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Everything posted by caribbeanLover

  1. Same thing has been happening to me.. so today after sungoddes replied saying she used the old one, I re sent my message and it worked.. it hasn't bounced back to me. So now I'm just waiting for her reply. I'll let you all know what she says in regards to sending her the documents if I have to at all , like goddes was mentioning. Thank you for your reply by the way lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by 8phoenix8 Thank you! we had such a great time. here's a link to my snapfish of some of the pics...good luck to you. you will have a great wedding! Snapfish: Share:Registration You made a stunning/beautiful bride.. your new husband is a very lucky man!! Beautiful pictures.. who did them? Congrates again.. can't stress how great you look.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Hello again Lovely Ladies!!! We are doing the legal deed here, and not quite sure if we want before or after...but like some of you we are not telling anyone, as far as all the guests are concerned we will be legally married in Mexico ) I really have not been focusing on Wedding related stuffs at all...I've sort of took a huge hiatus from planning (what I thought was going to happen with the booking of a destination wedding, lol) but I'm starting to get back on track, so hopefully once I get into the thick of things I won't get overwhelmed!! I do feel very productive this week, I made some boutonniere's, picked and ordered my BM's dresses (FINALLY) ordered my Mom's dress (I do not trust her to pick it out, awful but true!!)...and I think that's it, but it's better than nothing!! I hope all is going well with everyone, I included a link to the bout thread I started for your opinions, and if you want step by step pics I think they are in post #26.... and here's a pic of my BM's dress as well! Tracy: Thanks for the checklist, I haven't looked at it yet, but I saved it and I'm sure it will come in handy!! lol Chat to you all soon and hope you all have a Fab weekend! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...niere-o-54264/ I never wanted to do a 'legal fast' ceremony here without anyone knowing and then a fake one at our DW.. but then I realize just how much cheaper it is to just get married in your home town and the 'fake' ceremony down there.. I even heard you can get fake papers and really make your guest believe it's the first time you 2 are getting married. When I decided to go that route, my mother wouldn't hear it, she said I'd be cheating the guest out of a wedding lol.. after all it took me to get her to accept we are doing DW, I can't argue with her. We are just do it all there. We actually got our paper work all legal and translated yesterday $360US after!! It' so hard to go on a vacation especially for the amount of time you did, and then want to go back into planning mode. You'll get there.. and your pretty lucky you have Meghan and vs versa!!! I ask my MOH to come to church with me, as I'd like to get our rings blessed.. and should wouldn't have anything to do with it lol so consider yourself real lucky. Hope the list helps in any way. I just love your BM dress's they are so cute and goes with the scenery very well. Congrates on the great find!
  4. Thank you! btw your pic is small, but I can see it still and you looked amazing and so beautiful!! Congrates!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by 8phoenix8 Hi all- Does anyone know how long it takes to get your marriage cert. back from the DR? All the info says 8-12 weeks... we used wedo for translation and had no problems. thanks- I heard and was told by my Coordinator it can take between 6-8 weeks. My question is what do I do with my spanish certificate? do I translate it into english? and will I have to legalize it as well? thanks for anyone who can answer this for me We used the consulate in Montreal, there was no problem but more $$ then WEDO ($360US)
  6. great to hear.. what e-mail did you use? or what e-mail address did she reply back from? the usual one we all used had bounced back to me so I used the new one from the website.
  7. Way to go for the both of you!! a lot of men just don't get us! I say you already spent the money and you feel like it's good for you.. don't feel guilty.. make some sacirfices in other area's of your life while you have the trainer.. this way you can justify it
  8. Not even TA know how busy it can get at resort espicailly with wedding's, that's the problem with planning DW so far ahead of time. My SIL booked yesterday, the way I was saying.. booking with the resort and then finding a flight. there is still some free for April 8th which is just 2 days before we get there, and they will be there for our april 13 wedding. I got my papers today all translated and legal, I just need to send it to Carolina.. if she would just reply back to my e-mail so I know the best way for her to send it. Sooo frustrating
  9. Ha Ha.. my mom wouldn't let us get married here fast fast to make it legal and then have a symbolic ceremony down south,she said it was cheaping the guest out of a wedding ANd that I'd regret it later on. so we got our papers legal and translated today... it make it feel more real now. $400 later lol
  10. Ha Ha.. my mom weren't let us get married here fast fast to make it legal and then have a symbolic ceremony down south.. so we got our papers legal and translated today... it make it feel more real now. $400 later lol
  11. I am so glad it was helpful! what's with the knot sign? big promo!! lol
  12. I didn't do that because our guest weren't sure if they could come until after the xmas holiday's.. and we personally couldn't afford deposit for 20 guest SO now it's up to them. I have 9 booked so far! and I am being hopeful tour operator's will buy more packages,
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 WTF!!! I've written TWO emails and both times my browser messed up and deleted them! And of course this one worked and I was able to edit it even ARG. I'm annoyed now and don't want to rewrite everything a third time. I feel like I'm missing something in the to-do stuff... anyone care to post the things they've checked off or still have to do so I can figure out what I've forgotten about?!!? That's sooo annoying!!! sorry to hear that.... this is pretty much eveything.. I might have deleted a few things but it was more for AHR. Hope this helps. wed_checklist.doc
  14. aww I am sorry I am very hopeful they will realize they need to buy more packages.. hopefully closer to the time like you said. I also e-mail Carolina a few days ago, to see how I should send the copy's of our document for the legal ceremony.. still no reply.
  15. I can just see you meghan trying to squeeze the bottle into the other for hours LOL!!! that's insane but such a great idea. I just got mine from Avon for 2.49$ but I like your idea better (cheaper) So I was just now able to post and read all your post on this page. Alllll day it wont let me leave page 151!! It definitely has to do with the server.
  16. really!!! i am so sorry your need getting any avaiablity.. werid.. probably the dates your looking at. I also came up with the Ocd in case guest still want to come but will still there. Our wedding is at 2:30 so our guest will need to buy 2 passes... so for 1 couple it'll cost them $240 just to come to our resort!!!!! I think thats insane.. and we can afford that.. not even for 1 couple. I have a funny feeling they will add more packages soon (hopefully) I just know it's not the resort that is full but the packages. I just hope I am not wrong. I just check the grandpalldiumpuntcanaresort site.. and I did it for april 14th and they have room! Double check.. Grand Palladium Punta Cana – Punta Cana – Palladium Punta Cana Resort Specials not sure if you'll get that.. but yup.. $1162US from April 14th to 21st. Isabelle, Thank you so much for the link I saved it.. they even have a few for Punta Cana side (which is cheaper) Thanks again.
  17. no I checked that website as well and your right there is no avaiablity... so I went to this sit, which is not the resort... they sell rooms for the resort.. Grand Palladium Punta Cana – Punta Cana – Palladium Punta Cana Resort Specials and if you want your guest booked at any other side, they have a link to swith to the other resorts
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbum I'm freaking out!!! Not all of our guests have booked either, ugh, what a mess! I just sent an email to our TA to see if she has any news / options for them. well like I was saying before I realized that it isn't the rooms that are booked.. it's the packages. So there is another way.. a la cart. Book your room at the website of the resort if your stay on the punta cana side. the website is www.grandpalladiumpuntcanaresort.com Then go find a cheap flight.. I find a cheap flight with us airways.. yes it's not direct.. but it still gets the guest there. I think it may come up to $100 more then actually buying a package.
  19. sounds really nice the color match! can't wait to see the full out come!
  20. Congrates Michele, that is great news!! Must feel great to see some results!! Good for you girl.. keep up the hard work.
  21. Country. LOL I am totaly with you on that, I'll be partying with him for the rest of my life. Do you know when yours is? I found yesterday March 13th so it'll be exactly a month from the wedding lol . I admir your GM for doing something I could never possibly do. Awww that's to bad.. I would have so boughten your left over tickets (but people would miss the wedding no point)
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