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Everything posted by caribbeanLover
Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi everyone! So much to catch up on I don't have a clue what I'd wear to a BD shoot... FI doesn't have any preferred sports teams (no jersey), I never wear heels and I have no CLEAVAGE! That rules out most of the sexy shots Tonya- those designs are really pretty! Tracy- can't wait to see your e-pics! We fall in the same boat, I don't even own a pair of heels, But I figured I buy a cheap pair at payless, always good to have around. I have 0 boobs, so I wont be able to hold up any sexy lingerie But the FI loves Montreal Canadian's ,point for me! I was watching t.v yesterday tho, and a VS commercial came on, about their push up bras )they add 2 cup sizes). I am considering buying one to wear, even with a piece of lingerie, can be something you may want to consider as well I say just go to the mall and check things out one day on your free time, brain storm some ideas.
I am happy you posted, I fell off the wagon too with all the candy,and piging out while watch the hockey game I so need to get back into working out 100% hopefuly tonight will be the night.
yes it's def more streeful then I thought it would be for a DW as well. I have a few things done however, so if you need help with anything I'm here.. I've been planning this thing for 2 years lol . I try to add you on msn, but not sure if it worked. [email protected]
I am having a hard time waiting, i have no patiences. lol But I have no choice but to wait it out. Plus she is sending it by snail mail *cry* Glad your starting to feel better, and how is your sister doing with the H1N1? Ohh so exciting to see your family, and on top of it your little guy gets to meet his family for the first time, I'm excited for you guys lol (I have no life) Where exactly are you going in NS? I was there in Aug, we were in Lunenburg. Very beautiful place. All of alberta closed their clinic for the flue shot? ! that's messed up. Before they were given out, the news said they order and got shipped enough for all of canada, doesn't make since. I personally will not be getting it, even tho I am being harrased to do so by the FI and Mother because I have an auto immune disease, but I don't trust it yet lol
Thank you shortnsweet!! Hey Suzy, How are you feeling these days? When are you suppose to be leaving?
Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be A week? lol I would love if he was only gone for a week at a time!!! He's been away for a year on October 26. I got to see him for 3 weeks over xmas, 2 weeks in May and 1 week in July. Oh and a weekend in September. So yeah I'm very excited for him to come home!! He'll be home for like 8 months!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!! He's been away doing some training for the military. It will be sooo nice to have him home. He gets home on the 19th and were moving to a new apartment on the 28th, its going to be soooooooooo busy!! And yeah, I wouldn't worry about bringing centerpeices down, I don't think anybody will even notice, and if they do notice, their not going to say anything. Mine better hope they don't say anything!!! lol That is crazy talk!!! you must get very lonely. But I am sure your use to it by now. The SIL doesn't see her Husband much either due to work, they joke around saying it's why they are still so in love! I have a cousine who lives in NS and her husband is also in the military and works like your FI. She can relate lol. I'm sure your excited to see him, counting down the seconds. And you get him for 6 months!!! I guess he'll be going back when you guys come home from your wedding? Hows the wedding planning coming along? Or are you even doing anything at the moment wedding related? I find I may do a few things and then kind of get bored,and get back to it a few weeks later. My weeks are starting to run out!
Yes she is! she is doing it pretty cheap too.. I haven't gotten the full details in what she is offereing in book wise and actual pictures because it's so cheap $185.. everywhere else I look is $300 and up so I'm assuming no photos are included, which is a downer.
so we finally finally got our e-shoots done!! yaaaaahh!!! It was all lot of fun, she didn't have allot of time ,so we got about 90 shoots in. I get all the files and one picture. It will take about 2 weeks to get and she said she probably wont have time for a teaser. Ah well.. I will def post pics when I get them. It was so much fun, we felt very comfy with her. That's all the FI is talking about now lol. We both just worse jeans, and a sweater, totally our selves. We will have the wedding pics for formal. Thanks again for the advice Shan it was very helpful.
Quote: Originally Posted by khomac get your single status affidavit (english) notarized by a lawyer. Send to WEDO: original SSA photocopy of SSA PHOTOCOPY of birth certificate & Passport. NOT the originals They will send the documents to the Embassy where they will LEGALIZE the translated version of the SSA, and stamp all other copies of the documents. Fax a copy to your resort about a month before you arrive WEDO will mail you all the documents back (including what you sent them) BRING ALL DOCUMENTS WITH YOU TO THE RESORT. I'm from Canada, did this with WEDO, got married last week, and everything was fine. I paid the $300 Thanks for the info!!
Thanks!!! I hope your feeling better real soon suzy as well as your sister, prayer it doesnt get worse and she fights it off.. will reply to the rest tomorrow after my e-shoot and let everyone know how it went
Oh my! I just got an e-mail now from my photographer, telling me she is free only tomorrow to finally do our e-shoots. I am so not prepared. Now I have no idea what I am going to wear. I was suppose to go buy a few things, so all my dress pants are 2 sizes to big. so I think i have I pair of jeans that fit me good. Would jeans be good? I love my jeans. what do I do for a top? sweat?!?!?!? would white be ok? i wouldn't think, i don't know why tho. Freaking out a little bit. I mean my eye brows aren't even done!!!!! *sigh* Hope to get some advice on what I could wear without having to run to a store in the early am (I'm a pm person lol)and the shoot is at 12, downtown, which takes time from where i am (35-45mins)
Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I have a session booked for the 21st.....I've been running over 5 km a day for the exception of weekends...hope that helps my back end...after 2 kids, things aren't the same, but so looking forward to doing this shoot.....My girlfriends cousing by marriage is looking to expand his portfolio, and offering a free boudoir shoot, all we have to do is pay for the film.....I can't wait!!!!!! ohh have fun!!!: ) I'm sure you look great, especially because you bear 2 children, I am sure your FI thinks your drop dead sexy!! Let me know how it turns out, I have have a date booked yet
Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Hi Glas, Sorry I haven't been around but I've had H1N1 for over a week now, and went back to the doctor last night and now I have Strep throat as well. So I haven't been feeling to good. I was wondering what everyone was bring down for decorations as well, I was going to try to bring a bunch of stuff but now I think I'm just going to bring my sand ceremony stuff and some paper laterns for the evening. I'm not even going to bring down centerpeices for the dinner, I just can't be bothered. I'm usually always right at my weight when I go away so I know for sure I would be wayyy over if I brought all that stuff down. I'm sure my guests won't care if we have centerpeices or not, especially since were having our AHR a week later. And WOW!!!!!!!!!! the gazebo looks amazing!! When I seen the first bunch of pics I was like well, I'm def getting married there! but now, I can't believe I ever thought of the beach!! Mike will just have to suck it up!! lol He will like it once he sees it. PS - He'll be home in 19 sleeps!!!! woottt!!!!! I am sooo sorry to hear you got so sick I hope your going to feeling better real soon, get lots of rest. I've made my centerpieces,and I am reconsidering even taking them!! Like you said, the guest probably wont even notice them, and if i didn't have them it wouldn't be missed, after all no one thinks of centerpieces in DW. I am so like you, I'm always exactly on my weight with the luggage, so I know I'll for sure be over, but I will make a bag and gift it to a guest lol I have the same feelings toward the new gazebo, get best of both worlds, the garden and the ocea!! Where is Mike? 19 sleeps thats long? when my Mike goes away it's usually for 1 week business trip, I am not sure I could handle 19 days!! Feel better xoxo
aww,I am really sorry to hear that!! It's the problem I had, do I book now do I wait? I took me about 2 months before I decided to book. I was lucky to get a price drop policy, if it drops a min $25 to a max $300 p/p I get to make a claim and get my money back. From all the research I've done over the last 3 years of starting to travel, the price is usually higher further from the date, and closer when they realize they aren't selling it the will drop the price, maybe! Try and not worrry about it, it's like the freakn' stock market, the price will go back up. At least you can say you, and your guest are booked, there is no worries of the place booking up (which could happen) especially during high seasion.
Quote: Originally Posted by shellk hi ladies, im trying to sort my boudoir shoot for end of november.i plan on having a couple of glasses of wine before hand for that extra bit of courage.i have been looking for poses and outfits but surely the photographer knows what shes doing.im gonna take my friend along as well who has got a great imagination.that sounds corny because of the subject sorry.the outfits i have thought of are wedding lingerie with stockings lingerie he bought me football shirt black silk nightie with feather boa topless with lots of pearls I don't think you'll have to worry about poses, as long as your photographer knows what they are doing ,he/she should be able to coach you. I think I too will bring a friend to get the 'you can do it' speach lol I love your outfit picks. i may steal an idea or 2 from you. Good luck, most of all, just try and enjoy!
What are you walking down the Aisle to?
caribbeanLover replied to reevesbride's topic in Wedding Music & Entertainment
Quote: Originally Posted by JeniferLynn Quick Question, how are you ladies having this music played at the ceramony? I have not even thought of music. Are you bringing a Mp3 player with the songs loaded and speakers? The resort offers a band that will play but i was also hopiing to walk down the isle to something more traditional. Also, I would like to have a frist dance etc, and wondering if we will just take on music side of things because I dont think the resort does anything like that. any info would be great My resort is offering me to bring a cd with all my songs, and they have a loud speaker, so check with your WC. However I felt it would be easier for me to just put them all on an ipod, this way I don't have to hire a DJ for the reception, all the songs can be put on the Ipod in different list ceremony music, reception music ,walking down,walking back,signing papers ect.. I will be buying a docking system for the ipod where I will be able to play it loud. I will wait until boxing day for this, in hopes the price will drop alittle bit. I will also be using this in AHR so I'm def saving all alot of money! Hope this helps! -
Thank you so much!!! I personally really needed that. Your just so amazing!!! thank you!!!!
doblauvelt, lol that sounds like so much fun!! you have to have a stip dance before your marriage for life!! I can't wait to have mine. Not sure what is in stores for me, but I'm excited to get all the girls together and have a night out, as it never happens to get all my gf together to party. I'm so excited to see some of your pics!! You were able to take pics in the strip club? Our male strip club here in Montreal, you are not allowed to take a cam, and you have to turn your phone off. I wont be getting pics of me there if we end up there. echo2_62, Ha Ha you sound like me, even if the fi doesn't want to do it (anything) and I do, it still gets down. I'm not huge a xmas, just the xmas dinner. But the FI is really into the stocking stuffers, so I know I'll have a sock filled of stuff to go through xmas morning. But like doblauvelt We have money issues, well not money issues more like just not having any because I've been off work for 2 and half years for medical leave. Xmas is over rated anyways (Just have to keep saying that to myself lol) I finally decided what I will be wearing for my BD shoots. Montreal hockey jersy, Mike's fav. His Fav button down work shirt. and a sexy lingerie. One or 2 outfits will be with a pair of high heels. ebredhawk I think your right, allot of things one may not consider sexy, another just might. I decided to forget looking for BD poses and just see what happens when I get there, in hopes the photographer will coach me!
Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Still hanging in there- I used the eliptical night before last and went to another aquafit class today. If I work out again tomorrow and then go to another class on Saturday morning that will be four workouts this week which is what I'm aiming for right now. Wish me luck! good for you!!! I've been crap at working out these days!! Must re find my motivation!
OMG, Meghan, your on xmas shopping now lol!! to cute!! I am the last minute shopper. Not as bad as to shop on the 24th but last minute enough. my SIL got married in Aug, plus we are getting married in April, as an entire family both mine and the FI decided not to exchange gift's this year. There is 1 kid, we will get him something but that's it. We just can't afford it with me not working and the whole wedding thing. So I can finally say, I'm just looking forward to the dinner!! Yummmm....
Quote: Originally Posted by shan13 Thought this might help since I found cute shoes for BD shoot @ Payless...thanks to Oprah you can get 50% off today only in stores using the coupon offer..here's the link... Payless ShoeSource Coupon Offer - Oprah.com thanks so much for sharing!!
Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Hey ladies.. I have a couple posts to catch up to but in the meanwhile, i need your opinions. I'm working on my formal invites and have come up with 4 designs. I shouldn't say designs but, I mean "formats". This page consists of 4 gatefold inserts in which I'll cut.... which one do you like most? My colors are green and brown. My gatefold card will most likely be green and the inserts will be white cardstock. I'm attaching an image for those who can't open documents (but i have to warn you the img is a bit blurry). For those that can open the word file, I used "scriptina" from dafont.com and "lucinda" if the fonts are a lil funky. I like the white one (right side) it goes with your colors Quote: Originally Posted by staceyg Its actually one of the few Mori Lee's that I've tried on! Most of the ones I've been drawn to are Maggies and I thought for sure I'd end up with a Maggie but this dress just seems to fit for all the right reasons! I am too caught up in the thinking i need to feel as though its "the one" and I'm stressing out about not having that feeling and the time crunch! After trying on about 30 dresses (or so it seems like that many!) I do have a pretty good idea of what I don't want so am able to weed things out much more quickly now! There are a few different styles I like and this dress sort of incorporates a little from each of those (ie, strapless, lace, beading, short train, etc). It has been however, 24hours since I've found the dress and I'm still thinking seriously about it so that's a good sign! :-) I say there is such thing as trying on to many dresses. I looked at tons of dresses on line, I picked like 10, then I went through them saying what I liked and didn't like about each dress,I was able to cut them off my list. I ended up with 1 that I wanted to try on. thinking just cause I like it on a model, doesn't mean I'll like it on me, but I got it on and just said it was it. I want to another shop to try on other dresses to make sure, and everytime I put when on, I would compare to the mori lee. So I just bought it, I don't think it was 'OMG this is the dress is what I dreamed about all my life' kind of thing, it was 'it looks great, not over 1000$' Just to point out I didn't exactly have that feeling either. I personally love the one you picked, but you have to make sure you love it. Maybe go back to the store and try 1 or 2 you have tryed on and liked, then go back to the Mori Lee, who knows maybe you'll make your mind up, without having to drive 4 hours!!
Meghn, that makes more since!! lol I guess your best bet would be to book it now at the special price, as suppose to waiting, and not knowing what the price will be like closer to your date. I know it's hard, because it could go down, could go up. ugh!!! I hate being stuck like this I feel your pain. good luck!!