the first dance - to choreograph or not to choreograph, then cake ideas, then flight arrangements, then TTD dress and location, then groom's attire (SO late with this one)... AHHH!!!!! My goodness! Sorry, I'm just venting. I feel like I am getting nowhere with this...Planning has taken a toll on me lol. I feel you!!! I think I might have called the wedding off a couple of times this week (Just to the FI) already just from the stress with rsvp's and all of the other stuff that comes with it! But in the end I believe we all will get what's needed done! Natasha, Thanks for the support. I am now waiting to see if my e-mail did anything, but I have to wait to so long now (Jan 15)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nikicrosby Ok...so I need to confess.....I haven't worked out all weekend...and I didn't get up this morning either like I normally do. Dang Thanksgiving......I ate horrible all weekend and all the visiting with family.....I just didn't have time. Then when this morning rolled around I just didn't want to get up early. I have Volleyball tonight ....and I promised myself I will get up tomorrow morning!!! Did anyone else indulge over this Thanksgiving weekend I think I ate my weight in Pumpkin pie's and cheesecake!! your not alone!! the FI just came back too from a business trip plus the holidays. I have to also admit I over ate and didn't do any work out. But i got back to it yesterday. I can say I didn't gain a lbs or a inch, I count myself lucky!But I can't promise it wont happen again for the next big holiday (Xmas)
  14. lol!! what time do you go to bed/sleep at? they sayyou can work out 2 hours before actually sleeping. They aslo say to work out at YOUR most energise time eve if that means 11. Actually was going home from my parents thanksgiving evening around 10:30 and I saw a man joggying !!
  15. jajb2010 Welcome!! well it seems like your all set for guest and booking, some of us can't even get a reply if they are coming or not. so count yourself lucky, I'm jealous lol!!! Suzy, LOL!! I was the same thing trying to get to 150, then your there, seems like the post just add up so fast! good luck!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum i can't meet on the 15th (we're doing a boat cruise with our group), but i'm going to try to make it on the 17th BTW-sorry I confused you with someone else, that doesn't have their resort picked yet aww I'm leaving on the 17th unless we do it for like lunch I think I leave around 2 or 3
  17. Suzy, My SIL got married in Aug and had the same shoes you were thinking, she got them at old navy!! My old navy still has all of their flip flops on the rack. Maybe you could check yours. You may not got as much glitter but they have the wedge.
  18. good for you!!! good luck with that hope it doesn't make you feel more horible!!
  19. Isabelle, I was thinking the same thing. I think that sounds good. We all meet the 15 I don't think Danielle has picked a resort yet, she is still deciding. I hope she picks ours I would love to meet her!! Courtney: We will have to have a drink before we get married on Tuesday!! I am getting so excited just talking about meeting up with all you girls!!!
  20. Suzy, I am so happy your feeling better. Must be a pain the a$$ to be sick and take care of a baby. OH NO snow!!!! I actually saw it on the the news, you guys got allot!!! Just keep it over there, we had a horible summer, we don't need snow now!! lol
  21. wow we are allot from Canada!! Nice Rebacca Oh we will be able to give you allot of review for your wedding when we come back
  22. Shannon, I am so happy to hear your E-shoots went well. We are going for ours Oct 31!! a little nervous!!
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