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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. I know for me getting reply's back from a WC was important in choosing a resort. That said I got a quick response from her when I email her, asking her for a date of my choice, she came back and gave me 2 dates close (same week) that the judge was free, so I took one of those days. There are only a few judges in all of Punta Cana and all the resorts share them... my suggestion is to take a date close to the date you original picked, since the chances of another resort having that time free is usually unlikely. I suggest emailing her again (maybe you can change your mind to a date the judge is free for sure) and let her know you'd like to confirm a date so you can make travel plans. Good luck!!!!
  2. Thanks guys!!! appreciate it so much!!! especially for reading it...I know it was long lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd Tracy, your review is awesome!! You certainly put a lot of work into it and it's MUCH appreciated! Your tip to have someone collect your belongings after the ceremony/reception (like the sand ceremony vases, cake topper, etc.) was a good point...I would never have thought of that until the last minute then panicked trying to designate someone to do it, lol. Question: the ceremony decorations, like the turquoise ribbons tied to the gazebo pillars and chair sashes, did you bring those? or does the resort have them? My colours are the same and I basically wanted the same sort of decor. Shan Thanks!!!!!!!!! I just so glad most of you got to read it before you wedding for some pointers and what it basically look like. The ceremony is decorated by Carolina, and she supplies with ribbon and all. In your meeting she will ask you what colour. You tell her turquoise!! And you'll get the exact same set up!!
  4. kerrij Thanks!!! I appreciate it And I'm so glad your over the worse part of your pregnacy!!!! So happy to hear it's been easier for you and you've been feeling great.. keep it up!!!
  5. Guess what!!!!!!!!!!! I got my review up!!! with picures!!!!! HA!! I know 2 months later lol but i got it done!! I'm so proud of myself (takes take me much to be happy with myself lol) check it out if you have time, as it's super long!!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...9/#post1330535
  6. (can see but the backround was the ocean, so when we got to hot we all dunk our feet in there) Well I am sorry for read your eyes off!!!! I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions, or concerns please PM me or just reply!! (OMG this is finally done, and I now can move on lol )
  7. A++ Reception/Food: We had our semi private reception at La Uva, which so happens to be right next to the new gazebo and right behind where they hold the beach party. So the location was perfect. I chose the chicken; pasta with potato’s however it turned out to be 1 mixture, not separated. It really wasn’t that good in my opinion lol. Half the guest liked it the other half did not. I suggest for goes for everything but this, I’ve got some feed back on other girls who chose a different menu, and they loved it!! The service was amazing, like at a real wedding reception hall, they waited at our table to put up and finish plate, they were friendly and kind. No one had an empty plate for more then 2 seconds before it was picked up. Our glass would get filled every time we were a sip away from finishing. They had our cake table here as well off to the side of our long table. It was very pretty. The restaurant had a rustic romantic feeling to it. It was so perfect!!!! But it doesn’t matter what restaurant you get, I’ve been to them all, each one has a nice different feeling to them, and the menu you chose will be from all different resto’s so you really can pick any place to hold the reception. (restaurant) (not the best photo's but to give an idea what the table looked like and you can see the girl in the white shirt by me..she never left my side!!) A+++++ Beach Party: We decided to go for the private beach party after the reception to give the feeling of a wedding, even though we were so far away from home. I recommend having one; it was the most fun any of our guest had at any wedding. (Even other DW they’ve been too) We hired a do from the resort which was $250, we brought CDs and an Ipod, he played the Cds so bring them in case…I just mixed the CDs. He was a great DJ but couldn’t speak English. In the end it work out as my SIL took over and did the MC (she was an absolute blast and definitely made the party) The party includes an open bar with a bar tender and server, they were so much fun and even danced with us… all the guest loved them, none of us had an empty drink, not even for a second. The price is $9 p/p. Worth every single penny. This is where we did our mother/son and father/daughter dance, as well as the bouquet toss and garter toss (another main reason I wanted the party....I still wanted all that to be a part of our wedding) We had two pillars on each side of the entrance, 2 long tables with chairs, and a huge spot light on top of a tree for plenty of lighting. The perfect party, nothing will ever compare again! (hot hot bar tender dancing with me....hey I'm still allowed to look! the yellow hut is where the DJ is)
  8. (the mens 'bouts) A+++ Ceremony: was suppose to be at 2:30, but at the time of our meeting she couldn’t get a hold of the judge and there was 2 times I’d either get, 2:30 or 6 so she ask me what time I would prefer. I said 6. Thank god because it rained at 2:30 and was nice (cloudy) for 6pm. She called me to let me know someone would be picking us up, so we waited at the front of our building, pick up was on time and quick. We used the new gazebo to get married, it had a lot more privacy then the beach set up (there are no guards to keep people away) the gazebo was perfect since you can still see the ocean in the back round. The judge was waiting for me at the gazebo, while Carolina was at the front entrance where the cart dropped us off. She let us know what was going on, and when to start walking; by the time I got there she was already standing next to the judge to translate the ceremony into English. The judge was sweet, quick and real nice. Pleasure to work with for 15 mins. We signed the papers, he shock our hands to congratulate us and left. We then moved on to the sand ceremony, SIL did this for us (so nice of her since she has stage fright and she did an amazing job!!!) this was quick as well, she did her reading I gave her, we poured our sand in the glass heart vase, she also congratulated us. Carolina got the DJ to play our excite song, once we got down from the gazebo we had a glass of champagne and did our first dance there. We then headed to the beach for photo’s while the guest headed to the restaurant (exactly why I wanted later so the guest didn’t have nothing to do for XX amount of hours) Once we were done we headed to the restaurant, the guest didn’t wait long for us. We did our group shot here, and the cake cutting as well. (this is the new gazebo we chose to get married in) I will return shortly to finish it off!!!
  9. (dessert from the royal side...yummmmm) A+++ Grounds, Pools, Beach: The grounds are stunning, so many flowers everywhere, rich trees and all sorts not just palm trees!! The grass is a beautiful green. You have walk ways which the tops are made out of branches, truly makes you feel you’re in the Caribbean. Everywhere you walk you see gardeners working hard threw out the day, they’ll chop you down a coconut if you ask, they will also try to sell you a hat they made out of leaves, for $5, it’s great if you want to wear it during the week but I don’t think you can bring it back. The Royal section was stunning, they have the older section and the new section (the side we were on) the old section is where the swim up bar is, you have water fountains and the lobby on this side. While the new section had swim up rooms, lazy pools all around so if you had the bottom floor you could go on your balcony and jump into the pool. We’re aren’t pool people really since we have tons back home so we tend to stick to the beach, however with 25 guest you tend to do things you normally wouldn’t do (which was amazing and full of fun!!) we mostly hung out on the Punta Cana side pool, there is a swim up bar here (they also have a swim up on the Palac and Bavaro as well) it was a lot of fun with the work out’s in the pool and bingo, the staff really got you involved, but if you just wanted to watch they wouldn’t harass you!! The pool on the royal old section with the swim up bar was fun, more quiet on this side, but you have tons of chairs, also chairs inside the pool no games, just peaceful! And saving the best for last, the beach is just stunning. Miles and miles worth of beach and sand, you can walk for hours in either direction. No coral, no rocks or seashells on the beach to hurt you feet. Just lots of sand and beautiful turquoise colour water. My favourite part is the palm trees that decorate the beach area. My only warning about this resort is don’t sit next to the dive center where you can go on the banana boat (which I suggest doing, tons of fun for $10 p/p) all you smell is the gas from the speed boats. Still not that big of deal since this resort is so big you get tons of beach space there is always plenty of places to sit. We never had any issues getting chairs at the beach or pool. (the straw hat they make you) (don't forget to get a cocnut!!) (swim up rooms on the royal section) Finally the best part of the whole 2 weeks, our wedding!! I’ll start off by saying... we got to the resort on Saturday (our wedding was on Tuesday) when in ‘Dominican rule’ you must be there 3 business days before you wedding if you’re doing a legal wedding (which we were) however the WC was very kind to give us a break and allow us to come later. If you don’t have to do this, I suggest not doing it, go the 3 business days before the ceremony. It’ll give you and the WC a lot more time to plan whatever it is you want (I.E, the way you want the ceremony set up or how you’d like it to be performed, reception, ECT). A+++ Wedding coordinator: Our WC was Carolina; she was friendly and very welcoming. During our planning she was quick to reply to our emails, always answered our question. Never made we feel confused or unsure of anything. You are supposed to be at the resort 3 business days before a legal ceremony. But Carolina was amazing to give us a break and allow us to show up 1 business day before the wedding (we arrived Saturday, wedding was Tuesday. We met her on Sunday, but forgot to bring all of our stuff with us; I thought it’d be ok since we’d have 2 meetings with her. But we only had 1 (we only needed 1 meeting) so she said to leave our stuff at our lobby (so I left the wedding stuff in 2 carry-on luggage Monday morning) my only request was to have 3 tables and a head table for the reception dinner. Of course I forgot to mention this at our meet, but it was ok I left instruction in the bags. The only problem was she was only able to pick up our bags 30 mins before our ceremony, so there was no time to make the tables I wanted, instead got one long table (turned out nice, intimate and personal) She even got all my scavenger hunt list I made for each guest and put the cameras, centerpieces and candles on the table without me evening mentioning it. That’s how amazing she really is. I did mention at the meeting I wanted our first dance at the ceremony, but forgot to tell her I wanted the cake cutting there as well. But it worked out; our photographer came back to our restaurant to get the group photo shot, so was able to get the cake cutting. Our meeting was real quick, she took out books for the bouquets, cakes, and 2 menus, 1 for the reception and 1 for breakfast in bed the next morning. I also added the beach party to our list. I really didn’t have to tell her anything, I left the cd`s for the BM`s to walk down, music for the guest being seated, us walking back, ect... I made sure to make a cd for each song (or period of time) and labelled it so the DJ knew exactly what was going on, there were a few pauses but not a big deal. We only paid for everything days after the wedding at our lobby. We gave Carolina and the servers during dinner their tips that night. We did have to pay for the flowers right away, I upgraded my bouquet for $35, DH `bout was included and so we got the BM, his dad and my dad, and 2 corsages for our mom’s. Flowers were $95. I really couldn’t have asked for a better WC, I am so happy with our decision. I can’t stress enough how much this woman works for you, to assure your happy!!!! Make sure to assign someone to be responsible to gather your stuff after the dinner, like your sand ceremony kit, cake cutting server, cake topper. A lot of girls didn’t get their stuff back... someone had their sand ceremony go missing (I brought mine back when I got changed for the beach party), I didn’t get 1 carry-on luggage back though and only got half of my candle holders back No big deal to me though. She was just so amazing, she did one heck of a job I really couldn’t have ask for anything more. I certainly couldn’t have asked for a better wedding coordinator, she completely put me at ease and she definitely exceed my expectation and more!!! (the flowers I chose for my bouquest, which was an upgrade) (corsage's for the mommy's)
  10. Grand Palladium Review , April 13 2010 I have to start off by saying; half of this...ok more than 90% of my ideas for my entire wedding wouldn’t have been done without this site or most of you girls on here. So a big thanks to everyone’s amazing ideas and inspirations. Big shout out to the girls on April 2010 Brides and Married or getting married at Grand Palladium, I wouldn’t have survived without you girls!!! We got to the resort on Saturday and our wedding was on Tuesday (we were actually suppose to legally be there on Thursday, 3 business days before the wedding but the WC was real nice to break a few rules) Our guest arrived the same day as us a few were there 2 days before us, which was just fine by us... they told us which restaurant was good and which wasn’t, and where everything was! We had 25 guest plus us. It was difficult to spend time with your entire guest list. I felt we spent more time with some and not enough time with others. During the day most the time people would do their own thing and we’d hang out with whoever we saw first, while we always would see a guest or 2 walking by they usually had plans (still a good thing, felt like people were having fun and didn’t need babysitting) dinner time I felt was the most hardest to try and get everyone together, impossible! Everyone has different times they prefer to eat at. So we end up always eating with the same crowd, while missing out on others. Because of this it was always hard to get people together after dinner for a drink or a show. But it all worked out in the end, we did get to spend time with everyone. All of the guest had a blast the entire week they were there, and want to return to the same resort in the near future!!! Now I’ll get on with the review.... Our guest stayed on the Punta Cana side while we booked the Royal side, so I’ll do a review for both sides in case you want to book just the Punta Cana (Bavaro or Palac) it’ll be very long, entire review including resort and wedding, with pics!!!! A+++ Rooms: Royal section....we booked the deluxe suite (or Romance Deluxe) for 2 weeks. We feel in love with this room the second we walked in, it was huge!!! Had a full bathroom with a vapour shower with jets on each side, even had 2 chairs in it. A memory foam bed and a pillow menu you can pick your pillows from (memory foam pillow was the best) four post bed. 24 hour room service and a little window they pass the food through so you never have it back in there and hit the switch. It was royal service all the way!!!! This room has 2 plasma T.V which was perfect to watch T.V on the couch, and when we got tired we’d just head to bed and throw the T.V on the bed side on for awhile. Huge bonus for being in the Caribbean, there wasn’t even 1 bug in our room the whole 2 weeks we were there!!! We can’t go there now without getting this room... we were definitely spoiled a little too much!!! Punta Cana Side: Everyone got a deluxe room (the standard one) some blocks had the bath tub in the room while some others had them in a full bathroom. I admit the ones in the room made the room smaller, but no one complaint....everyone loved their room. Everyone’s room had a mini fridge in them and would get stocked everyday (except for my parents room for some odd reason, but they’d just get what they needed before heading to their room at the bar) A few of our guest had problems with the battier in their safe, but a call to the front desk, and it’d get fixed promptly. If you get a room here I’m warning you now, be careful of stubbing your toe on the door stopper in the bathroom!!! Everyone got hurt 1 time or another with this during the week. (Punta Cana side deluxe room) A++ Food & Service: This resort is just so amazing for the amount of options they have. 3 Buffets, 4 if you include the royal gourmet. They have 7 a la carts from Chinese, Japanese even Spanish, and a Tex Mex. All the food was amazing at every restaurant. Not one complaint from 25 people. There was always something for someone. Our favourite buffet was cathedral in the Bavaro lobby bar, huge buffet with so many options to pick from. The buffets have a theme night different one each night, but every buffet have the same theme night on the same night. So if you didn’t want to do Mexican one night your best bet would be to go to an a la cart restaurant. The only long line we waited in was for the Japanese, we went there at 4:45 when they open their doors at 6pm, but we got seated right away and got the show table (a show not to miss, he throws eggs in his hat, the whole nine yards!!) if you don’t eat that early, still wait in line to make a reservation for anytime you’d prefer. If you are part of the royal section all you have to do is ask your butler to make reservations for whatever restaurant you want that night (this has to be done before 12pm except you can’t make reservations for your guest, this is why we waited in line) the second week when we could have made reservation since we were alone, we still didn’t because it wasn’t necessary, no line ups... always got served right away. The times we didn’t, we got pager and just headed for a drink until the light came on. Perfect set up!!! (We only had to have 1 pager in 14 days, because we were 17 of us that night) Don’t forget each restaurant is closed once during the week, Monday it’s the Spanish restaurant closed but open for the rest of the week, and so forth. Royal Gourmet: This was by far the best restaurant we ate at. We are very disappointed we only got to use this restaurant on our second week (since only royal members are allowed here). But at least we got to use it. We went there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They have a buffet plus an a la cart menu you can order from. The menu’s never changed though, which means it just gave a chance to try everything on the menu. The steak was to die for... just thinking of it now makes my mouth water. Yes the buffet was small but had so many choices to pick from. The service was definitely royal 100% of the time. We never waited to be seated at this restaurant. The service on this entire resort was amazing, whether it was to get a drink or to eat every server was great, no complaints from anyone!!! I can’t stress enough how excited we are to return (and we never return to the same resort as we like to try something new each time, we found our home here though) (Tex Mex restaurant)
  11. This is funny!!!!!! Mine.. he brings the dish's to the sink, put instead of putting it in the sink (or better yet the dishwasher) he leaves it on the counter!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL the toilet set!!! How annoying... took me 4 and half years for me to get through to him.. and it wasn't yelling at him, or being nice that finally sunk into his head... it was me falling into the toilet one night of my 'more then half asleep pee' That wasn't fun, but funny now lol!!! Sooo Nat, his moved in by now.. how's it going?! It might not be toooooo much different since you guys did spend every weekend together,and you both work so your not boh home all day long together. (Makes a difference lol) Hows everyone doing these days, WHAT are you doing?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by terilina I really like the idea of doing OOT bags, but I won't have any extra room in my luggage to take it. And does't it cost alot if you are over your weight limit? What did you guys do? It does cost a lot for extra luggage weight. And I didn't think of that until it was time to go lol! What I did was gave the people in my town their bags (and stressed the fact they would need it down there..no one forgot their bag!) I had 7 people in T.O 2 ppl in N.S and 1 in Ireland. T.O people I fedex their bags (way cheaper then the extra luggage, was $30) and for the other people I gave in town guest their bags (as a lot of them had extra luggage space) so this could be an option. If not you could also just do mugs, a lot of brides have done this (if I would have known how crazy I would get over labels and how time consuming, I would have just gone with the mugs lol....even though all the guest got a kick out of everything and loved it all) Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 1 week today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!! I wish I had stuff to add, but it seems like all new people in here! lol, and I have no experience yet so maybe when I get back! Anyways -- Carribbealover -- SOOO excited for us and Courtney!! My wedding, your house, Courtney's baby - omg. we are a big bundle of milestones!! OMG, coming so fast!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! Ahhh don't worry about it.... you'll have plenty to add when you get back in a few weeks!!! I'm so excited to hear all about it. I know,it's sooooooo amazing. It's great to share all the life changing excitment with each other!!! Quote: Originally Posted by natalie1987 terilina: I read some people give them out at the airport (if you and most of your guests will be departing the same airport at the same time) I was wondering how long does it usually take for Carolina to answer your emails? I emailed Friday and had no response (I know it is only Tuesday lol) but just wondering what the normal time for her responses are? I haven't notice a pattern with her! I waited a few weeks one time (I even forgot I emailed her until she replyed lol) so if it's urgent (I use this word lightly btw when it comes down to weddings....everything is urgent LOL!!) and it's been a few days, go ahead email her again.. she totally understands how we brides are (and I think she also gets it can be nerv racking making plans with someone you've never met,especially for your big special day and so far away on top of it)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by sheila2011 Wow, I go away for a few days and there's all kinds of action on this board!! Congrats on the new house carribeanLover! That's fantastic news! And I am glad to hear you are feeling ok after your surgery! My wedding plans are sorta at a stand still right now. I have the dress, I have booked a photographer (engagement pics at the end of the month!), and the invites are out. I guess I should decide what the boys should wear? I feel like there's more I should be doing, but I don't know what it is I should be doing!!! I also don't know if I will even get 20 people and I think you have to have that many for the beach party? We wanted to do the semi private reception and then the beach party but I don't know if that is going to happen. Hiya!!! yes well I know I can be very chatty lol Thanks!!!!!!!! we're very excited!!! Yes thanks again surgery went well and pretty much back to my normal routine. I even got to clean my appt from top to bottom (well almost lol) Ohhh perfect!!! dress is #1 lol. Yes good idea, you can go through pics and what not see what interest you for the boys to wear. Will you be doing favour's for the guest? I did OOT bags (which is very time consuming so if you'd like to do something like that you can get started. These are the things I had in my bag................ There is no min needed for the beach party. So even if you have 15 people your set to partY!!!! :) Lets see some pics!!!!!!!! invites?!?!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 Awe that is too bad...can't wait to read your review Tracy. Plans are coming...going saturday to pick a dress and get that done ..then i can start with everything else...feels like i need to do this first before doing anything else lol . SOoo exicting! I have been to a few shops and I found my dress!! SO fun trying them on too! And I promise it'll be up this evening with pictures and all! ohhhh the dress!!! big part of the wedding, hope you'll post pics!!! excited to see it!!! Isn't it a lot of fun trying dresses on, but also can be confusing if you don't know what you want! Don't pull a me , I bought my dress a year before the wedding.. about 6 months before the wedding I watched too many 'say yes to the dress' shows and had this idea the dress I bought wasn't the right one... so I went back on the dress search, in the end I kept the dress I bought and I am sooo happy I did but it had got a little stressful at 1 point. Quote: Originally Posted by natalie1987 Hi girls, For a private reception, do you have to book it before you go down? is there only one place for a private reception? I am scared if I dont book it now there wont be a place available. Yes I suggest you book your reception if you want a private one a.s.a.p. If your well aware you want a private reception, go for it!!!
  15. as I came on here to reply and my stupid 60 day trail is up for the microsoft word!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How freaking annoying...they really force you to buy it don't they!!! Now I have to wait another day to finish the review!!!
  16. Thank you!!! Yes seems like everything is falling into place!! especially with the surgery going well!! Landlord was pretty nice... 4 options to get out of a lease (if anyone needs to know further down the line) 1-pay $100 and find my own tenant (who will still need to pass a credit check with the land lord and, if passes will sign their own lease) 2-pay $300 and he finds the tenant, however if he doesn't find one by the time we leave, we're stuck with the rent payments still. 3-Sublease (so if the new tenant doesn't pay our credit is on the line) 4- pay 3 months worth of rent and not worry about a thing (but we don't have 3 months of rent AND 3 months of mortgage) so option #1 it is...I've added post on craigslist and kijiji, and added a for rent sign on my balcony!! should do the trick lol!! Hows everyone coming along on their wedding plans? P.S I'm working on my review as we speak !
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by richarsd If you decide to have the private dinner at one of the restaurants, you can have your after-party there as well, if you don't want to move locations down to the beach and have a private beach party. When you pay the $1000 for the restaurant, you get it for four hours. So That's enough time to do dinner, speeches, etc. then go into some dancing and music (you can rent the DJ for extra and he'll set up in the restaurant). I think we're going to time it so that our 4 hours runs out at 11 pm. If people want to continue partying at that point, we'll move to the disco. There is also this option, if your having more then XX amount of people and it'd cost more then $1000 for the private beach reception, I'd suggest going with the private reception. That's a great idea, we did the same.. but some times changed for our ceremony so the beach party was from 9-12 and then we also headed to the disco Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Hi girlies!! Thanks for all the congrats!! I've been sick thats why I've been MIA, but its nothing that another 32 weeks won't fix!! To all the new girls, your sooo lucky you get to go and get married at this resort! It is amazing!! Its exciting and a little stressful but don't let that get to ya, enjoy it!! Sungoddess!!!! Whoa!! its almost time to leave!!! eekkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Tracy!!!!! A house! WOO HOOOO!!! Congrats Thanks!!!!!!!! You can come visit, there'd be plenty of room for you, the hubby and the baby!!!!!! I just want to see the baby lol!! I agree, it's a little stressful leading up to the big day, especially when the FI is getting on your nerves and usually never helps lol. But it's all worth it in the end. Enjoy it, it goes so fast...I truly miss it!! I didn't make any plans this evening, it's just me, my laptop and wedding review. I feel so pathetic that it's been 2 months yesterday since we've been married (happy Anniversary Court!!) and it's still not up.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Thanks guys!! ughhhhh.....I feel like poop!!! And wish I could at the same time!!! I am completely exhausted!! Everyday I feel like I haven't slept in 5 years, I am have constant nausea...blahhh. I can't wait to be past this part, its killing me, Oh and DH too, he's not liking the mood swings so much, but last night I broke down into tears trying to explain to him that I'm not Courtney right now. lol It worked. lol I'm not very big so yes even at 8 weeks, my pants are tight and people are going to notice pretty soon, so I have to start wearing looser shirts. lol Aww, I'm so sorry to hear your really feeling crappy and the major mood swings (those are never fun, pregnant or not!), I'm sort of dealing with it as well with my MOH. Men def can have a hard time understanding we aren't who we normally are when we're pregnant. I'm glad you got through to him and he sort of understands. Crying will get you far for the next 32 weeks with your Hubby lol. So when will you start telling people, in your 3rd trimester? Your starting to show too!! eating a lot or unable to with all the sickness? Start buying maternity clothes (my MOH refuses to 'waste' the money') but I think it's worth it, and your suppose to anyway, i heard the tight circulate of the pants isn't good for the baby! Keep up the good work girl, it'll get a little easier and then the next thing you know you have a little buddle of joy!!
  19. Thank you!! very exciting!! Ohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 week... you must be sooooo excited. And I told ya by the time it was your turn to go I'd really want/dying to go back to Punta Cana and especially back to the Palladium. So I'm totally jealous lol!!!! And my goal was to finish my review days before you left, so I def have to get on that!!! jerzshortstuff Thank you!!! we're very excited for the new big change!! A little stressful since we renewed our lease back in March for July '10-July '11...so now we have to deal with the land lord and what not, not looking forward to tomorrow!! It's my pleasure, any info I have I love to share!!! SO ask away!!
  20. Hey guys!! I'm back in business after my surgery and a minor hiccup when I ended up back in the hospital after they let me go. I've never done well with anastasia, after I came home it was none stop vomiting, so I had to go back to get stable but was back home the next morning. I in fact had a serve case of endometrosis to the point it pushed my 1 ovary to the wall of my intestines. He was able to clean it all up and put the ovary back into place. (We tired to get prengnant on our honeymoon...now know why we couldn't) I'm excited (thought I never say this) to get my next period to see how pain (or painless) it'll be! We just bougt a house over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!! so we decided to put off trying for another year to get our self set up in the house and do a few minor reno's to the place. I appreciate all of you and your kinds words and keeping me in your thoughts!! your all amazing group of people!!! Okkkk I see there are some confusion to the beach party. There are 2 types of beach party. 1 being the reception which is $60 p/p which includes your meal, drinks. (I am sorry but I am not sure or cant remember if this includes a dj and dancing afterwards) but the tables get set up on the beach and you get served by servers here. The second type of beach party is the dance after dinner, you go to one of the a la carts to have dinner, then head over to the beach for a dance. This is $9p/p for the open bar for 3 hours then add the cost for the DJ $250. For 27 of us we paid $475 (2 of them were kids so we didn't get charged) Bella, Tracy, Or Tracey?! amazing!!! lol Thank you guys for the sweet comments on our photo's. They did turn out amazing, all thanks to Arnaud and his company HDC!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 congrats courtney!!! caribbeanlover...i really hope everything works out, good luck!! Thank you so much, your so kind! Quote: Originally Posted by kerrij Caribbeanlover - i hope everything works out for you!! at least your friend will have lots of good advice for you when it's your turn soon! Enjoy being married and don't stress about anythign else. I must say, with my pregnancy, because i've been so sick...i'm totally missing out on enjoying my new "married life". so just enjoy being a mrs...and it'll happen soon enough. best of luck to you! It's very true, I also look at it when it's my turn she'll have plenty of good advice for me. True again we have been getting to enjoy marriage life, but been busy and occupied lately with buying a house (very time consuming) Since we bought the house (yesterday) we've decided to wait another year. Surgery went well!!!! I in fact had endometriosis (if anyone has heard of it before) which cause painful periods and infertility. The surgeon was able to clear it all up (I had such a sever case it pushed my ovary to the wall of my intestines (which he was able to put back into the normal spot) He is very confident I can easily get pregnant now. So I guess back to being careful for the next year!! lol Thanks for your kind comments and words!!! I'll keep checking in here, exciting to see who is having a wedding baby (or close enough to)
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Update!!!!! Sooo...A few pages back I said we wanted to try down south...we tried!!! and..............I'm pregnant!! lol I think it worked out to be right after we got home though!!! hahah So like kerrij said in baby language I'm 8 weeks(tomorrow) pregnant!! woot!! But its still a big secret to our world just because its to early, We don't want to jinx ourselves!! Hoping everything works out well!! How are you feeling kerrij Sooo funny!!! my MOH and I both tried on my wedding week me on our honeymoon the week after everyone left Well she got pregnant (she's 8 weeks next week, so instead of becoming a mom in 9months it'll be a godmother for now lol) I on the other hand found out I can't get pregnant 2 days after I got home.. but gone to surgery tomorrow to fix that problem! I'm so happy for you all!!! how amazing is that!!!!! what a great story to tell the child!!! and good luck to you all up coming brides!!! keep us all posted!!
  23. OMG Courtney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad I decided to come check on here even tho I have no notice of new post (soo stupid) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!!! awwww what a great happy start to a wonderful marriage (promise wont say anything on FB) I'm so happy for you!!!!!!! how far along are you? sooo funny, My MOH got pregnant on our wedding week!!! I can't stress the fact how happy I am for you!!!! :) :) I guess no vacation for an anniversary next year lol (not that it matters anymore, something way betteR) How are you feeling?!?! hope not to much 'morning' sickness (I never understood why they called it morning sickness when it happens from morning to night!!!) Thanks guys, everyone for your best wishes for my surgery tomorrow and all your thoughts!!! I appreciate it soo much your all great people, I'll keep you all posted tomorrow!! SOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be I got my certificate a month after my wedding. It was wayy quicker then I thought! I doubt that the prices will change for the wedding packages, I'm sure Tracy already said, we were both sent packages with the 2008-2009 prices and thats what we paid this year so I don't think it would have gone up, if it did she would email you and let you know. It wouldn't be more then $200 I would say. Carolina will do those menus up for you!!!! We were sooo surprised that she did that!! Its such a nice keepsake Hey did you have to do anything special with the certificate? I translated with the consulate, but then I found out it needed to be translated by a certified translator of the gov. So now I have to go pay another $70 and then write a letter to the gov asking them to 'file' out certificate and then pay another $15 to get a 'quebec' certificate in case someone down the road asked us for it!! HOW ANNOYING especially when I first called the gov. to find out who needed to translate it...I made 3 different calls and got 2 different answers. 1 was it didn't matter by who, the second was they didn't know!!! So I just translated by the ppl I knew. But that was wrong, and wasted $40!!!!!! Yes the menu was sooo cute, and a very nice keepsake, I have it in my wedding memory box lol
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by terilina Carolina contacted me today and provided me with the 2010 package prices. I am wondering if it would be safe to book without knowing the 2011 prices. I know some have already booked for 2011 - is that something you are worried about or has she let you know it shouldn't change too much?? She didn't get back to me with whether or not they were getting booked up already for Jan. I guess I will just hurry up and decide and then hope one of the dates we want is available. I checked out the HDC site last night and I actually got a bit emotional with how beautiful the pictures are...along with the music. I've heard Micheal is good as well, but haven't checked out his stuff yet. It's safe to book, I say if anything the price will change by no more then $100-200 for the entire package. But again I doubt it. HDC is wonderful!! I am so blown away by our photo's I couldn't ask for anything more, def no more photo's then we already got (300 ceremony, 100 TTD) The difference between HDC and Michael, is the price. Let us know what you pick!! Quote: Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff So I am officially booked for April 28, 2011! I ended up emailing Carolina again today since it was 5 days I last heard from her and was getting nervous that maybe she didn't get my email. So I put "wedding confirmation" in the subject and she responded within an hour! I was so excited!!!! So she sent me an "agreement" form and told me to mail it. So where does it get mailed to? And what did you all do when it asked for the number of guests? We really have no idea how many people will come so what should we put for number of guests? I am sooo happy right now! Our stay at the resort is booked and Carolina confirmed our date... I feel like so much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders! *sorry for all of the exclamation marks! I am just SUPER excited now!* YAhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Congrats.... it is definitely a big weight that gets lifted off your shoulders. You have every right to be excited!! I sent her the aggrement form like a week before I left cause she never asked for it, and I completely forgot. But when I did send it she thanked me. Just leave the guest # blank or write 'unknown' and like Military Mrs said about 3 weeks before you leave to go there she'll ask you for your guest names and confirmation #. SO don't worry. I also recommend emailing back to her. Quote: Originally Posted by Bella30 I already booked for april 29 and I am sure the prices won't change that much either! Did anyone do TTD session? And did it ruin your dress?? I want to do this but if it ruins the dress I don't wanna go buy right the expensive dress lol Congrats on getting your date confirmed!!! sooo excited I did the TTD, most of us did. ANd I would have been very very sad if I didn't do it. It didn't ruin my dress at all (it actually cleaned it lol!!!) But I also didn't wear my ceremony dress, I wore my party/TTD dress. Depends what you want to do with you more $$ dress after your wedding, if not go and find a cheap dress (Sears has some cute ones for $95) You have to do TTD, it's amazing!!!! take a look Snapfish: Share:Registration Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I feel like I don't have anything to ad - haha, this sucks. BUT I leave in 1.5 weeks! woot! I'm excited -- Carolina has been amazing with emailing me lately. Carribbeanlover -- for HDC, did you give him an idea of some shots you want? I looked at some pictures and there are some artistic ones that I really want! Should I send this to him before hand? Also -- regarding the menus (I may have asked you this but I forget), I saw in one of your pics that they had a menu with your names on it. Did you do this and bring it? Or did Carolina do it for you? I want this and I don't mind doing it before hand -- we alreayd know what we want. LOL!! it's soo exciting,I want to go with you!!!!!!! I had some ideas I wanted to give to him, but forgot and since I saw a lot of his photo's from other weddings I didn't feel the need to give him ideas.I'm glad I didn't he took everything I could have wanted. I have to admit he went out and beyond taking pics of me and my BM's. I have way to many pics of them lol!!! The menus was all Carolina, she will also do that for you with your name and the menu you chose. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] BRIDES WHO WERE MARRIED IN APRIL 2010: Have you received your marriage certificate from Carolina yet? Yes I got my marriage certificate early May, have you not gotten yours yet?
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