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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. oh really!!!! Maybe someone should send an e-mail to another person.. I found a few contacts maybe one of you can just e-mail this person letting them know your a bride and getting married there, you've been in contact plenty with Carolina but seems no one is able to get throught to her, maybe there is another e-mail add they have for her. or another WC (that would suck if it wasn't Carolina since I am use to her lol) I'll give you a list, not sure who you should contact/ Reception Managers Punta Cana section Miguel Nolasco <[email protected]> Guest Services Managers Isyuney Peguero <[email protected]> Reservations Manager Alberto Jiminez <[email protected]> Let me know how it works out!!! I can't imagine me needing to talk to you right now I'd be flipping!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Pattontobe I'm in! I have been on and off and now with less than 5 months - I need to be on, all the time. I have been training for a 5K to run on Dec. 31st and then a 9K in March. So I've been pretty consistent. I was frustrated today when I got on the scale and did not see a difference. My eating has even been better, but I refuse to give up! Ladies, I need your support. Congratulations to us all! Congrates on doing those big runs, I could never do that!!!! Keep up the good work, I know your going to look great on your big day!! Good luck on the run!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be We just moved into an apartment in the city, were going to buy next xmas, I think, once were out of this lease, we wanted to wait til after the wedding to buy. I hate apartment living but, our place is really nice, so its not to bad. Yes, I got my dress back in the summer, It ended up fitting me like a glove in the store so they let me but it right off the rack!! I didn't have to wait months for it to come in!! Woot!! lol I do have to get the hem brought up a little and the boobs taken in a bit lol. But the waist fits awesome and it makes me look at little taller than I actually am, and I take any kinda height I can get!! lol And yes, Michael Weiler is local in Punta Cana. His pictures look beautiful on his website. I'm getting super excited!! After Christmas time is just going to fly! and soon enough we'll all be having drinks together!! woo hooo!!! Nice!!! I am sure the apartment is lovely. We also live in a apartment, but it's like a condo looking thing. Would love a house maybe next summer when our lease is up as well. I am happy enough just cleaning an apartment for now lol, it's enough work. Ohhhh, you have your dress, post a pic!!! would love to see it!!!! my dress I had to order it so I did get it in my size, but I did have to hem it and add bras. Cost enough too just to do that. Plus I have the TTD dress (I bought off the rack, size 12 def had to bring that it lol but re changed the padding in them to something like a bikini bra) Oh nice, I am sure the photographer is amazing!!! I am just as excited... with xmas just around the corner and realizing just how fast it is coming, the wedding is just coming so darn fast. Sooo excited to have our drink together lol!!
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! hope your being spoiled by the FI I don't see birthday!! where exactly can I find them? they are not on the bottom of my screen.
  5. Welcome back girl!!!!!! We missed ya!! Oh you moved, congrates.. did you buy another home? How is the time with the FI, must be sooo nice to have him home! Nice, is the photographer base in Punta Cana? Thanks, it looks like it might turn out to be just fine, I'll keep ya all posted, you'll know when I post some e-pics lol Hey do you have your wedding dress already?
  6. I've only got us book, my parents and a friend from Ireland, out of 50 invites sent out. I was thinking tho how when the FI and I plan to go on vacation we don't book any earlier then 3 weeks before we actually want to leave. I am sure a lot of people are the same way. So when I sent my letter extending the rsvp date, I made it clear I need to know if they were coming or not. They did not need to book anything until March if that is what pleases them. So we will seeee.. WHat makes me made is the the FI friend was invited (in July) and told us he didn't know because they had a plan to go to Hawiwi in March, as they had this planning before we decided to do DW. But then in Oct, he goes a books a 'family' vacation to Punta Cana (they left Sunday) and told us he still doesn't know. I am sorry but this isn't a friend,and I am a tad bit upset the the FI still consider him as a friend!!! My minds in blowen up into little pieces.
  7. Hey guys, So I finally finally got an e-mail from her last night!!!! yaaaahhh!!! I huge weight lifted off my shoulder's. So she said she sending them today, all the files were ready last week she was just preparing the photos I get. So I didn't need to call her, because if I did I would be a happy camper and only god knows how I would have come off lol! I am still waiting for info about the boudior session but I think it'll be done after xmas some time so I'll worry about all the info after the holiday's. Thank you guys so much for your supportive words, you guys are amazing and understanding. Love you guys!!!! jerseykitten Hi!!! I am happy your getting your RSVP's back, thats good news. What exactly do you have left for planning? maybe we can all help you get through it What is your new job? what are you doing, sounds interesting. Hope your liking the new job.
  8. Originally Posted by DawnBuckley Okay Gals... I found it! Not in Moose Creek (and I know exactly which lady you guys got... she tried to get me to order bridesmaid dresses in white instead). Anyhoooo....went to Montreal and found it at Sposa Bella. Its gorgeous... exactly what I wanted with Ruffles and flowers... and i ended up getting ivory -- it just looked nicer on me. I get it in March. Now we just have to get the bridesmaids organized and the FI and gang. And the great news this week.. we have close to 40 booked! Yahoo!!! Congrates on the find, I love that store,better yet I love st-hurbert street. I am on that street at least every second weekend. lol I actually found my fans there, each $1 no tax!!! Can't wait to see pictures. I am tanned, so Ivory completely washed me out, I had to go with white. I envy you girls who could mix their wedding colour dress!!! Sorry girls, I haven't tried to e-mail her recently. Thankfully I haven't I'd be stressing hard core if my e-mail didn't go through, keep us posted on that one, let us know if it finally went through
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by PetitRouge Hello Girls! I am in the NDG area of town! Glad to see all of you on here! It is nice to have destination Brides to be so close by Hi, and welcome!! yes it's definitely nice to know we have some ppl so close who can relate. We will have to make a date sometime after xmas to all get together. It'd for sure be one crazy night!
  10. yeah snow today!!! *cry* trying driving downtown... you'd think 15 cm of snow fell. I want to go back to NS, I check the weather there everyday, and guys have been getting amazing weather. It only takes me 13 hours to get there lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I'm having a hard time getting people to send me the response cards back.....How do I get them to send them back? welcome to my world!!!! I was suppose to get them all back Oct 1st, nothing.. no one sent them back. So I sent everyone an e-mail giving a longer date (Jan 15th) and said if you don't reply by this date, and you want to come last minute, there is a fee and we are not paying for it. I will have to let you know how that goes Jan 15th. Hope it works out better for you then for me. Keep us posted.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by CherryBomb Hi lovely ladies I was wondering if you could post details of what you plan to do if you're having an "At home party" after you return from your wedding? We were planning on having one next summer but now are thinking about having it mid-May after we return from our Honeymoon. What is everyone doing in the way of food, drinks etc? Who do we invite? Do we invite everyone including those that were actually at the wedding? Please let me know so I can get some ideas. Thanks a bunch! All good questions. If it was completely up to me I'd just get married in Punta Cana and that'd be that. But since I am an only child, my parents really want to show me off to the rest of family and friends who can't make it down. We are having our reception dinner in July (10) We wanted to go cheap, so I choice the legion.. For 70ppl it'll cost a little less then $500 for the food. I will provide wine for dinner, but then it will be a pay bar after dinner. (2.5$ for a beer, 3.5$ for mix drink and 3$ for a shot) I am also not hiring a dj, I will do the same thing with the whole Ipod thing. I will consider just buying disposable cameras and allow the guest to take pics, as again I will not re hire a photographer. I am inviting everyone who is coming down for the wedding, and then only family members and very close friends (that we see often, that we actually do things with)
  13. I was going to say, I think the dj is only $50 cheaper, at that price I'd just hire the dj. Thanks for sharing the info, Now I know what I'll do if worse comes to worse.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride Hi ! or Bonjour! I live in Hudson... close to the Ontario border, near the west island. Glad to meet you all! Hi!!! I love Hudson, I'd love to buy a house there one day, your so lucky!!! Nice to meet you!!! We are starting to get a lot of brides from MTL, so exciting!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by aliceo Hey, I'm in NDG/CDN area! weclome to the site!!! I'm in ther west island!! we are pretty close (by car)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I don't know if this will work of not but here goes... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...s-color-52243/ OMG- Love it soooo much... is it aqua/green kind of colour?! it's amazing so beautiful. Congrates on the great find!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel Another Montreal bride here! Laval to be exact. Nice!!! welcome and Congrates!!!
  18. amazing!!! we will have to plan it for the time your coming down then!! let us know dates when you know.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I hope everything works out and you get your photographs....what's the point of taking the time to take your pictures if the photographer isn't going to give them to you!! what a waste of time!!! If you look up boudoir photography in your area, quite a few will pop up!! We have all of our attire, for the exeption of my FI shoes, we're good to go..We picked up my HOH dress last weekend..I posted a pick of it in the wedding attire section if you want to take a look at it!! the color is awsome and it fits my sister like a glove...can't wait till it comes in I did my boudoir shoot on sunday!! it was so much fun, we had a beautiful day for it too, so we got some shoots outside at like 9, before the sun was way too brite, and before the neighor's came out....believe you me there would have been a show for them...lol We had a blast....My sister came along to do a shoot for her boyfriend, they turned out really good.....the photog sent us tasters, and I can't wait to see them all..The funny part about this, is my esthetician told me that her cousin by marriage, Chris, was looking to expand his portfolio, so we made the app. for Chris to do the photo shoot. I added him to my friends on facebook.....well he knows my FI!!!!! Chris worked with my FI a couple of yrs ago..... I would have paid money to see my face when he asked me how I knew Chris... So I told my FI that we were doing a photoshoot to promote my esthetician's bussness....he told me to keep my shirt on!!!! I laughed so hard, I can't wait till he sees the pics....what a small world!!! I can't wait to post some, as soon as I get some I'll keep you guys posted....so worth it, it makes you feel sexy and empowered all at the same time feeling naughty.....truly and awsome experience..... I finally finally heard back from her today, saying she will be sending my e-shoots out by Monday/Tuesday. and She'd be free sometime after Xmas for the boudior session. You guys gave me luck, thank you lol!!! After of course e-mail more photographer's and getting reply's back now, just my luck! Nice!!! Shoes shouldn't be to hard to find any how! I'm still looking for the dress you posted, would you be able to post the link here?! I'd love to see the dress!!! Thanks so much for sharing your day of boudior session, you sound like you had so so much fun, I am sure the pictures turn out amazing, Plus you had your uniform on, sexy sexy!!! Now I am double excited to do mine, the way you explaine how it makes you feels. Definitely could use a day of feeling hot and sexy lol. Well I'd be excited to see a few whenever you get them!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by 4therestofmylife It is SO nice to finally find other Montreal brides! I was beginning to think I was alone!! I'm a west islander myself, but originally from Ontario, relocated here about 18 months ago and lovin' it ever since. We should have a Montreal brides night or something!! Happy planning to everyone!! I really thought I was alone on this site (being a mtl girl) Thanks Jess for making the thread. I'd love to have a brides night, that'd be amazing, and so much fun, Jess would you be in? Where in Ontario?! I grew up in Cornwall lol!! What resort are you getting married at? BTW did you ever find a TA?
  21. ohhh nice idea, I may take that one!! ah heck I'm going to take all of the ideas!!!! I love this site!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk well ladies got my shoot on friday and my fi is out tonight so i just got some bits together in case i need to buy anything else over the weekend.ive got the following outfits.i havent got many accessories so need your ideas please. black underwear+stockings - that fi got me black silk nightie+gown - that fi got me red feather bower black high heels fi,s football shirt wedding underwear with pearls and heels and stockings black fish net type top gonna wear jeans with a top that fi got me for a couple of normal shots. what else can you guys think of? to give you a laugh i have had a few glasses of wine and tried ironing my silk nightie on full heat.not good. wow, I think your set, your not missing much if anything at all!! Stop worrying now and just have fun. BTW the alcohol is for before the session, not while ironing.. LOL I had a good laugh at that one (your to cute!!)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu... FI's family is from Repentigny! While I was going to school I was living in Cote ste catherine... I miss how easy it is to hop on the metro and go somewhere! Lunenburg is pretty in the summer! We live in Cole Harbour, home of Sidney Crosby! Oh ok, I still consider it Montreal, but I don't think it is lol. Neither is Sait Jean, but still sooo close. It's definitely easy to get around if you live downtown. But I am a west island girl so I need my car, no close metro station (All tho they built a new one in Laval, still not close enough for me to travel tho) I love Montreal, but may want to relocate to like NS!!! that'd be nice. I love it up there you lucky girl!! it was so beautiful there in the summer, can't wait to go back!
  24. She doesn't have an office, But I think if I don't get a reply by the end of the day, Monday I will be calling none stop! On the good hand, The FI and I went out shopping for his suit, and we found one, and he got his shoes as well, so Goom attire checked off the list, wootooot!!
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