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Quote: Originally Posted by Nonnie for $200 USD I got both the sound system and the DJ. I think they adjusted the price recently because in early November you had to pay more then that to also have the DJ. Perhaps they realized it was risky setting up the equipment and not having someone who understands it working it. Oh that's really good to know, I think I made my mind up. I think I'll just go with the DJ then. After all it's probably what I'll spend on a docking system. ANd I really don't need one after the wedding. I could see myself using it once a year. Not sure it's worth it... I don't know lol ... sooo indecisive!! I appreciate you sharing that info so much. I feel bad for you in a since I am going to be bothering you with so much questions until April lol.. if you can last that long. SOrry in advance for all the questions I may have for you Quote: Originally Posted by Nonnie since you booked the delux suite I'm sure it will be worth it. You will find that area of the resort to be very quiet, so if you want to join in some of the Animation team fun you'll want to head over to the next 'regular' section's pool or beach area. It's a huge resort, but nothing feels too far away Oh good, I am excited to get the whole butler service and all ,since it's not something we would normally splurg on. Our guest will be staying on the other side Punta Cana section. So We will mostly be over on the other sections for the pools/beach and dinning. Altho I will take advatange of the Royal restaurant. Especially the day after our wedding.. it'll be our only escape from our guest lol. Thanks again!!
ok so I finally got my pictures up. I put them on facebook. So I thought it'd just be easier to give you the link for that then to upload them on to Photobucket again.. Login | Facebook Let me know if it doesn't work!
wow beautiful!!! If our cake turns even slightly like that I'll be happy! For our cake topper, I choose the couple laying in the sand. I will post I pic when I buy it.
Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Also - I am not sure what to do about music - my fiance is a DJ here but in nightclubs, he HATES wedding dj's, and is pretty picky. So I'm not sure if we should just do the Ipod thing and bring it down ourselves, so we have a selection that caters to our guests more, or what. What do you all plan to do for music? I'm pretty sure that mine would Dj our own wedding if I would let him lol I am doing my own music. I am putting it on my Ipod (I bought for the wedding) and will buy a loud speaker/docking system. But I am consider one thing. If it's going to cost me 150$ or more to get a decent enough docking system. And there will be the chance it wont be loud enough. So do I just hire them to set up speakers which is $200. Or do I just get the dj for 3 hours for $250. I just don't know. I will take a look at that on boxing day.
I've only gotten through half your review lol I just wanted to comment on the rooms- I book the royal suite (duluxe suite) and we are only paying $200 p/p more. SO I will consider myself lucky. I hope it'll be worth it. I am sure I'll have a lot more to say later on. I am so happy you had an amazing wedding you came out happy!! Also happy you enjoyed your vacation/honeymoon)
Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten So excited today - I just talked to the wedding coordinator at my resort! Picked a cake and will be picking menus and flowers! Starting to seem very real! yaaah!!! Congrates!!! Must feel great. Do you have a pic of the cake you choose? I'd love to see it. For insperation!! I also got m e-shoot in this week. I will post them later. They turned out real nice. I am very excited about them, and happy We spend the money we did on them
BTW- thanks for sharing the link!!
Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Hehehe Tracy - I pulled part of your reply from the other thread just so it didn't get too much off track I'm a geologist so with the economy the way it has been this year we've been fairly slow but now that it's year end we're trying to cram some last minute work in before the holidays. It's just really tricky because people are in and out of the office more randomly than usual (myself included) and most of us will be gone for the next two weeks so I really have a tight deadline. It isn't the entire staff either, it's just very dependent on what job it is that you do. But that's the breaks I guess. As for the sending of my reminder cards - I think I have about ten that need to go out so it's pretty cheap!! We still haven't heard from most of FI's friends back in his home town and unfortunately it's almost one of those things where if one of them doesn't go either will the rest. So I figured I can manage sending off a few more cards. Now the trouble is... I'd ordered some super cute postcards from vistaprint that I'd planned to include somehow for all our guests that are for sure coming, but then I found another postcard image that I really liked too and also want to use! It's so simple and I'm sure no one else will care even a fraction as much as me, but I'm just fussy about those details sometimes. I'm hoping this week coming up I'll be able to get a bunch of pictures of wedding things so I'll try to post if I do remember! And it's no fun at all that so many of our April girls are still waiting on a TON of RSVP's still. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of you that once the holidays are over and people have a feel for the new year, the replies will just start rolling in! First off, sorry for my delay. Been recovering from my 2 hospital visit's.. plus trying to get xmas cards out, tree up and decorated, gifts bought and wrapped. Now I've gotta bake, and have a few family dinner parties this week. It's beeen sooooo busy, my heads spinning. Luckly for me work isn't anything for me right now, bring in a few extra bucks but doesn't take my time up (cleaning houses, this is what I had to take because there has been no other offers, cause of my lack of frnehc =-( Calgary is looking good BTW lol.. just sooo cold!!! I have to admit, I had to google up exactly what you do. WHich is so interesting. You must have fun going to work. Again so sorry it's been so busy that you can't even take your full holiday vacation. At least The wedding is coming up, we'll all get some sort of break. Are you doing 2 weeks in Mexico? We are only doing 1 week leaving the 10th our wedding the 13th and leaving 17th. I feel cheated out of a honeymoon. But the FI thought 2 weeks would be to long (I other the other hand do not) but also the money was a factor in making the decision. Oh, I thought you had to send out like 50 reminder cards. 10 isn't nothing wont cost much at all. I bought the same post cards, but I will use them as invites for our in town reception. That's sad, if 1 doesn't go none will. I guess men really do never grow up huh!! Luckly I am not dealing with that( I think it's the only thing I am NOT dealing with lol) Post pics of your post card. I am sure they are cute. I do the same thing tho lol buy something, go back look.. say ohh I found something nicer. So what I do now is if I buy something, i.e from vistaprint I wont go back and look at the same product. I'll just be asking for a whole lot of trouble. lol I am excited for Jan, most of us will have our rsvp back and know who is and isn't coming. Most of us will be able to finish up our OOT bags. This is the # pain in my butt.
I am younger as well, and some of my friends are in school as well, or just don't have the means to go on a vacation like this. i am hoping 2 have my MOH come with her BF (which would be the BM) and my BM. I am hoping fingeres crossed. SO I will not have very many friends. It's all family. It sucks because the FI is older, with friends who are married and all that. The one I was speaking of before, he has a lot of $$ too. But they are backing down. Where my MOH is doing everything in her power to safe for this trip. Boogle's my mind. Truely does. I am exciting to say a # of 21 because I really thought I'd get maybe.. maybe 10 and that was including us. 21 isn't including us. But like you,as long as my parents are there I am happy.
Thanks for sharing that. I happy to know some one else will be replying to my e-mails. I had a lot of people say they were coming, I am speaking mainly of the FI friends. and they all have backed down. WHat my FI had consider a good friend, decided to book a trip to Punta Cana in Nov. (they just came back) and so now they just sent our rsvp back saying his not coming (I know it's his gf who doesn't want to go, so he doesn't) and the FI still thinks of him as a friend, which I am horrible pissed about. I am taking it personal! lol so I am in the same place you are. I do have currently about 21 people coming (none of which are he FI friends, he has to take my MOH BF to be his bestman just to have a witness) I really had wish someone the FI thought as a good friend would be able to stand by him. It's dispointing (I think more for me, then for him lol sooo he says, you know men, they really never say their feelings)
Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 OMG TRACY!!! You didn't mention that you'd been in the HOSPITAL! Are you okay?? What an awful time of year for all this to be happening too! I hope you get better quickly sheesh! Take care of yourself and tell that Mike of yours to take care of you too! I am feeling better now, the trick would be..no food! horrible time of the year to get sick with alll the yummy holiday food. Ah well I'll keep in mind I'l have no problem fitting into my dress lol (Gotta look at the glass half full then half empty) It has everything to do with my period acts like flare up of crohn's but it isn't.So they gave me a med to try and help with hormoness. We will see.. trail and error kind of thing (I hope it works, as it stands right now I am suppose to start my period on my wedding day!!!!!) Mike has been taking amazing care of me. Always at the hospital with me (I have to kick him out in order for him to go home to sleep and feed our 4 cats) Thanks so much for asking and caring. Means so much!!! I was actually just heading to april 2010 to reply to your msg. I am soooooo sorry to hear how crazy it's been at work for you. Exactly what did you do? This is the worst time to be crazy busy with xmas, and the wedding. I hope it gets a lot less busy soon for you and your co-workers I am the same way with the planning, pretty much everything is done except for the odd thing here and there that I will order after the holidays like the cake topper and my flutes for the toasting. Maybe make a few more centerpieces. I also have the odd thing for the OOT bag, I am just waiting for a confirmation of people for Jan 15th. you will send post cards? After I sent my cards and no one responded I said there was no way in heck I would spend another 40$ in stamps. but it seems your people respect you, unlike ours lol!! (ugh I've gotta laugh now at it, no point in being mad or upset. I am just happy the people are coming) I am sure a after the holidays we will all be back on borad 100% because it'll be right around the corner. I guess I wont reply on april 2010 lol since I just did it here .
well I haven't been doing any toning at all. I've been sick with the flue for over a week, and then I had some flare up's so I've been in and out of the hospital for 4 days. Hopefully next week will be a new start for me. Keep posting girls, A lot of us need the motivation!!
I couldn't have said it any better Meghan. How are you doing thes days, haven't really been hearing from you much.
Thanks so much for sharing the link!
Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I am so excited to hear details -- We are deciding between Iberostar Dominicana and Grand Palladium, however I love the beach ceremony set-up at GPPC. Any suggestions? Our group will be about 20 people and we really only care about having a beach ceremony and a dinner for our guests afterwards. We are also hoping to do the Renewal of the Vows, however I have not been able to find any information on it -- pricing etc. I am soo confused!! lol Grand Palladiun Offers you and your guest a semi private dinner that is you picked you menu (which you can pick from any restaurants or all of them, one item from each) Palladium also offers re new of the vow ceremony. You best bet would be to contact the wedding coordinator for all of this info and pricing. [email protected] this is her e-mail where you can contact her. BTW has any of you gotten through to her yet?!
Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Here you go, the thread was in the diy forum. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...emplate-50482/ if this link doesnt take you to it, search for mint to be, it's by bride2010. Erin- Glad the catamaran worked out!! Thanks soo much!!!your link worked. I am excited to see if I can make it!
I am sooo happy everything worked out for you!!!! Now you can breath and relax. Must be a great feeling. Thanks so much for the link. I'll check it out see what the offer for canadian brides. btw I said Cuba I knew you were going to Punta Cana, sorry about that!
Thanks guys for your opinions about the table favours. You guys are just so helpful and amazing!!! I think I really like the 'mint to be' idea. I just have to look for it now, so if any of you find the thread, pls pass it along. I have the fans in the OOT bag for the woman. I actually was walking on St-Hubert street and walk into a chiness (those cool stores) and found the fans on sale for $.99 Just keep looking Jodi, you'll find them somewhere. Where exactly are you? I have a friend in Ireland (his actually coming to the wedding) if your close enough I am sure he can look into it for me to find you certine things (his pretty good and helpful like that,his my bro from a different mother/father lol) Erin, I am so sorry to hear about the reception plans, this is for Cuba right? Would you have a plan B?
Thanks Isabelle, If I would have known the amount of guest i would have definitely reconsidering even doing them, but now I have everything for them, just waiting for the bags to come in the mail. so not handing them out just would make since now. It's to bad I didn't ask this before I bought them, because I really like the idea of getting something for the guest on the beach. Good idea!!! I may just go with the seashell candle, as they are light and not to $$
I was hoping to get some of you girls advice for favours. I am doing the OOT bags and I am spending $15 per couple and for the single guest I am also spend $15 p/p. really thought I'd only get maybe 10 people (5 couples maybe 1/2 single ppl) But now I realized I am having about 23-30 people so now the OOT bag are started to add up. I was also going to get lantern's for the dinner table favour. I was going to do this per couple as well and one for the single ppl. They are about 4$ and they are not the lightest thing. Are any of you girls doing OOT and a dinner table favour? If so what are you guys getting? I am thinking of reconsidering and just getting seashell candle holder and have those light up for dinner and then ppl can take that. Any ideas? advice I would be so appreciated. Thanks so much!!
I was hoping to get some of you girls advice of favours. I am doing the OOT bags and I am spending $15 per couple and for the single guest I am also spend $15 p/p. really thought I'd only get maybe 10 people (5 couples maybe 1/2 single ppl) But now I realized I am having about 23-30 people so now the OOT bag are started to add up. I was also going to get lantern's for the dinner table favour. I was going to do this per couple as well and one for the single ppl. They are about 4$ and they are not the lightest thing. Are any of you girls doing OOT and a dinner table favour? If so what are you guys getting? I am thinking of reconsidering and just getting seashell candle holder and have those light up for dinner and then ppl can take that. Any ideas? advice I would be so appreciated. Thanks so much!!
doblauvelt wow what abeautiful dress, and on top of it it's your TTD?!?! wow I am totally jealous lol!! Yes I didn't know about the chalk either, I saw it on here.. and here I was going to go with tide to go. But I did research and this is much better for the dress to cover accidents. Jodi, Yes I agree with Meghan, 2 months before the AHR date. I am having my July 10th and I will send it out May 15th-20th and they have a date of June 10th to call to rsvp. and your dog is soooo cute!!