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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. We invited the FI boss, knowing he wouldn't come..got a nice gift lol!
  2. I didn't have such a big problem as you. But when I switch from an in town wedding to a DW.. I can say she didn't talk to me for a few days (this is a woman who calls me every night still to wish me a good night.. I am her only child) We did this about a year ago.. now our wedding is in 3 months.. My mom is the most excited out of everyone, and they were the first to book their trip (my parents have never been to a vacation out south) So just give it time, and she will come around, I am sure of it. 2015, LOL!!!!! 2 years of an engagement has been enough, in my opinion.. any friend who gets in engaged I tell them not to wait to long to get married cause then it just stretches out, get's annoying and frustrating. Good luck xoxo
  3. Thanks for the support, I think one of us will have a 'little' talk with her. Then there is the FI parents... the week we are getting married there are 7 brides who will be at our resort the same week,each couple having a min guest of 25 people. WHy would the FI parents book now to assure they have a room for their son's wedding, instead they are waiting to see if a 'friend' of theirs in their town will book.. so they are waiting!!!!!!! boggles my mind, truly does!!!!! I am getting fed up with them, especially after seeing how involved they were with his sister's wedding back in Aug. Sorry for venting lol Ohhh how exciting!!! your BD session.. I am not sure if I am really ugly or what, but no photographer want to do a session for me.. I thought I had found one, but every time I ask her for a date, she ignores me!! I say have a few shots!! usually does the trick, and a lot of brides who have already done their session suggest this as well.. will definitely loosen you up lol good luck,you wont feel nervous after a few around of pics! I am sure of that, you'll do great. Have fun,and let us know how it goes!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Sorry - I haven't heard back from the resort photographer - well, he just said to call him when I get there and I haven't heard back since. It is Arnaud from HDC. His work is great, I just felt pressured. Sadly, they are very popular and book up real fast. Same thing with Souvenir photographer, as I wanted to use them.. but 9 months before my wedding they were fully booked!!! so I'd consider thinking about what package you want and book. Or you can just go with the resort photographer, as you wont have to decide anything until you get there.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum one more question - do you have to do Wedo if you are having the legal ceremony (i'm having a catholic one, which is therefore legal in DR). Can someone send me the requirements for legal marriages but for the US? Are you getting the judge to still legalize it? Or will you just be having a catholic ceremony? If your just having the priest merry you, then no you don't need to have anything legalized. But if your also getting married by the judge you will need to legalize your documents. If your just getting married by the priest, your wedding wont be legal. So you'll either have to do that before or when you come back home. Sorry Have no info for US, but I'd assume it's the same.. but I am sure you'll have a place you can send your paper work in the US somewhere, like we do here. Usually your own town has one. Or at least any big city.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 I got in touch with Arnaud about doing photography, and I wanted to negotiate prices and customize a package based on what I want. He seems a little pushy, telling me that I won't find better quality or service etc. He also told me I should get back to him right away as my wedding is close. I don't like feeling pressured or pushed to do anything. I'm not sure how I feel about it now. I say if your not getting what you want in a package,and his service isn't what you want, look for someone else. There are plenty of photographer's in punta cana. I am using HCD. http://huellasdelcaribe.com/huellas.swf and in my opinion, his pictures are better from what I seen on here then the resort photographer. HCD will also work around what you want. His name is Arnaud Brichet I am confused, the resort photographer's name is Jose. ? which e-mail did you use? Quote: Originally Posted by DEH83 Hi Ladies, I've been kind of MIA for a while. I've lost my "groove" when it comes to this wedding planning...I can't imagine how people spend so much time planning a more "complicated" wedding. And I love planning things too! But I'm really struggling with this one for some reason. I keep telling my FI that I can't wait for it to be April 22nd - the day after our wedding! Anyhow, I'm back on the planning train since there really isn't much of an option! I'm not sure if it was mentioned here but Fiesta Hotels has a new wedding website: Sceneries - Palladium Weddings It's got most of the basic info we've all asked each other in one spot and the pictures of the ceremony locations - the new gazebo is so beautiful!!! So happy planning all, you guys keep me motivated! I feel you girl. since i've been engaged, I've planned 2 types of wedding.. the one we oginaly was going to have here,then changed our minds to Jamaica, then we switch to DR.. I've been planning this whole thing for close to 2 yeas by the time we get married. I've gone through the ups and downs. Even said at one point that I give up and I wont be planning anymore. (that didn't last long lol) I think it's good to take a break from planning for a bit. Keep you sanity in check lol Thanks for posting the link!
  7. you'll be to early to do your papers now . I called WEDO (the people who will legalize and translate it) they will only do your paper work 30 days before your wedding date, so you can only send it in First week of March!!! They said the legalized and translated docs and only good for 30 days, that is why they wait so late. Are you sending the paper work to Ottawa to do them?! SO hopefully by the time we need to send our docs in, she'll be back!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Great, thanks for looking about the jewelery store!! I am about an hour from Bowmanville, but we have to head that way in a few weeks so I will try to stop in! I ordered my dress awhile ago and it says it was shipped yesterday!!!! I am so excited, it should be here in a week! I got it online, so we'll see -- but I custom ordered it with my measurements, so fingers crossed. Has anyone been able to get in touch with the resort photographer? I sent an email asking how much the charge is (I found on one palladium website that it was about 400-450 for the basic package), but when I emailed him to confirm he just wrote back saying that date works for him lol. Also -- what flowers are you guys choosing? And colors for the set-up? Great, let me know when you go and if you find anything! Yaaaah on the dress, I know how exciting that is!!! you're so going to have to post pics when you get it!!! I am choosing the extra bouquet the one for $30 Have you seen the selection? it's on their website, I can point it out if you need. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I am 10 min from Bowmanville and I'm off tomorrow....I will let you know what I find..lol THANKS!!!!! Cool!!!!!!!!!!! let me know how that goes, and if they stil have some sort of % off. Good luck Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] yea!! the countdown is on ladies!! hope everyone's planning is coming along great!! i can't find a linen suit anywere but online, and my FI doesn't seem to understand the importance to order it custom now, so that if it doesnt fit properly we have time to tailor it, but thats the only bump right now. as for getting ahold of carolina and trying to make arrangements, i am not going to worry about it anymore until i get there, like she said there is nothing set in stone until our meetings with her upon arrival- i know what my options are, so i am not letting it stress me out anymore : ) the next 3 months are going to fly by, i am so ready to relax for 2 weeks and party!! I am totally with you, it's def going to fly by. What's your name, and the date your arriving and leaving? We are trying to set up a day where we can meet each other 'bride day' lol I'll add you to the list.. Same thing with you Sungoddess date arriving, and your name! I just have to found the list.. another thing to print and bring with me lol
  9. Yaaah!! for booking more people!!! and your MIL.. Congrates!!!! I know how hard that has been for you guys. I also sent 50 invites, I got 10 reply's back and the dead line again is Jan 15th.. not looking good for us, more disappointed for the FI as he has no friends coming. I've decided I am not sending out reminder's.. and even if I was going to I'd be to late. Should I send another friendly e-mail reminder? Or would that look to pushy? Thanks guys I appreciate no one counting my spelling here lol *embarrassed* I like the wishing well idea.. I may consider that for our AHR, not our DW cause I don't want people giving us gifts plus spending $ on travelling. Speak of money, I need your opinion. All my BM paid for their own dress's and shoe's. I have my MOH and a another good friend, and then FI's sister.. now she was on her honeymoon when we all went out to buy the dress, so I bought her's and gave it to her, saying the girls payed real cheap for it, the dress and shoes came up to $60. Well she never paid me, and I don't think she plans on it. My bad, I let it slipped that she hasn't paid to the other girls, and we all kind of feel like it's not right, since everyone is paying for their own attire plus their own trip, why should the FI sister be any different. But the FI doesnt want to ask!! But we're supper tight on cash, that $60 could go towards legalizing/translating our paper work for our wedding.. think I should ask, or let it go?
  10. I got an invite from a friend that had the registries on it. Some people put it on, some others do word of mouth... We don't live in a house and we've been together for 6 years. We don't have room for anything new, and we have everything we need, except for money, so we're doing it word by mouth we would prefer cash.
  11. I don't know where you are in Ontario, I decided to find out if they had any in ON, and they do.. 1 in T.O 1 in Bowmanville.... Not sure if your close to any of these places, if you are it'd definitely be worth the visit.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 70% off!!!! WOW That is amazing!!!! Great deal!! haha we still need to get ours -- when did you get that sale?! I'm in teachers college right now, and I just got hit with 7 major assignments over the next 6 weekss!! AHHH this is a great distraction! and the wedding will keep me going!! I got it at a store called Cathy's Jewellery. It's a chain.. maybe you could find it. We got them around Mother's day..as that's the time we got my e-ring and I know they always have special's going on, same thing for fathers day, maybe it should be the time to look around.. all Jewellery stores have 50-70% off for this holiday. that's horrible about the 6 assignments, hope you get through it, but Congrates on becoming a teacher!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Do you guys think a "thank you postcard" would be formal enough? we can buy a bunch of local postcards and send them from home as the thank you cards after returning. too casual? i think i like this idea ooohhh I really like that idea, and they shouldn't be that $$ to get. Since I know we wont be getting a lot of gifts. I don't think it's to casual, suites the scene.
  14. wow I just realized how many post I have compared to you guys. I'm A BDW hore (I know I am not spelling it right,for a reason lol)
  15. Good question. We recevied one from the FI's boss... I thought I'd just send him a thank you card after we came back.. but I'd love to know if anyone thinks maybe I should just send it now...?
  16. Meghan, I've been athletic all my life as well, I know exactly how you feel. you still do look great. But I understand the wanting to get your old body back. I went crippled with Arthritis for 8 months due to a med, so now that I don't have it anymore, all I've been doing is working hard to get the old body back. this kettlebells sounds very hard, but a lot of fun!!! I've never heard of it. So how did your Wii hoolo hoop go yesterday? did you get a chance to get it out, and do your 14 mins lol. you were mentioning how your a stickler for grammar.. I thought it was funny because I am sure you've notice how I can't spell for the life of me (and I did pass english with high 90's ,have no idea how that worked lol) I should have apologized earlier for my spelling, so I apologized now for any further crappy spelling lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd well we bought my FI's ring yesterday on E-bay.....who would of thought. I was bidding on a ring, but the price got way to hight, so I did another search and there it was.....On sale and all. It cost us just over 400 Canadian for it.....I can't wait to see it. I'll post a pick in show us your wedding bands.....Check it out and let me know what you guys think!!!! For those watching the hockey game tonight....GO CANADA GO!!!!!! Yahhh on getting the ring!!! plus on ebay! $600?! that's a lot for a man rings, unless does it have diamonds in it? My Fi ,we got it at the same store as my e-ring and wedding band,the ring was prices at $700 put with the 70% off we paid $120. Yes, hockey always plays in this house (FI is obsessed!!) Looks like we are doing amazing!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel That's actually a pretty reasonable wedding package (price + things included), considering we decided to go for the more expensive Cuba wedding package (1000$). Who knows, maybe if I had found your wedding package earlier, I might have gone for it. But now we feel like we've spent enough hours searching for a good resort and we want to focus on other things. As for complaints, I feel like people who really want to complain will find a reason no matter what, so I'm not going to stress over them. LOL I thought it was reasonable too, exactly when I looked at the Cuba packages I realized it'd come up to close or the same. And with food being important, I just went to DR. It's true though, people who truly want to complain, will.. even if the resort was perfect, those type of people will find something to bitch about, Even in Fiji lol Sorry to hear about the divorce papers, But looks like it worked out best, you find your true soulmate! Quote: Originally Posted by ewok I agree with that, you will have complaint no matter what! Too expensive, too cheap, bad food, too fancy food, boring resort, too much going on, ... Unless everyone has the same tastes & background, nobody expects the same things. Sorry about the divorces & paperwork! I agree with your comment 100%
  19. If you've never been, go for it.. it is fun and like you said it's pretty much free! Plus you'll get a few free magz. Especially Weddingstar where you can order all your favours, vails, head peices.. guest book.. this magz usually goes for $10 anyway! They do have a few tables that offer info on DW, with resorts and package information. Even for honeymoons.
  20. I have no idea, didn't she go on vaca when nonnie was there? So it's been awhile. It took a few days before I got a reply back. I am just goig to stop contacting her, cause it just makes me stress lol. The only problem is I'll need to contact her to send my paper work to her!!! But that's be the first week of March, hopefully she'll be back by then!
  21. If you ask me to book a trip to the Caribbean, I would have done it faster then I could blink.. I just don't understand people who doesn't want to book A.S.A.P!! werid, I'd be all excited that I am going South plus for a wedding.. I wish people were more like us lol
  22. The e-mail I sent out that also bounced back, they actually got it, because I got a reply back, but not by Carolina, by her assitant.. Carolina is on vacation still.
  23. I've been to the show 2 times. If you already have you venu picked for a DW and you have your dress, there really is no point. You don't get to try any dresses on
  24. QUOTE=sungoddess_08;1123412]UGHHH!!!!! I need to vent again -- soo my mom talked to my sister and now she says she is coming. Not sure what my mom did to convince her, but apparently all is good now! haha...BUT my bridesmaid just backed out. She got married last year and they didn't go on a honeymoon, so this was going to be it - but now they are planning on buying a house so they can't come. I'M SOOOOOOO FED UP!!! The problem is that my FI still has his 3 guys, and I dont' want anyone...what should I do? I just want him and I, and then a few people to be our witnesses...But I don't need anyone standing up there for me. I have other people I could ask, but they would be back-up, so I would rather not have anyone! Well that's good news that your sister is coming!!! Whatever you mom said, doesn't matter.. it' worked! lol I am so sorry to hear about youe BM.. really sucks when something like that happens.. all you really can do is try to understand... makes you feel any better one of my BM is probably not coming either.. she just hasn't admited to it yet, which is almost worst... do I get her the gifts I am getting the rest of the party, what about the oot bag!!! So frustrating!!! How many is in your party? I was so concern about having the party equeal I made my self crazy [.. but then realized it doesn't really matter. After I saw a bunch of wedding photo's on here and saw tons of people not having the same amout and it didn't look bad or out of place. If you really don't want to ask anyone else, don't! After all it's your day, what you want really matters. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 p.s I know I already vented about this but I just got the email and yes, some guys are wayyy worse lol Hey, that's what were here for!! Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Well, the whole weight loss thing, was my FI, last year he lost 75 lbs when he went to basic training, so now all his friends feel like they should lose weight too. hahah I'm telling them, were going for clothes like...NOW!!!!! ughhhhh.....Men! .....again! lol lol!! yeah I still have to get my 1 GM to get his attire.. that's like taking candy from a baby.. his all about wanting to lose weight too, but his been saying that for years.. I actually think he gained weight lol! What are you putting them in? Wow 75lbs, Congreates to him.. those training look damn hard!
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