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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. Yeah the rsvp thing is gettin real old real quick. I just got a e-mail from my cousin saying now she isn't sure she can go.. and how much time do i need to know. I mean I need to know now! My mom said just to order a few extra bags anyway.. but I really don't want to spend the extra cash if I don' have to.. but i also don't want to presure anyone either. I give up.. I just want it to be done and over with so I can enjoy my vacation and get back to a normal real life lol. As much fun as I do coming on here and talking to you girls. I've had it with planning and rsvp's and all the other wedding related stuff
  2. Ok!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got some real information from the one in Montreal where I am. If your going town to an office ,you don't need to notarize anything. The papers are good for 2 months after it being translated. I hope this clarified things for you guys.. did for me lol!
  3. The lady didn't make things easy to understand. She said it was only good for 30 days but I could still send it in now. and they would no it now.. but it'd be good for APril. Does anyone else understand that?
  4. Yaah!! Conrates!! Mine did nothing.. but also just sent it yesterday! I guess we will see tomorrow.
  5. Why is when I called WEDO in Ottawa they said it was only good for 30 days of the date when you translate it.. I'm going to call again.
  6. wow!! Now I am just jealous lol!! congrates!!
  7. maybe I can take one bridesmaid and turn it into a maid of honour?!
  8. I know it;s kind of personally but how much did you pay for the session?
  9. OMG they turned out amazing!!! I am seriously blown away!!! Congrates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would just die to have mine turn out like these (if I can ever find one and get an apointment!!) I love them!! :)
  10. I put a deposit.. it's 20% of your total.. if I am not mistaken... doing the math now.... yup 20% and I did it through paypal. And then sent him the contract through via mail! It was real easy and I have all my faith in him. I truly believe he'll be at the wedding and do a wonderful job! he'll even add you on fb! lol
  11. I had planned on meeting each guest as they arrive.. knowing when each guest arrives and the rough time. And hand them out then as the arrive. But I am soooo worried I wont have enough luggage room to put everything in!! So I'm going back and forth do I hand them out before we leave? Then I know a lot of people will forget.. do I find out how much it'll cost me to ship some stuff to the resort.? I don't know!!
  12. lol!! a frying pan.. I get it.. as we're in debt and want to clean it off to get a house (We live in a apartment, and the people who live under us fight all the time.. but I mean fight where things get tossed around for hours.. my place actually shakes and we live in a soundproof place!!) So I can completely understand where your coming from. Maybe you can keep this frying pan and start getting it out word of mouth you guys prefer cash to put towards a house/honeymoon.. whatever. I am in the same boat as you about the BD session. I had a photographer who did my e-shoot..she was going to do it, then had to move last min. So I thought I found another one.. but it's been a hassle just trying to confirm a date. I feel at a lost with this. And I really want to do it too..
  13. I didn't go through a TA as their quote were over 300$ difference then on the internet. I booked with Itravel2000 and got a great price.. so far only my parents have booked from here and they paid $1208 tax included. If guest are looking to book now for April, they are looking at $1348. which is still pretty good. I also liked how I got a reply back the same day from the wedding coordinator, I liked the amount of restaurant choices. And the fact that it was 3 resorts in 1.. more of a chance the rooms will not book up.. people can still have their space but get to hang out if they choose. I also really liked how much flowers and tress were on the property. Good luck!!!
  14. ohhh they are perfect! do you have one that says Maid Of Honour by chance?! LOL!!!!!! it sure would mean another vacation (2 weeks) heck I'll even fold up your hubby so you can have company.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell That's an awesome idea! You could probably find all kinds of albums at Michaels if you have one nearby. Or a scrapbooking store might be a good place to try too. I don't have a Michaels close by the close's one would be in Ottawa.. a 2 hour drive and I've done that drive for Michaels alread.. not worth it unless I'm in Cornwall. But I definitely have scrapbook stores around here, especially downtown. That'll be my thing to do tomorrow lol . Thank
  16. I love it!! Thanks so much Meghan.. your ideas are so amazing!!! I want to fold you up and put you in my pocket,this way when I go brain dead I'll still have you lol!! Did you by any chance have time to get a pic of your MOH/BM tote bags you have that you don't want anymore?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell How big are they? If they're 8 by 11 sized pages you could look for some binders or duotangs and then use some pretty paper or fabric to cover the outside. You would want to wrap the outer part like a present and glue gun it in place, and then put a smaller square of cardstock on the inner cover to cover up the folds (I hope that makes sense, it's kind of hard for me to describe). Yes they are te 8 by 11 size but that's not the size after you fold them.. they turn out to be 4 by 3.. I think I understand what your trying to say I think thats a good idea.. but maybe not duotangs since they are big. I wil definitely need to re read your post a couple of more times lol but I know I can fully understand Any other ideas besides a duetang, something smaller maybe? jerseykitten Thanks for sharing your letters. Appreciate it. Did you hear anything back after you sent them yet?
  18. lol a human icicole To funny!!!!!!!! I guss we're use to the real cold weather.. so when it's -15 it's a nice break from-20 and up. Thanks guys for your kind words, I think everyone will like them ,and all the stuff will be used..I guess for her she isn't see the finish product and she's nevr been away, so she isn't aware of what is needed and not. I am sure she and everyone else will appreciate the oot bags. I am not going to let it bug me! lol Meghan, I hope you don't mind I am so steal your wording for the letter.It's written so well! And Welcome to the new commers! I am doing the spanish for dummies booklet, anyone have an idea on what I can put them it, to make it look more like a book?
  19. So I already started printing them out for the OOT bags.. but I am trying to figure a way to put them in somethin.. to make it more of a waterproof thing.. any ideas?
  20. Can some of you guys post your letter that you sent to your guest letting them know the rsvp date is here! Thanks so much!! I know it's friday but I only have 5 people to sent a letter to (them being all my friends, probably none of them will come)
  21. We've been considerable lucky in weather, it's been no more the -15 with the windchild and now we are expected to reach +2 in the next few days.. and it's stay up for awhile! Too bad I am not a winter person to enjoy it. I like to sit at home and just watch the snow. I am a summer person, you wont catch me home on a nice sunny hot day lol Change of subject. My MOH was over yesterday.. and I was showing her a few things I am doing for the OOT bags, and she said I was putting way to much effort into it and no one would even notice.. like my spanish for dummies booklet.. well I'd like to find something to put it in.. so it'll be more of a waterproof thing.. she said just to leave it..I'm breaking my head for nothing! Am I?!? am I really doing all of this for nothing? Or do you think people (most people) will appreciate the efforts I went through?! and if they don't, does it matter.. I have the satisfaction knowing I put a lot of work and time into people who are spending enough for our wedding. Need your opinion guys! lol
  22. Thanks for the info Nonnie. I am doing a TTd session with Arnaud on the 14th. His not charging me another day pass tho,and he shouldn't be charging you guys either
  23. your allowed to take the wristband off for your wedding, so can all your guest. Make this a point in your meeting with Carolina when you get there. Nonnie, thanks so much I wont worry about dinner music either Which restaurant did you use again? I ask to book La Uva (which means grapes btw.. just learned that LOL!!) I am not sure it'll happen.. we will see I guess... trying not to stress about these things.
  24. Check out is 11am.. but you can stay longer.. I am sure Arnaud can make some sort of arrangment for you. Just e-mail him I am sure he'll work something out for you!
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