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Everything posted by caribbeanLover
I've been supper sick with the cold, so I haven't really been able to think 'wedding' I did however get my dinner favour sorted out. Post pics a little bit. I also got it figured on how I wil get my labels on to my mugs (I couldn't find water proof labels if my life had depended on it) How are you? and hows your planning coming along? And I still haven't gotten a hold of Carolina to send my documents. I re read what you have to do, and sure enough says you must send your documents 3 months before your wedding date, and I am at 2 months!!! I am freaking out a bit, so I sent her another message saying just that. Hopefully she'll see just how nuts I am going and will get a reply lol
ShortNSweet. I love your pocket folds and all.. they are beautiful!!!! your very talented!! Meghan, I am sorry to hear you also had an accented last year they are no fun and very hard to get over. jerseykitten, I didn't plan anything with my WC, as she is impossible to get ahold of now. I was waiting to talk to her but decided I couldn't wait anymore and just made my own plans. For the dinner it's at a buffet so I didn't have to worry about reservations. And the meet and greet is just at a bar with in the resort, so it's free people just have to go there. I thought this was the easiest way! And my time line I also got from other girls. Good for you Suzy for getting more things done, as I can't imgane how hard it's been getting back into wedding mode. You'll have to post a pic when you get them I also got a few things done this weekend even tho I have been sick like a dog with the cold. I did my dinner favours and I found a new way to get my labels to stick and stay on my mugs as well as make them waterproof. The glue didn't work I'll post pics today! Ohhh no Tonya canceled her wedding? I'm am sorry which one is she again? It's been awhile since we have seen her so I am confused as to which one she is. Sooo sad, I wonder if they decided together or if they broke up ? Aww my heart goes out to her. Meghan, Your not nuts or alone. I would freak right the f*c* out if I didn't know what he was doing for his bach party,especially him leaving for the weekend. Wouldn't work for me lol. So I can understand where your coming from. It's not cool they wont tell you (also odd) like you said you don't ruin surprises. Maybe sit down with the MOST mature friend and just let them know just how much it's bothering you and how serious you are. We let the Best Man through FI bach party.. but he had no idea what he was doing.. he called everyone and said 'meet at the strip club' first off.. Mike hates strip clubs (his done it been there went to a lot of bach's party) his idea is watching a hockey game. So I had to change the plans and say go to a pub first and watch a hockey game and then go to a strip club (as that's all the best man wants to do is go to a strip joint!) so in the end I planned his party.. plus I planned mine my MOH even ask me to call and reserve tables since I am the most organized person
Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Ugh - rough week - i crashed my car on Thursday the car I just got in September! it started snowing on my way to work, and as soon as I hit the break it started spinning and i ended up in the guardrail. I know i'm ok and that's the most important thing, but I hate the car now and want a truck - the rental car place gave me a nice big SUV so now I feel safer - it snowed again yesterday and it was great to drive! Of course my job ends this week so i won't really HAVE to drive in the snow anymore, but it really scared me. i've never lost control of a car before. Are any of you doing a wedding day timeline? I saw it on one of the other bride's planning threads - she made a postcard on vistaprint that basically laid out the wedding day schedule for everyone. this is one i started - i'm still working on it....thoughts? OH NO!!!! I am so glad your ok. It really does suck about the car (especially since you just got it) but like you said at least your ok and that all that matters. Is the car fix able? At least you wont have to worry about driving in any more snow storms since your job is done. I am just glad your ok and no one else was hurt. I just hate winter I am doing a time line, I made a brochure from Vista print and one side has 'Event Week' and I set up the times and what was happening.. Sunday Meet & Greet cocktails At Hemingway Cocktail Bar 8 pm - Monday Rehersale Dinner At Cathedral Restaurant (Meet at Caoba bar) 7 pm -Wedding Day Ceremony: 2:15pm at Bavaro beach 2:30-3pm Cermony 3-3:15pm- Sand Ceremony 3-3:15 pm Champagne Toast 3:15-4 pm Photo's 4-4:30 Free Time 4:30-6 cocktail's at Macao Bar 6-8 pm Dinner at La Uva 8-11 pm Beach Party I really like what you did with yours!! I might want to do what your doing now lol.. ugh I'm never going to get the planning done if I keep changing my mind.
so I couldn't find a single place in montreal that has water proof labels. So I went to staples and got them to print my label on sticky paper. And now I am in the process of putting them on the mug with book protector. It works, the water doesn't get into the labels and the protector is not peeling off. I doubt it'll last a life time but will definitely do the job for the week while the guest are in Punta Cana I had gotten quotes from other people in canada and for 25 waterproof labels it would have cost me $120-130!!!!
Meghan, Wow that's a lot of gf's and wedding's. At least it'll be one heck of a summer!! I would have done the same, made sure my wedding was the first lol. When we invited 50 ppl we were thinking and hoping at least 10 people. so having 10 people booked and 12 confirmed, I am very happy with the number (I am glad it's no more then that.. the OOT bags are starting to cost a lot) I am doing a brochure but I will be putting it in the OOT bags, it'll have the bar and resto info (times) has a website where I want them to upload all their wedding/vacation pics. and it has the room #'s of all the guest, as long as what events we have planned for the week) I try to get the resort map.. but ours is to big so I will just wait until we get there and get xx amount of maps from the resort and just put it in their bags when we arrive. Mike is actually really looking forward to going to DR and to have our wedding, when we first booked since it was so far in time, didn't mean anything to him.. but now it's 2 months and 14 days before we leave it's all he talks about lol. I'm supper sick Mike gave me his flue!! no more wedding planning until it goes away!! I did figure out my mugs situation . I had laminated my labels to make them water proof.. but it laminated both sides so there was no longer a sticker side.. so I used 2 sided tape.. didn't work. So I tried book procter..didn't work. So yesterday I went and bought cemant glue. It works wonders.. just have to use it right (let the glue dry before putting it on the mug.. 1 mug and a label in the garbage from trying lol ah well lucky they are only 1.25$)
I love all your ideas meghan. My gf ask me what I wanted to do.. as I am the planner in the group, and the most organized lol. so I actually am making all the plans with her!!! But I am ok with that.. even giving all the credit to the MOH. I like the bar scene every once and awhile. And to have alll your gf's partying with you in a once and a life time chance, so I took it lol. I know we'll be doing a few games (I bought them for the MOH) as well as the sash and tiara (she asked lol) I sort of regret it but ah well! again once and a life time! Wow it's going to be one crazy summer for you Meghan. I don't have any other weddings after mine.. it's why I am trying to get my MOH bf to propose lol (they've been together for 9 years!!!) How many gf's are getting married this summer? Wow Kim, sounds like an amazing deal, We went to moors (suit store in mtl) and we paid $299!!! Ah well he has a beige suit for a very long time now.
aaahh!! my ceremony is at 2:30!!!!!!!! so what I did was... 2:30 -3 ceremony/sand ceremon 3:15 cut caking and toast (right now even sure if that is where we cut the cake) And then picures for the next hour. I am then allowing people free time to go relax in their room. Back to a lobby bar for 4:30-5pm for cocktails and games. Then dinner at 6 (put I heard now dinner may not be until 7!!) we will be starved. Horrible time for a wedding
LOL!!!!!!!!!! I never noticed but thats so funny! we all get along real we what can we say! lol I'll bit a tad sad when the wedding is over.. .What we will have to talk about, and where would we talk? lol Souds like a the FI are going to have fun with thier parties. The ones who are going out (brides), look at it as we don't do it often, try to make the best of it. And chances of seeing other people who are seeing you make a fool of yourself will be un likely.
LOL! I am so bad with bathing suits.. I have (and I am seriously not joking) 15 of them.. all new I just got them last summer. I just bought another one a strapless one.. the FI made me promise not to buy another one.. OH and I am not allowed to bring them all lol (YEAH RIGHT!!) Oh so you know what is it! It's not just as simple as a lifestyle change if it's not in control. I currently have it in remission!!! so I am very lucky right now it definitely is just a bit of a different life then lets say my FI as he can eat salad lol!! (I love salad.. I miss salad) I do still have to watch what I eat but I am totally use to it now. and I do a medication which helps a lot it's injection I do myself every 2 weeks... really not bad. On another note: I was really hoping someone who got married can tell me with high detail of how the ceremony goes. I think I even might have ask this before but I feel I need to again sorry ok so the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle? right.. FI will already be waiting at the alter? then I come down, the ceremony starts. ? We are now husband and wife.. do we sign papers first or do we walk back down the aisle? WHen do I do the sand ceremony, and cut the cake? does toasting and cutting cake go together? or separate? Thanks so much!!! I'd ask Carolina but I think she's to busy and I'll never get a reply back
I am def not sure how it works over there, but when I called to get info on getting married here first, I did have to make an appt and it took 2 months to get the paper work through and get married by a judge. You'll def have to call. Ohh lucky FI!! looks to be beautiful there. Your idea is so cute!!! learning how to make drinks can go a long way. I love it.. I would totally have fun doing something like that. We are going to a pub to get drunk and eat food, then heading over to a strip club.. def a typical 'bachelorette' party with the sash an tiara lol I don't do bars anymore and nether do most of my friends.. I thought it be nice to get the few close GF and have a night out since we're always in now and days. The FI will probably do a pub to watch a mtl canadian game get drunk and go to a strip club to despite me(because I am going to one), even though I think it'll be funny!
Your Fi went to vegas for his bachelor?! lol We watched the hang over movie, I told him he was allowed..not that any of his friends or us have the money for that! When and what are you doing for yours?
Quote: Originally Posted by 8phoenix8 thank you so much. we were extremely pleased w/the pics. we went w/photo souvenir. they were very reasonable compared to what we would've paid here, we had all our prints and dvds before we left. the photog was alot of fun, on time and very organized. aww!! I really wanted to use them, but by the time I started looking for photographer's they were already booked. So I booked to HCD.. I've seen a lot of pictures so far I don't regret it but the true test will be my wedding and TTD session! Thanks again for the link it was helpful!
is anyone else having problems with BDW? every time I get an e-mail saying there is a new post, I click the link and I get an error page saying the page couldn't located, so I have to go to the site and the search the thread (a lot of work!) anyone else? Suzy.. your bouts are amazing!!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Well I'm not sure about sizes - the bathing suits were just in small, medium, large -- but you can mix and match. It's worth a try -- I am not sure about Zellers as I havne' tbeen there in a long time! 13lbs won't be too hard I don't think -- there are lots of healthy snacks you can eat (or St. Hubert lol..I am going there next weekend on our way through Montreal!!), but you should be able to do it in a healthy way! ex small for me and my small chest lol thing with crohn's disease is digesting... I can't eat anything green or anything acid, so nothing with seeds.. no tomato's, no salad. No potato's with skin. no pasta.. I have a very limited diet. I can't eat out often as I never know what they put in the food (even tho they say they put this this and this.. they never know for sure) I go to the hospital a lot with 'flare' up's. I eat but then have to run to the bathroom 5 mins later and all the food goes through me.. so no gaining weight. I can't gain weight now anyway.. the seamstress took in my dress to the T when I had lost weight (fine my fault should have waited to try and gain wait before getting my dress taken in lol) but now it's to my weight now not to my normal weight. so now I have to wait lol . sorry guys
oh wow!! great deal!!! I will definitely check it out tomorrow. I've had a problem buying clothes from there tho, As I recently lost a lot of weight due to my crohn's disease. Walmart doesn't carry a size smaller then 6.. and I am 2 now so I can't find anything to fit... but I did check out zeller's and they do have sizes for me.. I'll check it out there hopefully they have good prices too (like walmart.. I love it there lol),can't wait for the wedding to be over.. I am going to try my hardest to gain some weight (13lbs min, which is hard for someone like me with my diease) Thank you so much for sharing!!